Another Fish Appeared?

"Sorry but the husband I'm looking for is not a player."

Aeson quickly got out of his arms and narrowed his eyes at the man. Alfred Finch in the original plot had the reputation of a player, he only changed after being moved by the female lead.

Even when he arrived, the file he had on Alfred also stated that he had a lot of gossip about hanging around with women. Obviously not want to believe this, but he could not help but be mad. The most infuriating thing was that Aeson saw Alfred's smile freeze! Did he really cheat on him in this life?

Anger, distress, and disappointment flashed through his eyes. He immediately grabbed Liliana's waist and ran away. He could not really leave a clueless girl behind.

There was a faint screaming behind his back but his anger had reached a point that he could not listen. He even took out a scroll to hide his presence when he remembered Alfred was the greatest wizard.

For the poor saint being grabbed like a sack of potatoes again, her face was utterly confused.

'Why involved me in your lover quarrel...'

Soon, they reached the city's exit gate. Aeson put down the dizzy saint and began to look for a carriage for the next town.

His mind relaxed a bit when he was walking around. It was not like he did not want to trust Alfred, but thousands of worlds and the plot hardly deviated before his appearance. So everything his lover did usually followed the plot. And his lover was an identity born into the world, not like him, transmigrating body to body.

He did not remember what happened in the 1000th world that made him want to disperse his soul. Was it what his lover did? Or what he did? He was always anxious about that point. He could tell that he was extremely tired from transversing too much so he wanted to stop. And he only continued to be with his lover, a new constant in his life.

But the feeling of betrayal made him want to stop. So, he halted his search and his eyes became empty. His heart ached and his mind felt lost. This world, he would quit it. If he just finished a few more tasks without destroying the plot, his soul would scatter anyway.

Having that plan in mind, he clutched his chest and began to pull his soul out of his body.

"Baby! Stop!" A powerful force hugged him from behind. The breath was ragged as it brushed Aeson's ears.

The empty eyes moistened and water droplets began to form at the corners of his eyes. When Alfred heard his sniffle and felt his shaking body, he was incredibly panicked and heartbroken.

"Baby… you can't just run away without letting me explain." Alfred turned the little elf's body around and embraced him tightly again. His right hand pressed the blond head to his chest and his left hand soothingly pat the shaking back.

Obviously, they only met a few times, but Alfred could not bear to see any grievances on the little cutie that stole his soul the moment he set his eyes on him. All of his gestures currently were too intimate for acquaintances but he had a feeling that they knew each other forever in his soul.

Most importantly, with the little cutie's great reaction like this, the cutie must have felt the same as him. When he saw the cutie clutching his chest, a bad premonition raised in him, telling him to stop the boy from doing whatever that was. Or he might lose him forever.

"Aeson, I was just shocked about the rumor, I'm a virgin through and through!" He claimed with confidence.

"…" And it made the crying Aeson a little speechless.

"I… If it's about the Duchess of the North, it was because he felt something was peculiar with her power source so I wanted to investigate and keep an eye on her. But my love is you, little cutie!"

Also, it was the fact that he was a woman at night going in and out of his own residence. But Alfred did not know that.

Aeson finally calmed down a bit. His arms raised and circled around the man's waist. His head snuggled deeper into the man's embrace.

Suddenly, he felt very embarrassed. He always criticized the misunderstanding trope in some plots but he was doing it at the moment. His face was red as a tomato as he thought of his extreme behavior.

Seeing his red ear tips, Alfred did not say anything but kept rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. He sighed in his heart and a voice in his head suddenly thought that this little cutie was so insecure…

With the awakened view of love, Liliana had the front seat of this affair felt like blood would spurt out of her nose. Even though she had not had breakfast, she felt so full. This kind of drama made her one something buttery in her mouth!

After the embarrassment subsided, Aeson noticed something weird in the statement Alfred mentioned before.

"Did you mean Luciel Roth? What do you mean by 'peculiar power source'?"

"Well, her power is none-existence but somehow she has the power of nature. I found that it is an external power that gets poured into her or her body sucks it somehow. And the power, even with little quantity at the moment, was very pure. So its origin is very suspicious."

"Really? She has no power but gets it externally?" Aeson's expressionless facades were completely broken. His eyes became round and his mouth was gaping at the news.

"Yeah, so calm down, ok? Did you know I fell in love with you at first sight?" Alfred dropped a kiss on the cheek that still had baby fat. It was really bouncy and tender.

"…" How did it end up with him confessing again? Aeson felt that his panic was ridiculous. But out of the corner of his eyes, he remembered that he had an audience and his cheeks turned red again with shame.

Noticing his cute face, Alfred also did not want to show this appearance to anybody.

"Little saint, little cutie and I need to talk so be good and go eat breakfast."

Without missing a beat, some silver appeared on her hands and she was immediately teleported to a restaurant nearby. The moment she blinked her eyes, her environment already change.

'…I hope they remember to pick me up…'

Only two people were left and they went to a desolate area with just rocks and trees.

"So… will you be my bride?" Alfred looked at him expectantly. His face screamed confidence but the hands holding the elf's hands were shaking.

"Fool… I will…" People would think that this was too fast but they were an old couple. Getting together as soon as possible was to spend more sweet time with each other. He found it quite amusing how shameless his husband's personality was in this world.

Alfred's smug turned into a bright smile and he repeatedly kissed his forehead, cheeks, and nose. Aeson let out a giggle which stunted the wizard. He never thought he would hear such a cute sound before! Then the man just aimed straight for the pink lips and gave them a smack.

Meanwhile Aeson's mouth was being devoured by the man, he thought that the plot never mentioned Luciel's mysterious power but he felt that it was somewhat familiar. Did the original Alfred have the same suspicion? How many more hidden plots would he find?

Before he could think more, his breath was all sucked away so he had to push the enthusiastic man back, letting a silver string appear between their lips.

"Ha... Alfred, why do you turn into a woman at night?" His eyes were hazy and his face was pale due to lack of oxygen. It made Alfred intoxicated and felt hot all over, especially his lower abdomen.

"Hm~ my cutie is so smart~" Alfred pulled his head closer and kiss the swollen lips again. When he finally felt satisfied and Aeson's body became soft, he let the elf lean on his chest.

"It's the Wizard's Curse. I would say it is one of the biggest secrets for the wizards. As you know wizards are incredibly powerful. Once they reached a mature age, their powers will be doubled. But to balance it out, each wizard would have a curse placed on them. This curse varied from person to person and they had to find a way to remove it by themselves, kind of like a trial." Alfred leisurely explained, he felt like he could never hide anything from the cutie at all.

"So your curse is to turn into a girl at night?"

"Yes, and my magic is halved too." But Alfred was too powerful, it did not matter if his magic was halved. But knowing his baby's preference, he wanted to solve his curse soon.

"Then do you want to lift it?" To be honest, Aeson just realized it did not matter what his lover's gender was. But for the bed matter...

"I can, I'm planning to concoct a potion with the World Tree Fruit, it can solve anything!"

"!!!!" He had it already? Aeson turned his head to look at the amber eyes and seriously asked. "Did you get it from Luciel Roth?"

"Baby, don't misunderstand-" There was panic in his eyes as he looked at the fuming cutie.

"No, I mean she stole it from my people!" Aeson glared angrily at the man.

"Your people?" Now Alfred had a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yes, my people." Aeson tore off his necklace, revealing the signature feature of an elf's appearance, his pointy ears. He also felt like not hiding from his lover at all, so he felt no qualm in revealing this secret.

Alfred instantly became mesmerized. His little cutie was actually an elf! His ears looked so good on him, making him look so ethereal and cute!! He really wanted to bite it.

Thankfully, he endured so as to not piss off the angry little elf. So he obediently summoned the fruit from his space and put it in Aeson's hands.

This action softened Aeson's heart. His lover always thought for him and sacrificed for him. He felt even more embarrassed at his latest tantrum. Now that his mission was accomplished, he could just return the fruit back but what about his lover?

"Then what about your curse?" Aeson knew he would be selfish if he gave back the fruit, but between his lover and anything else, he would choose his lover any time.

"Well, before the Duchess gave it to me, I was planning to go find a mythical plant, Uxanium, on the Madar mountain."

Uxanium was also a rare plant with amazing properties like the fruit but the Madar mountain was too dangerous to enter. Due to that, the easy-access elf village was a better choice.

"Then I will go with you." Aeson pecked his lips and happily hummed when he put the fruit back in his bag.

As they were being sweet, a scream came from afar. The couple turned to see the saint running toward the exit gate with several familiar black cloaks following her.

They instantly frowned at the flame logo on the cloak and prepared to fight. But before they launched their attack, blood spurted and the men in cloaks were all sliced in half. The saint screamed in horror and fell down, looking frightened at the pool of blood. The cult members were not yet dead because there was still a breath left, enough for them to keep their minds and open their mouths.

Her eyes were shaking but she still had the courage to look at the person who slashed them.

"Finally a trace of them."

The man exuded a murderous intent with blood splattered on his squared chin. His sword was still dripping with blood making the picture both terrifying and majestic. His sight moved from the bloody mess to the shaking white figure on the ground, the murderous gaze instantly dispelled and some light flashed through the man's dark eyes.

Alfred initiated while waving his hand at the man and holding the little elf's waist at the same time.

"Isn't this the Duke of North!?"