Don't Worry, Just Wreck The Plot.

At breakfast, Yongliang ate his congee with half-opened eyes. There were only two people at the dining table. The Lai parents were tactful enough to let them spend A LOT of time alone, they basically only appeared when Ren Jian left.

Even if he was quite drowsy, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Ren Jian fidgeting. What was this guy doing again?

"Do you have anything to say, Jian-ge?" Yongliang raised one of his eyebrows looking at the man opposite him.

"Liangliang, I have an appointment this Saturday with director Zhou and actress Sun..."

"Oh? Didn't I say that you should stay away from her?" He squinted his eyes at the whimpering figure.

"I know!" Ren Jian stood up and walked over to Yongliang. He carefully grabbed his hands and used his thumbs to massage them."Before this Saturday, I want to talk to you about something."

Yongliang turned his body to face Ren Jian directly. He felt weird. It had not been that long since he came to this world and met Ren Jian. However, he kept feeling a sense of familiarity and indescriable fondness for him. He really wished that Ren Jian was not the male lead of this world. He actually did not want to get involved with the female lead at all.

Yongliang just tilted his head waiting for Ren Jian to continue. When Ren Jian went to that appointment, obviously he would follow secretly. If the plot unfolded the same way as before... Yongliang had already decided what to do.

"Baby... I knew you from our last life." Ren Jian stared straight into Yongliang eyes.

"... What?" His drowsiness was no more as his eyes widened in surprise. This was an unexpected plot twist.

"I'm not sure why you don't remember anything. I will find out the reason, I promise. But first, I need to reinforce your soul, honey. It became so faint that I didn't realize it was you."

Yongliang could feel the increasing pressure on his hands. There was an incredulity look on his face. He had to admit that even if he had traveled 1000 worlds, he did not necessarily remember it all. Some of those worlds were too painful to bear and some were finished in just a flash. However, he did not remember meeting his infatuated man in any of those worlds. He frowned.

"Baby, I'm not tricking you. You told me that the world we met was your 1000th world." Ren Jian felt pained to see the doubts in Yongliang's eyes, their memories were gone as well as the unconditional trust before.

"1000th world... It was just the last world I visited..." Yongliang began to wreck his brain to remember that recent world and he became even more confused. There was nothing to recall at all. "I-I don't have any memory of that world..."

Yongliang looked up to meet Ren Jian's eyes to look for answer. He could only see the worried expression on that face. Then a warmth enveloped his entire body. It was a reassuring hug.

"Don't worry, baby. We can reinforce your soul slowly by absorbing the worlds' energy. Did you know that you can get it by breaking the predestined endings?" Yongliang shook his head being inside Ren Jian's hug. He never thought about it because he had always stuck to the plot.

"Then all these times that I followed through with the plot, I thought it was the punishment from the system that my soul got weaker. So... That son of a bitch lied to me all this time!! It was probably dispersing my soul already!!" He gritted his teeth with bitterness and disgust.

"That's right. My baby has always been smart." Ren Jian stroked his head comfortingly."That's why this Saturday, I need to break that girl's fantasy and made her pay for messing with you."

"Hm... I will come with you. You don't need to do anything after that though. I already have plans." Now that he knew nothing bad would happen if he broke the plot, he would not hold back anymore. His arms began to wrap around Ren Jian's waist and smiled brightly.

"Before that, how is your soul state? In that dark space?" Even though he was delighted at the hug, it was urgent to assess his beloved's situation.

"I...I don't even have a shape now. I was just a mass of floating light... Now that I think about it, that's maybe why I keep falling asleep." Yongliang raised his head up with furrowed brows.

Suddenly, he had so many information this morning that he felt overwhelmed. Maybe Ren Jian felt his uneasiness, he decided to just feed him congee to finish the conversation. But actually, more questions were popping up in his head.

'We met in the last life? Didn't he mention the Zhu Bolin name before? Also, how did he follow me here? So many questions...' However, he decided not to ask anything at the moment. There would be more chances in the future.

"Then…" Yongliang drew a circle several times on Ren Jian's chest. The speeding heartbeat could be heard when he leaned onto his chest again. Yongliang smiled. "…Should we make it official?"

Ren Jian's eyes lit up. He hurriedly grabbed Yongliang's face and rained kisses on his forehead, nose, and cheeks.

"Of course, Liangliang! I will be the happiest man!!"

Yongliang giggled. He felt like this moment was the happiest moment he had ever had in thousands of years traveling through worlds.


"President! You're here! Director Zhuo said that she would be late." Sun Xia tucked her hair behind her ear as she shyly greeted Ren Jian.

"How did you already know director Zhuo?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

Sun Xia choked as she did not expect to be caught this quick.

"I-I happened to meet her the other day so we exchanged contact…" She lowered her eyes to avoid that gaze. "How about we have something first while waiting for director Zhuo?"

"Sure." Ren Jian seated down.

In the room next to them, Yongliang was watching with amusement.

In the original plot, Ren Jian and Sun Xia were attending a filming party. A girl was fascinated by Ren Jian and decided to drug him. Sun Xia 'luckily' came across that situation and helped Ren Jian out. She was supposedly helping him to the hospital but she saw how uncomfortable he was so she decided to help him to bed to rest. And… they rolled the sheet. Ren Jian felt responsible for doing that to her so he offered to enter a relationship with her. The plot was supposed to be relationship-first-love-later trope.

Yongliang doubted if it was all an accident because she was using the same method this time. Dare to touch his man? He snorted. This person was too poisonous and petty to be around.

"How have you been doing, president? I heard that you keep leaving early lately." Sun Xia put on a soft smile.

"That's really none of your business, Ms. Sun." A cold reply sounded.

"I'm sorry…" At this point, she suddenly realized that she did not have much to talk about to the president. She could only wait until the drinks came.

There was a tapping sound on the table inside the other room. Yongliang was bored at this silence. He put his face on his hand looking blankly at the tablet screen. Ren Jian put on a camera-equipped tiepin for him to watch the show.

But the next moment, his face changed into excitement. The server finally came in with the drinks. The expression on Sun Xia's face brightened.

"She can't act when there's no camera? It's so obvious that she is expecting something with the way she looks."

Yongliang watched her expectant face after Ren Jian drank his drink. He began to walk out of the room and headed to another door.