Tender And Care (R18)

As soon as the door opened, Ren Jian immediately pushed Yongliang against the door. However, he was gentle as he put his hand behind Yongliang's head. He looked down at the loving figure and at those slightly open lips. Then he put a peck on Yongliang's lips. It was very sweet and soft. Yongliang received tiny pecks until they turned into a long kiss.

His lips got pried open and a wet tongue pushed in exploring his mouth. It made him feel dizzy and familiar as if he had experienced this many times before. Like it was a habit, he started to intertwine their tounges together and stood on tiptoe to respond to Ren Jian's kiss.

Looking at Yongliang's enthusiastic action drove Ren Jian crazy as he grabbed the firm round butt and lifted him up. Yongliang wrapped his legs around the man's waist and continued kissing until they reached the bed.

Ren Jian pushed him down on the bed. He pulled away a little bit to gaze into the hazy eyes. He traced his fingers on the moist and now-swollen lips.

Feeling impatient at Ren Jian's fascination, Yongliang began to unbutton the man's shirt. That action drove Ren Jian crazy, he immediately tore both of their shirts apart. Looking at the naked figure under him, he gulped and began to rain kisses all over that body.

Yongliang's body became crazy sensitive, especially when Ren Jian started sucking and licking his two nipples. Seductive moans escaped his mouth.

"Jian-ge… ha… more…"

Ren Jian immediately took off the other's pants and touched the bulging spot. He grasped it gently and stroked it back and forth until it became completely hard.

The underpants were finally off as Ren Jian leaned down to look at the leaking liquid.

"Don't just look…"

Although he felt familiar with the touch, it was still considered a new experience to him so he was very embarrassed by Ren Jian's passionate stare.

Ren Jian did not want to let him feel uncomfortable so he started licking the tip and slowly wrapped his mouth around his penis. Yongliang felt electrified as Ren Jian sucked harder. The sound was incredibly lewd and passionate combined with lustful moans.

"I-I'm coming! Ha… ha…"

Yongliang released in Ren Jian's mouth and let out heavy breaths. He then looked down at the massive tent in Ren Jian's pants, he prayed that he was not one of those full of stamina gongs that would go all night.

Ren Jian then opened the nearby nightstand and complimented the hotel's consideration for preparing the lube and condoms. He squirted the lube on his hand and started touching Yongliang's entrant. He lowered his body to whisper in Yongliang's ear.

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you. I love you."

That low husky voice made Yongliang goosebumps. He pulled the other's head up to face him. His eyes were tender and a little teary. Instead of replying, Yongliang kissed him again.

Ren Jian's finger then slowly entered the entrance and pushed it back and forth. When he felt that it was stretched enough, he put in another finger. Yongliang could not control his gasps and moans. It hurt but was also pleasurable at the same time.

Ren Jian put in three fingers to continue to stretch Yongliang's hole. His crotch felt painful every time a sound escape from the person underneath him. But he could not hurt him so he had to be patient.

"Ha...ha... I think that's enough."

Hearing this, Ren Jian felt like his sanity might snap at any moment. He took off his pants and put his penis near the entrance. His head lowered and whispered into Yongliang's ears.

"Liangliang, baby, should I do it raw?"

Yongliang blushed at this question. How would he know? But looking at Ren Jian holding back really made Yongliang feel soft-hearted.

"You have to clean me up later."

"Of course, I will. I love you, baby."

Getting his affirmations, Ren Jian slowly pushed his tip inside. He adjusted his speed for Yongliang to adapt first before pushing it in deeper. Those actions of consideration made Yongliand feel loved and cherished, a tear fell.

"Are you ok?! Does it hurt?" Ren Jian panicked and asked. He almost pulled out until he heard Yongliang's response.

"No... it feels good. I'm just happy right now."

Ren Jian kissed Yongliang's teary eyes. His movement was resumed and slowly sped up until all his penis fit into the hole.

Moans and heavy breaths filled the room. Ren Jian fucked him and stroked his penis at the same time. The man was also busy biting and sucking at the skin beneath him. It brought the ultimate ecstasy to Yongliang but what turned him on the most was the face full of pleasure in front of him. It was very sexy.

"Can I...ha...come inside you...ha...?"

"Ha...haa...ung...just do it..."

Ren Jian's face scrunched up as he released inside meanwhile Yongliang pushed his head back as he climaxed. After that intense moment, Ren Jian just lay on top of Yongliang without pulling out.

"I wish this moment last forever." Ren Jian kissed Yongliang's earlobe.

Yongliang just laughed. He thought that he had a really sticky lover. He wanted to remember how they met and fell in love and how he gained such a devoted and caring lover in the first place.

"Since this is your first time in this world, I don't want to push you. Unless..."

"NO! You're right, I should take it easy for my first time. Let's take a bath!" Yongliang put his hands on Ren Jian's shoulders and answered in a panic. Even though it felt good, his back already felt like giving out.

Ren Jian laughed at his expression and finally pulled out. He carried Yongliang in his arms and headed toward the bathroom. Knowing that the person in his arms was tired, he just carefully cleaned that body and himself before wrapping themselves in the hotel robes. He then put away the dirty sheet while Yongliang watched warmly from the chair.

Yongliang was carried to bed again and they fell asleep in each other's embrace.