Chapter 4: Filming

I've been filming the The Pacific for 3 months now the acting has been very exciting and invigorating

there have been several times when we had to reshoot several scenes when Steven Spielberg was not satisfied with the scene even though he isn't the director can you really say no to Spielberg

The highlight of the entire shoot was when Tom Hanks visit the crew to check on the production

and when he visits he helps the actors on their acting and since he was the lead actor of unquestionably the best ever war film in history "Saving Private Ryan" it was very helpful since The Pacific is a war mini series

'Hey Henry come over here for a sec' Tom said in his iconic voice

'how can I help you' I said as I run near him

'What do you think about this scene' he pointed at the monitor it was one of Rami's scene

I meticulously looked at the scene and kept replaying it over and over again

'The acting's quite good the breathing is heavy since they are about to go to war, you can see the clear nervousness in the face but not too exaggerated

, if you look carefully at the hands it's slightly shaking but like the expression on the face not too exaggerated everything from the mannerism to the expressions are perfectly accurate' I said everything concisely and accurately

'Very accurate analysis Mr.Stein and impressive' He said to me very impressed

'Please call me Henry sir'

'Alright I'll call you Henry but call me Tom'

'Ok Tom' I said with a wry smile

The rest of the filming has been very smooth and my excitement has increased by several times and I also started to work as an extra for free but only the casting director and people working on casting

know about me acting as an extra most of the time I act as a dead soldier in the mud but I want to do it because I want too gain experience as much as possible

'CUT!' the director yelled

I get up struggling a bit cause the mud weights me down a bit

'Hey Henry what'r you doing here' Rami told me

'Oh I'm working as an extra' I said which made him go huh

'Huh why are you doing extra work there's no reason you have to we definitely don't have a shortage of extras'

'Yeah I know but I'm still an amateur when it comes to acting I have a very short amount of experience and work when it comes to this kind of work'

'Yeah I get it but what do you mean by this kind of work' he asked me

'Oh didn't I tell you that I used to do plays on the westend this is my first time working with a camera so'

'No you haven't but that kind of makes sense most english actors have gone to the Westend'

'I think it's reasonable to say that all english actors go to the west end atleast thrice in their careers' I said in a matter of fact tone

'fair analysis but what plays have you acted in'

'Oh I a few plays here and there but I come from a strict family so I was always forced to focus on my studies so I only had a few opportunities to fully emerse myself in the characters that I was supposed to play'

I watered down the situation when I say forced to study I entered eton college immediately as soon as I handed my father that damn file

but I was able to make very powerful friends during that time that was how I was able to run away from home and avoid the detection of my father

'Well they probably just cared about you acting isn't exactly a stable job' Rami replied

I give him a nod and wry smile

(AN:Hope you like the chapter