I’m not letting you go this time.

Maw Oo Yan's phone was last tracked by Nitta Moe while it was located outside of the city. He searched for the phone for a while before discovering it.

He invaded overnight as soon as he knew where it was. Nay Htoo's small party were pressured into submitting by Nitta Moe's group.

"Spit... I was curious about who it was. It turned out to be you, the faithful dog of Maw Oo Yan. Do you feel pain from the way I touched your master?"

Nitta mocked Nay Htoo as he knelt on the ground and continued to act haughtily.

"I'm not the dog. I just picked the right one between Maw Oo Yan and you. Nay Htoo, no businessperson makes decisions that are useless. I just run a business. Except to save the person who gave me the job, neither of you nor he are of interest to me. Do you understand?"

Nay Htoo bit his lower lip. After extinguishing his cigarette, Nitta Moe motioned for Maw Oo Yan to be taken away.

Lyan Oo Nway and Maw Oo Yan were both dead. He was tardy in showing up. The suffering of his client also wounded his pride.

"Wait till Maw Oo wakes up. You dare to touch his weakness. So there's no way out for you."

Mao Oo Yan's rage was known to Neta Moe. He had to work behind the scenes to cause trouble for those who harassed Lyan Oo Nway at school, so he knew Maw Oo best.

Maw Oo, who stoked the fires between him and Mr. Richard, forced him to sell the vacation home that belonged to his father.

Mr. Richard tried to stage a murder in the villa because he wanted to take over the vacation home, even though he frequently managed to avoid the law by a hair's breath.

In the end, he lost his reputation and disappeared in less than a week. To harm them, Maw Oo Yan didn't even need to use his hands. He hired a different person as his retaliation.

Both Lyan Oo Nway and Maw Oo Yan visited the emergency room at the hospital twice. Maw Oo spent several days unconscious as a result of his severe wounds.

Ray is the one who alternately looks after his nephew and trainee. Lyan Oo Nway was the first person to awaken.

He could only recall Maw Oo Yan when he finally opened his eyes.

"Uncle Ray... Where's….Maw..Oo?"

It was painful to even speak because of the dry throat. But there is only one person in his mind.

"Maw Oo is fine. You should take a rest first. You can meet him later."

Only when Lyan Oo Nway heard that Maw Oo was okay, he could finally put his mind at ease.

A person needs someone more than anyone else in their life if they yearn for them during their most grueling moments. Lyan Oo Nway yearned for Maw Oo Yan as soon as he saw Nay Htoo . Maw Oo Yan took a position early on in Lyan Oo Nway's heart since he didn't realize how crucial he would be to his life.

Lyan Oo Nway was averting his gaze while sitting in the hospital lounge.

How much suffering have people caused in order to protect themselves from harm?

Maw Oo Yan ignored him out of concern for his safety. He was refusing Maw Oo because he was also afraid of being hurt.

In reality, they're all egotistical. You really love him if you don't hesitate to approach him even though you know it will hurt.

"Lil' Lyan, Maw Oo has woken up."

Ray entered his room and announced the news. Mhan Shay was also visiting Maw Oo Yan since morning.

He nodded in acknowledgement and headed towards Maw Oo. At that moment, he was aware that his hands were cold. In addition, he was panting and his chest was pounding.

The person sleeping on the bed was leaning against the headboard. He gave him a soft smile when he saw him. He had failed a few times with that smile, but it wouldn't matter if he did it again.

"Lil'Mhan, come on, let's go eat ice-cream."

Ray took Mhan Shay out of the room as he wanted to give them alone time.

"Lyan Lyan, how're you doing?"

He has been conscious for the past two days. However, the person who was on the bed just woke up. He was concerned about him nonetheless.


He walked over near the bed, grabbed a glass of water and handed it to Maw Oo Yan.

"Drink some water."

Lyan Oo Nway felt uncomfortable as Maw Oo's hands shakily rose. Maw Oo Yan stood by him all the way through.

He forced him to drink the water by placing it to his lips. Maw Oo Yan looked at his face and sighed.

"Lyan Lyan, I have a lot to talk with you. But I don't know where to start."

Maw Oo said, closing his eyes and leaning against the pillow. His eyelid mole was clearly visible.

Lyan Oo Nway used his hand to delicately trace the mole. Maw Oo offered him another tender look.

"It's not that you don't know how to love. It's just that you don't dare, right?"

Maw Oo's hand was taken by Lyan Oo Nway, who was perched on the edge of the bed. He then felt a tightness in his chest loosen. Both the one being hated and the one hated suffer from animosity. Why do they detest it then?

"You live as you please. I will gradually win your heart, but this time you must be unable to survive without loving me."

Maw Oo's heart rate doubled as he rubbed his chest with his finger with tears.

"Lyan Lyan, then can you accept me?"

Lyan Oo Nway nodded in response. Eventually, he could feel Maw Oo's love for him.

"I challenge you to come to love me soon."

Because of those words, Maw Oo heartily laughed but he felt pain in his chest due to his back wound.

"Cough ....cough"

When Lyan Oo Nway worriedly patted his chest, Maw Oo grabbed his hands tightly.

"I'm not letting you go this time."

Lyan Oo Nway showed a gentle smile while swaying his hair.

"You sure have the gift of the gab. But I'll be watching over you. If you change again, I'm not going to keep you alive."

"Alright. Whatever you like, I'm okay with it."

Lyan Oo Nway kissed the tiny mole on Maw Oo's eyelid with a winning grin. He had grown attached to this person.

"My Maw Oo, my first love and partner, I accept your offer to start over."

He leaned into Maw Oo's arms and was welcomed with a warm embrace and a tender kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you. I'll be counting on you to take responsibility for me."

Maw Oo's remarks caused Lyan Oo Nway to laugh. Yes... He also didn't let go of this person. He would forget everything from the past. He began pondering how to continue his relationship with this man.

While holding him in his arms, Maw Oo stroked his long hair.

"Maw Oo, you like people with long hair, don't you?"

Lyan Oo Nway, recalling a school event, asked Maw Oo with curiosity.

"You're right."

"I heard you're into those with long hair."

"That's why, do you keep long hair for me?"

Lyan Oo Nway felt embarrassed because it was true.


Maw Oo heard her say and softly giggled. With a little effort, he further tightened the arms around him.

"Actually, I noticed that your hair was always long and said that I like people with long hair. Your most distinctive feature has been long hair since you were young."

However, this was not a lie. Ever since he saw Lyan Oo Nway, he stood out in the crowd due to his shoulder-length hair. He liked his long hair, which he had never cut. So when others asked about the characteristics of his ideal girlfriend, he responded without much thought that he liked someone with long hair.

Lyan Oo Nway said while grinning as he squeezed into his arms.

"Well, since I'm not Maw Oo Yan, I had no choice but to believe you if you say so."

When Lyan Oo Nwe spoke, Maw Oo grinned broadly. It must be Lyan Oo Nway's fault that he felt warmth and overwhelmed in his arms. His current gap has been filled.