97. Natural Disposition

"For in that way, I will teach my children not to underestimate the favor of God. While there is an opportunity, I'm trying to introduce my way of Education First to his Daddy," his voice full of emphasis, meaning the interlocutor can understand what he said.

There is a person's body that rotates 180 degrees for the sake of observing a tiny female body with a stomach that gradually begins to grow.

"You, have you thought about it to that extent?"like someone seeking to understand insensitivity, Mahendra harbored shame in his chest.

Aruna smiled softly "even though I'm still very young, baby gives encouragement in the form of a mother's instinct,"

"Then, why hasn't baby given me the instincts of a real father?"ridiculous question, pushing a tiny hand landed on the shoulder of the blue-eyed man.

"Maybe at this time, the instinct is still at the stage of a husband who must love the mother and baby" his tone sounds light, but full of implicit meaning.