104. Women Take On The Role

"Ah! Argh.. stupid!!"Mahendra flipped his body, then ran, followed by Herry.

Arriving around the pantry, Hendra flipped his body and caught Herry's chest. The blue-eyed man immediately encouraged his aide, after he saw his wife eating quietly-alone.

"Come back, come back!"Mahendra orders. Then walk alone, approaching the woman who was enjoying his meal.

"I ordered for you," Aruna cheerfully greeted her, and the pregnant woman's cheerful expression was able to neutralize Mahendra's heartbeat.

Both of them spent a long time in the place, until he sat back in his chair. Without them knowing the sun slowly pointed to the West, infiltrating behind the hills that passed so that the sky appeared reddish. As a sign of their journey almost reached the destination station.

"Honey, before heading to the hotel, we go shopping first," Mahendra said when the woman next to him seemed busy playing mobile phones. Aruna is ordering a taxi online.
