The Male Lead is Abnormally Cold...

"Jian-ge! Did you come to pick me up??"

Yongliang hurriedly walked over to Ren Jian while dragging two of his suitcases. Ren Jian glanced at the coming figure and the suitcases. After lingering his eyes for a moment, Ren Jian looked up and spoke.

"My mom told me to pick you up for dinner. Our families will be having dinner tonight."

Yongliang paused for a little while and examined Ren Jian's expressions. Ho, this male lead was drawing a line with him. Yongliang accidentally snorted out loud at that thought.

"Ahem, Ahem. I didn't have any water on the plane so let's go quickly. I'm thirsty."

He quickly hid it with a cough and walked quickly toward the car. As Yongliang turned his back, Ren Jian raised his eyebrow looking at him. Yongliang could feel his gaze but he did not care as he just wanted to quickly rest after being tortured by snores for one hour straight.

In the luxurious car's back seat, the seat was so comfortable that Yongliang quickly dozed off after one minute. The door on the side was opened and Ren Jian stepped in to sit next to Yongliang. He looked over to see Yongliang's slightly opened plump lips and closed eyes to raise his brow once more. Quickly turning away to the window, he crossed his arms as he became deep in thought.

The airport was quite far from the Lai and Ren mansions and it took them one hour to get back home. Luckily, Yongliang had a habit of once falling asleep, nothing could wake him up. For some reason, this nap was a lot more comfortable than ever before. There was a sense of security and warmness that he missed... Missed? At this point, Yongliang suddenly woke up to see himself leaning onto Ren Jian's shoulder.

"Ah... are we there yet...?"

Yongliang quickly got up and wiped his drools. His eyes were still half-opened as he looked around. The drowsiness was still there, then he just closed his eyes again. Before falling into his sleep again, a slight laugh was heard next to him. It made Yongliang's lips curve into a small smile.


"Honey! Wake up! How come are you still sleeping?? Did he study too much in S country that he is this tired?"

A woman's voice that was full of warmth and worries sounded in the room. His shoulders got shook violently for a good 10 minutes before slowly cracking his eyes open.

"M-mooom... Stop shaking meee..."

Yongliang touched her hands as he felt incredibly dizzy from the vibration. He slowly got up from the bed and looked around. It seemed like someone had carried him up to his room.

"You slept for 4 hours!! We have a dinner appointment at 8 with the Ren family and it's already 7:30!!"

Mrs. Lai was in her fifties but she still had a youthful look with beautiful facial features. Her voice was soothing despite speaking in all exclamations. Yongliang ushered her out of his room and could only go to wash his face to wake himself up. He looked in the mirror to see round cheeks with big brown eyes full of stars.

"HAHAHAHA! This is the 'indecent' eyes that the female lead was talking about? She must have been jealous to emphasize that point to Ren Jian! HAHAHAHA!"

He laughed so hard that his eyes teared up and his stomach cramped... He needed to calm down first because tonight, the female lead would appear. There was no time to take a shower as he had to leave quickly so he just picked out a set of formal clothes in his suitcase and walked downstairs.

A vague dashing figure appeared at the end of the stairs. At this moment, everything seemed to be stilled, as if time had stopped. Yongliang was stunned stupidly, he was completely frozen on the spot when the head slowly turned back to look at him. He could feel those eyes were looking at him with an inexplicable familiarity and passion. He felt like he was out of breath and his heart kept beating out of rhythm.

'Wh-Why am I like this? Is it because it has been a long time since I have been in the presence of a male lead?'

Yongliang quickly shook his head and walked down. He convinced himself that it was just the usual pressure that the world's beloved sons and daughters usually exuded. Even so, it was strange, he had long been used to such pressure.

Ren Jian suddenly walked toward him and stood formidably in front of him. Yongliang felt like his knees went weak.

'It's that aura alright!! He's taller than me by one head!!'

Yongliang's face puffed up as he huffed and walked away from Ren Jian. He did not want to feel small in front of any male lead. However, he did not even walk two steps away before getting caught by a large hand.


Yongliang looked down at his wrist. Damn, those veins... But Ren Jian's grip did not actually hurt, it just prevented Yongliang from moving. Feeling speechless, Yongliang looked up again and saw those fiery eyes again. He could only shiver and his head shrunk back like a turtle. Those damn eyes were so magnetic like it was sucking his soul in.

"Do you know Zhu Bolin?"

Ren Jian lowered his head at some moment and whispered into Yongliang's ears. The low and husky voice made his heart itchy for some reason. However, Yongliang quickly woke up and felt confused about this development. Was there a Zhu Bolin in this world? But that name never appeared in the plot.

"Jian-ge, what are you talking about? I have been away forever, how can I know a Zhu Bolin?"

A look of incredulity appeared on Ren Jian's face at that moment but of course, Yongliang could not see it. When Ren Jian stood straight up again, his eyes were no longer filled with fire but with ice. His whole body suddenly became a walking fridge as it was exuding a bone-deep-cold aura. He looked at Yongliang for a moment and went straight out to the car.

'...What happened? Is that Zhu Bolin that important?'

According to the plot, even though Ren Jian usually displayed an indifferent attitude toward everyone, including the original Yongliang, that president always had a soft spot for Yongliang. That was why he gave Yongliang the benefit of doubt whenever Sun Xia claimed falsehood about him.

For some reason, Yongliang felt incredibly annoyed by that ice-cold attitude just then. He just quietly stomped his feet as he walked toward the Lai family car. Just when he sat down, he suddenly remembered that why should he care about the male lead's attitude? As soon as his grandma got better, he would leave this country immediately to avoid that couple!

At that thought, Yongliang calmed down again and looked forward to meeting the female lead tonight. If he did not instigate anything, would she still bad-mouth him and crack his and Ren Jian's relationship? He was quite curious about how the world would progress with manual mode.

It seemed that in manual mode, actions performed would not be controlled or forced by the system anymore. Whenever he failed to perform the required action, he always suffered from the system's punishment. Tch, that despicable thing. He was glad that he did not have to hear those annoying prompts in this world.

As he was lost in thought, the car had already arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was high-class with high privacy and security. Yongliang could already see some celebrities that were on their dates as he walked in. His eyes were suddenly drawn to the white piano in the middle of the room.

Before he got sucked into these annoying worlds, he did not know how to play piano at all. However, in one world, he was forced to learn piano by his adopted parents. He was just a cash cow to them so he could not fully enjoy playing until the day he died in that world. In the upcoming worlds, as long as no one was present, he could OOC and try to play by himself. The moment he played the piano, he felt liberated and free, it was like he finally took his first breath again after being under the water for too long. He then started to play piano in his past time secretly.

He was reminiscing the past until mother Lai wrapped her arms around his arm to urge him to move along. He looked at her and had a slight smile. Except for that cold president, this world was not that bad. He could still visit the Lai family from time to time. Suddenly, he felt a glare somewhere in front of him and of course, it was the iceberg.

'Is it just me that a few degrees just dropped? That Ren Jian is so weird. I did not even speak a lot but he already gave me a cross in his heart or something.'

Yongliang just frowned at him. Ren Jian also frowned and turned his head forward to the reserved room. Yongliang felt like this male lead was cuckoo in the head.


A sweet voice sounded somewhere in the hallway. Yongliang looked to his left to see a beautiful girl in a white flowy dress walking toward the iceberg. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked at the people around him. Her eyes stopped at Yongliang for a moment and turned her eyes back at Ren Jian.

"Ms. Sun." The iceberg gave a little nod as a greeting.

Sun Xia lowered her head as if she was shy. Well, her ears were clearly exposed and they were blushing hard. Yongliang could only give a thumbs up in his heart, as expected from the future Film Empress.

The plot said that they accidentally met when Sun Xia was meeting with the scriptwriter to discuss their upcoming film. Because of her clumsy nature, she poured wine onto Ren Jian's clothes. Feeling guilt and panic, she tried to wipe his clothes and someone caught that moment and put it online. However, it was strange as this restaurant was said to be highly secured. How could a photo leak out from this place? In the original plot, even though they denied the dating rumor, the fact that Ren Jian kept inviting her to parties solidify her footing in the circle.

'She's more scheming than I thought. She was already so successful with her current achievements but I guess greed knows no bound. Once she tasted what it was like, she craved for more...'

Yongliang sighed and shook his head in his heart. He was actually anticipating the "clumsy scene" that would happen right before his eyes. Would she trip on empty air? Sun Xia then started moving forward Ren Jian and as if she got a problem walking on the stiletto heels, she started stumbling. The wine glass in her hand spilled and she quickly lifted her head with expecting eyes. It then changed into disappointment, the iceberg already stepped aside and the wine spilled on the floor.

The Lai parents were looking at her with disdain. They could not bear watching such a scene anymore so they tugged Yongliang along and entered the room first. But for Yongliang, his mind was blank.