An Immortal Ascended.

Sun Wen's system was really good to him. Every time he got a romantic gesture from the emperor or when he got rid of a wife in the harem, he would be rewarded with skills and even with some kind of power to control the weather. Sun Gui looked at him with envy.

"So unfair! I transmigrated for one thousand worlds and I have no privilege like this. This one gets to have such a generous system and their goal was to get someone's love?!?"

The more Sun Gui looked at the plot, the more irritated he became. He gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists. However, he needed to calm down and thought about how to get out of the harem. Even if his husband was the male lead or not, he did not want to be in a restrictive harem and fight for favor. He would rather divorce his husband than looking at him with other lovers.

He opened his limited-time shop again with hatred and bought some dummies which were really expensive, healing pills, some special effects, a wig, and contact lenses. If Sun Wen could sneak out, he could too. Sun Gui had always been a homebody but this courtyard was not something he would call home. How could he relax in this environment? At least a ger's body had always been known to be weak, he could use the reason of being bedridden to avoid meeting others for 6 months like the plot.

After being sure that everything necessary was bought, he covered himself in a white garment with blue edges. Due to his gorgeous appearance, he looked like an immortal just ascended from heaven with his half-opened eyes. Then he wore his brown wig and blue contact lenses to complete his disguise, even so, he still looked so outstanding! Sun Gui had no choice but to use a veil to cover half of his face and a straw hat to only leave his eyes visible. He also covered his sindoor with some sfx make up in the shop.

After feeling satisfied that no one would recognize him, he sneakily looked out the window beside his bedside to check for people. Making sure that there was no one, he shot out of the window and nimbly jumped on the roof. Then he jumped from roof to roof until he landed outside the palace wall. There was some patrol but with his skills, he easily dodged their detection and entered the city.

"Huff… huff… huff… this body is so weak. Just doing this already spent all my stamina…" Sun Gui cursed his fate for keeping getting into weak bodies that limited his potential. Even if he had many lives, there was only a handful of skills that he mastered, one of them was martial arts when he transmigrated as an evil practitioner in a cultivation world.

After regaining his strength, he entered the city. Due to his white flowy garment and unworldly aura, he brought a lot of attention without meaning to. However, this mysterious identity was something he wished for. As he walked to a nearby vendor selling tanghulu, there was a sudden commotion on one end of the street. The people started running to the side, even falling to their faces in that chaos. Sun Gui turned his body to the rowdy crowd and squinted his eyes.

A horse was running at high speed while dragging a carriage. It seemed to be out of control as it neighed and ran in an uncoordinated manner. It was heading straight in his direction as he faced it in the middle of the street.

Sun Gui lightly stepped his right foot on the ground and immediately flew up. He twirled around in the air looking like a blossoming lotus with his clothes moved with him. He quickly blew a tranquilizer needle at the horse and landed at the side of the road gracefully. However, his hat had been blown away by such flashy movements. Therefore, people who witnessed that impressive scene all gasped in amazement at the beautiful appearance hidden by the veil.

The horse slowed down and its knees wobbled until it collapsed to the ground. Sun Gui walked toward the horse to check its condition before walking away. Suddenly, someone then called out to him from the carriage.

"Gongzi! Please wait!"

Sun Gui who was looking mysterious turned his head back at the orotund voice. One of his eyebrows raised in interest. Due to his alluring eyes, that action could take a person's breath away. The person calling out to him halted for a moment before continuing to walk to him.

"Thank you for your help, gongzi. May I ask for your name to send a repayment?" The person was asking in expectation. Even though he was wearing very simple attire, the materials were top-notch. His upturned eyes were deep black framed with sharp sword eyebrows. His charcoal black hair was tied in a bun. A strong jawline accompanied by thin pink lips. Sun Gui immediately recognized this person, it was Zheng Hong, the emperor in disguise.

"This one is just a wandering diviner. This one does not need any repayment for such things. This one would lose the blessing of heaven if this one did." Sun Gui bowed his head and crossed his hands to greet Zheng Hong. Even though his tone was polite, there was a sneer under his veil.

"Esteemed diviner, may I know your name?" The emperor persisted with a sparkling in his eyes. He looked at the ethereal and immortal appearance in amazement.

"Gongzi, you have a dragon aura on you. However, it is faint and disappearing. Luckily, you seemed to meet a messenger of heaven on the day of the full moon. Gongzi should spend more time with the messenger to nourish your aura." After hinting at the emperor to spend more time with Sun Wen, Sun Gui disappeared without leaving a shadow.

Zheng Hong felt a sense of regret for not knowing that beautiful person's name. A disguised guard delivered the hat that Sun Gui left behind to him. He carefully picked up the dirty hat and brought it to his chest. His heart was beating wildly when the diviner's head turned back and looked at him with dazzling eyes. This attraction was greater than when he met Sun Wen, he felt like that person was not from the same world as him.

If Sun Gui knew what he thought, he would be vomiting at the Casanova emperor. He already disappeared into a small alleyway between two stores waiting for the emperor to leave. In his heart, he prayed that the emperor was not his husband because there was some fascination in that voice. Goosebumps emerged on his skin at that thought.

He abruptly turned his head up to look at the roof. He frowned at the presence surrounding him. There were shadow guards encircling him in this narrow alley.