128. There Is Celsius Among Us

On the other hand, under the table, the Adjutant tried to nudge very carefully the toe of his master's shoe. Herry spoke with the look on his face when Mahendra noticed him.

Every time nonanya caught busy enjoying the food, the aide will create the movements of the mouth similar to koi fish, 'Persuasion, persuasion lady, while she was happy,'

With the same gesture, the blue-eyed man curiously nodded.

Herry smiled satisfied, Mahendra understood the idea.

"Em' you know, honey. Em 'why is the weight of an object expressed in kilograms or -" Mahendra's voice began the action, lifting a glass of sweet tea belonging to his wife.

"Aduuuuh," Herry felt confused himself, why his master still uses strange theories when seducing his wife.

The aide felt like reading just one paragraph of the novel made by The Best Fortress, then shown to the man who did not have the beautiful vocabulary.