Wait for me?

Outside his home, it was raining lightly. The one who's cozying under the bed was none other than Lyan Oo Nway. At this time, he was undoubtedly thinking about Maw Oo Yan. The way Maw Oo Yan treated him changed 180 degrees. In spite of himself not accustomed to this kind of atmosphere, there was no one in the world who didn't like staying close to their beloved person.

He wrote down everything about Maw Oo Yan starting from when he met him for the first time. They didn't have any sweet memories, still he got to stay next to him without needing to create chances to meet his love.

"Are you sleeping, little Lyan?"

With the sound of door knocking, he heard his mom's voice outside his room. He quickly kept his diary away and opened the door. He met with his mom's sweet and pure smile.

"Are you studying, dear?"

"No, mom. I've done my studies and am planning to hit the pillow."

"On weekdays, we haven't had much time to talk. Do you need pocket money and anything else? I'll go and pay the fees."

"It's okay, mom. I don't need it at the moment. For snacks, I have what you gave too. You still need to purchase ingredients for our shop, don't you? I have enough money."

Her son was always considerate of others. She wondered if he could withstand the change as he didn't have anything to worry about until now. Honestly, she couldn't confess the past events to her son. She decided to take time and explain reasonably to president Maw Soe.

"Then, go to bed early. After tomorrow's class, you are coming to the shop, aren't you?"

"That's right. Dad had told me to pick me up."

"Okay. Then, on the way back, help me buy 2 gallons of milk."

"Definitely, mom."

He entered the room after his mother had returned to her room and pulled his diary from the drawer. He might have suffered from a mental disorder. He fell in love with the man. He was soothed by Saung Hnin

"It's fairly common to love someone who is of same sex. The most important matter nowadays, is that you genuinely love them regardless of who you date with. A man or a woman is simply a gender designation."

On occasions, he considered how much nicer it would be to love someone else instead of Maw Oo Yan. Despite this, he was aware of his own growing love for Maw Oo over time.

His mornings don't really stand out. A boy who dared to face Yangon's weather in a warm garment gained some popularity at school. Particularly, it began when he hung out with Maw Oo Yan and his crew.

"Is that Lyan Oo Nway? Though adorable. He simply lacked fashion sense."

"Has he arrived by bus? I believe that was a planned display. He can't be so simple if he belongs to Maw Oo Yan's social circle, after all."

"It's impossible. He seems reserved to me. In front of his class, Maw Oo Yan and others reportedly even waited for him to have lunch."

"He isn't really so strong and broad. He also doesn't appear to be particularly tall, and I've never even seen his face because he constantly wears a large hood."

"I heard he's from decoration class. There are not many people in that class, right? How about investigating him?"

"I also heard that he didn't have friends in class. It's best not to touch him. After all he's Maw Oo's friend and you know how Maw Oo chose his friends."

Lyan Oo Nway, who hadn't yet recognized that he had overnight success, entered the classroom without even glancing up at the audience.

"You need to create a model of a building, Lyan Oo Nway. Do you have a group for that?"

He saw the student who was the class president, but he couldn't recall her name. He therefore simply shook his head and requested assistance.

"I don't have a team yet. Could I join a group?"

His voice was low and humble. The class president, who had been speaking awkwardly at first, noticed that he was being courteous and offered to assist right away.

"The class always has three students in each group. Didn't you see the group chat yesterday? It was filled. What about joining a group with us? We will form a group of four, and I'll let the teacher know."

"Then, thanks a million."

He responded with a smile. He was, in other words, a person who could make people easily love and hate him. He may be despised for no apparent reason since his personal style does not match with the others, yet his inherent personality makes him a person worthy of love.

He discovered that his group included three girls when class began. It seemed like it was nicer to be friends with girls than boys. There were three girls named Thone Thone, Yee Mon, Ngwe Laryi and he treated all of them with respect.

While he was making resin, he noticed the girl's glittering eyes in front of him and coughed in an uncomfortable manner.


"At first, I felt you were conceited"

"Yes, I agree. You are quiet all the time. We considered you to be difficult to get along with because you spend all of your leisure time studying."

"Yes, me too. You are only studying in your spare time, so we assumed you were difficult to get along with."

Ngwe Taryi and Yee Mon expressed their opinions on Lyan Oo Nway. Thone Thone likewise nodded in agreement.

Lyan Oo Nway cracked a smile. He was not good enough to be proud himself"

"It's not like that. Normally, I'm a slow person to start a conversation with others."

"Oh, yeah. Now it makes sense. I heard other people have mentioned how wealthy your family is."

This time, Lyan Oo Nway was the one whose eyes widened. Because he had never gone through that they used to talk about him one by one

"My parents are also normal and not rich like they said"

"You even joined Maw Oo Yan's group. They are not like you. I heard Maw Oo Yan and you were pals in elementary school."

He didn't know why the false information came out. And he didn't know how to respond to them. So he simply responded by nodding his head.

"I warn you since you're my classmate. I heard their group is bad. A boy dropped out of the school on the first day because of them. You need to be careful hanging out with them."

He recalled that moment. Because Nay Htoo had been flirting with the other boy's girlfriend, the boy got into a fight with him. As a result, Nay Htoo pressured him to leave school.

He was aware of it but was unable to engage, so he merely claimed ignorance. All he wanted was Maw Oo Yan. In his opinion, Maw Oo was not that kind of a person like Nay Htoo. He was unable to decline Maw Oo Yan's requests because of this.

"Well, I will note it. Oh! I got the liquid now, should I pour it into the mold?""

He shifted the topic of the conversation because he didn't want to mention that any longer, and the females fell silent as a result. They must invest a lot of effort in creating miniature versions of their own building rooms. They must still go to new lessons because they must wait a day after placing the liquid in the mold.

He continued preparing the syrup and pouring the fresh mold until it was time for lunch. He gave the girls the task of buying him lunch so that he could dine with his teammates.

"Why is it not finished yet? Are you not going to have lunch?

He recognized the speaker standing next to him when he noticed a pair of black sneakers.

"Maw Oo Yan."

"I waited for you at the canteen but you wouldn't show up. Give me a call at the very least if you can't make it."

Maw Oo Yan had to wait for someone at the canteen for a full 30 minutes. He wanted someone to push through the lines of people and bought a meal for him at lunchtime. Due to his preoccupation with the little models in his class, Lyan Oo Nway didn't come to the canteen.

Normally, he didn't like to wait at all. To find out if he was coming to school, he had to go to his class because he didn't answer the phone. He naturally liked being with Lyan Oo Nway since he paid attention to details about him.

"Because I am busy with the project. Have you had lunch?

" Not yet. Because there are too many people there."

That's right. Maw Oo Yan is not fond of being with many people. He disliked making a hasty purchase in line. Thus, he always had to buy a meal for Maw Oo. He was, however, busy today. And he told his buddies to dine together. He didn't go to the canteen for that reason. He had no idea Maw Oo would come looking for him in the classroom.

"You must be hungry, should I go buy it right away?"

"No,I have no appetite. Are you making a miniature model?"

"Yes, I am trying to make this design."

He displayed the artwork that he had created to Maw Oo Yan, who took a keen interest in it.

"What do you think?"

"Not bad. However, the color is not appealing. Although rare, mint color is not unusual. Even though many people claim to appreciate greener, if given the option, they would favor dim colors as they can make one's mind calm, and it will be great if the furniture you choose has a yellow light within. The brighter the yellow light is, the darker the background is."

He grinned and stared as Maw Oo Yan suggested his project with interest. Maw Oo Yan has a charming face that lights up when he's engaged in something.

"Then, what about brown?"

"Well, it's not bad"

Lyan Oo Nway called Maw Oo Yan while grinning brilliantly.

"Maw Oo."


"Thank you."

Maw Oo Yan smiled as he watched the boy smiling in front of him. If they were met in different times and situations, they would have become soulmates.