Most Beautiful Family 2

Time passed by quickly, in just a blink of an eye, four years have already gone by. Zheng Xinyi grew up in the love of her family and was spoiled to the high heavens. However, with Sun Gui's experience with Xiao Feng's children, the lovable Zheng Xinyi still had good discipline without arrogance.

Even though she was still young, her features were almost identical to the Empress albeit a bit chubbier and rounder. Everyone expected her to be the most beautiful princess in the future. The people speculated that it would be hard to wed this princess in the future with the Emperor's protectiveness.

There was a new tradition for the royal family. At the end of every month, they would have a secret day out as commoners to let Zheng Xinyi learn more about the world. Due to that, the little princess got to witness other children playing happily together. Especially, when she saw a little girl taking care of her brother, her eyes sparkled.

"Imperial Mother... I'm lonely..." In a private room with only two people inside, Zheng Xinyi climbed on top of Sun Gui to sit on his lap, using her small arms to hug his waist and pouting her little mouth. This behavior was unacceptable for the royal family, but this family rarely followed traditional etiquette when they were by themselves.

"Xinyi'er, do you want to find some playmates? Many of the noble's children want to meet you." Sun Gui gently smiled and stroked her head with an adoring gaze.

"Nn..." Zheng Xinyi shook her head and her high-pitch voice muttered. "They can't accompany all the time... I want to have someone who will stay in the palace all the time."

Sun Gui stiffened. The child between him and Zheng Guozi was not to be underestimated, she even knew how to say in a roundabout way of wanting a sibling!

"Uh... I have to ask your Imperial Father first." Sun Gui wryly smiled at the doe eyes that tried to convince him. Like father like daughter, they always used their cute appearances when they wanted to ask for something.

"I don't mind." A low voice with a hint of laugh entered the room, startling Sun Gui.

"… Well, you will be balding soon…" Sun Gui glanced at Zheng Guozi's hair with guilty eyes.

"Will you still love me if I'm bald?" The Emperor lifted the both of them and let them sit on his lap. One hand was holding Sun Gui's waist and the other hand was holding the back of their daughter.

"Will you love me if I'm bald?" Sun Gui asked back.

"… What is 'bald'?" The little girl tilted her head with her index in her mouth. Her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"It is when you have no hair, your head will look like an egg." Sun Gui explained.

"Egg… I like eggs! I will still love you both!" Zheng Xin Yi adorably lifted both her hands up in the sky while giggling.

"Hahaha, I will love you both even if you turn into eggs." Zheng Guozi pulled them closer to his chest and heartily laughed.

After that warm atmosphere, the man leaned down to whispered into Sun Gui's ears. "Do you want another?"

To be honest, it was a painful experience that Zheng Guozi did not want Sun Gui to suffer again despite not having a male heir yet. But as the time flew by with their lovely daughter, they were both so happy that the pain that day seemed fleeting.

"Mm, it's not bad for Xinyi'er to learn how to be a big sister." That was Sun Gui's consent. Hearing that statement, both the father and the daughter's faces brightened and jumped to hug him. He almost suffocated to death by those two.

Then just several months later, he was pregnant again. And this time, not only the emperor had a worrisome face but also the little princess was serious at learning how to be a big sister.

Another princess was born and her name was Zheng Jiayi. Zheng Xinyi was ecstatic at her little sister and always visiting her sister's room.

Sun Gui went on to have another prince, Zheng Yichen. And then another prince was born, Zheng Yuhang. And then their youngest son, later on was revealed to be a ger, Zheng Yongle.

By then, Sun Gui decided put a stop in their family members. He was already over 30 and decided to focus on raising the kids.

In total, the Emperor had five children with the Empress. Some of the people really admired the Empress to give birth in four consecutive years, as expected of a ger.

The more time passed until Zheng Xinyi was in her late teens. Her features blossomed, revealing a remarkable resemblance to the Empress in his youth. Therefore, she had many suitors that were chased off by the Emperor, despite her protest.

The other four siblings were no less attractive and adorable. They could be said to be the most beautiful family in the country.

During their ruling, the country had reached a new height where the time was peaceful and the system was just. Opening the trade channel brought more profit to the nation and spread the prosperity everywhere.

Zheng Yichen ascended the throne when he were capable enough and of age. All the siblings were talented in both arts and swords but none actually fought for the throne, they only support Zheng Yichen from behind.

Zheng Guozi and Sun Gui retired and moved back to old manor to stay near their children until old age. The children regularly gave them a visit every month to update them of their lives and to give them presents on their travels.

All in all, they were just a happy family.

"Remember to find me in our next life, ok? Don't go to others…" Sun Gui held the wrinkly face with little breath left in their body.

"Of course not, you're my only love. It will be short goodbye, don't worry." Zheng Guozi struggled to form a smile. He was two decades older than Sun Gui so his time to leave was a lot sooner than their previous lives. Even though it was cut short, Sun Gui still felt the bliss of having a family with this man.

"I'm not worried… Goodbye, my love." Sun Gui kissed the closed eyes with a tear rolling down his face.

Even though he wanted to leave soon to follow his lover, he still wanted to see their children until the end of this life. So he only called for the servants and summoned his children. They held a funeral and the mourning period begun.

It was a little lonely but he kept reminding himself that it would not be the last time. So he stayed for nine more years until his health deteriorated. Then, he finally left after the tearful farewells of his then old children.

In the dark space, the mass of light finally obtained a humanoid figure. He could faintly see his legs and the blurry fingers. But he had no mood to celebrate.

[Proceed to 1004th world?]


He ignored the system's prompt and let himself float silently in that space for a while. It was a happy life with five beautiful children, literally beautiful children. He reminisced their time together to feel a sense of peace and fulfillment and moved on from regret.

As soon as he got himself together, the space suddenly shook.

"Wh-What the… Bzz…" He looked around to find the source of this vibration but nothing appeared in the darkness. Then he noticed what happened to his 'body.' The firm silhouette started becoming hazy again.

"Fuck! What is… Bzz… going on!?!?"

Bewildered at this situation, he could only let out curses. Something happened and the world energy he collected in the 1003rd world disappeared. He returned to the state he was before entering the world or maybe even a little weaker.

Unbeknownst to him, a very small hole was punctured in the dark space. A flicker of light slipped through then entered the prompt screen of the system.

[Hey… bzz… baby…] The mechanical voice sounded and the screen appeared incoherent text also saying 'hey baby.'

"… system?" He stopped flailing around in anger as he was stunned at the screen.

[ I'm… bzz sorry that I… bzz can't stay… bzz for long…] It said again.

"System, a-are you m-my husband??" He was horrified, thinking the person he loved all this time was actually that hateful system. Before he wailed in despair, the screen flickered and the mechanic voice raised again.

[… No, baby. It's… bzz complicated… bzz… I'm sorry for your state right now… Bzz… But I'm almost there…bzz… I'll see you in the next world…bzz I love you…] and the connection was cut off.

He could quite pick out what happened during that short conversation. First, his soul state was affected by what his lover was doing. Second, he was coming to somewhere… Somewhere like here, his dark space.

He was still recovering from the shock of his system saying love words to him but he decided to trust his husband of three lifetimes. It seemed like his husband was doing something with the system to connect to him like this. He really hoped that his lover was not the system at all.

Then he looked back at the screen to see it returned to how it was.

[Proceed to 1004th world?]


"Let's go." He pressed the 'yes' button, ready to go.

[Preparing for soul transfer to world #0320. Wishing the host the best performance of the task.]

"Oh? '03'? What is this kind of world again?… Ah! Western worlds! Ho, will my husband be another powerful man?" Even though there was no face on that mass of light, there was actually a sly smile.