64. The Kyoto Bourgeoisie

[Hey I'm waiting for your sketch results!] Without greeting and greeting, Vian to the point charges Pradita duty.

[Bang! Faster! Don't let go!] a burst of gunfire greeted the call from the head of the investigating division. Then followed Pradita command on someone, beringan with the roar of the car at high speed. It makes a lot of noise on my cell phone.

The sad-eyed man did not know the state of Pradita at this moment.

From across the phone call, there were more than 4 cars chasing. Three of them belong to tarantulas, while one four-wheeled vehicle belongs to DJoyo Makmur Group. Which brings Pradita along with his men.

"Bruak!"Pradita's car was hit hard from the other side.

Vian who heard the loud crash was worried.

The sad-eyed man realized that Pradita's cellphone seemed to have fallen, because there was no longer any reply from his call. There was only endless noise.