Chapter 19

It was a blurry scene. In that scenario, a woman placed her son on her lap and was teaching the boy.

"This is your biography."

One can see the information of name, birthday, age, address,etc on the paper.

"You are the brightest child. Don't be sad, son. You will become a talented person for sure. I have faith in you, son."

She was wiping his tears on his cheeks with her hands. The kid forced a smile though he still ...... from time to time. A small dimple blossomed on his face.

It changed to another scene. Now a little boy who was older than the earlier kid was slowly walking on the highway road. The paints were scattered on his clothes. His foot was bare so some blisters appeared on his. There was some dry blood on his forehead so he couldn't see where he was going clearly. A car was pulled up in front of him. A man and a woman got out of the car. When the two people arrived by his side, the darkness consumed him.


Nobel came to open his eyes and took a deep breath. Then, he looked around the room. He was back in his room.

"Wake up? You did sleep for a long time. Get up. Go wash your face and come eat something."

Dun supported him to get up by his head. And he found that sweat had formed on the boy's forehead. He carried Nobel Lin from the hospital to home. The latter was sleeping for a long time thanks to the tranquilliser.

"boiled duck soup. I bought it from the shop on Kannar Street. Make sure to drink it all up."

Nobel Lin just washed his face so his skin was softer and younger. He pursed his lips which raised his two cheeks. Dun sighed heavily as the boy didn't eat nor speak. Because his behaviour proved he wasn't willing to eat.

"Eat it. You haven't eaten anything since afternoon, have you? Come on! I'll feed you."

Dun tasted first whether the porridge was hot. It's been quite a while since he bought it so it was now lukewarm. Well, when Dun fed him, the boy started to eat. The boy who got a long face a moment ago has now fluttering his eyelashes at the moment. What was going on his mind while he was eating?

Dun had a guilty conscience when he recalled the matter in the afternoon. What he did was not fair to Nobel Lin. He thought he was mature. However, he had to admit he was childish when it came to Nobel Lin.

"Later, you have to take a bath to be fresh.Ok?"

After a bowl of porridge, Dun helped the boy to bathe. It's already night so Dun was afraid he might get sick to have a bath. That's why he mixed the hot and cold water. When the boy soaked in the tub, Dun prepared to wash his hair from behind.


Out of the blue, Nobel Lin slipped down the tub. Dun was shocked and he immediately lifted the boy from the shoulders. The boy turned to look at Dun.

"What are you doing?"

Without answering Dun's inquiry, the boy shook his wet hair that led to splashing Dun. Dun exhaled the deep breath.

"Sigh.. move forward. I'll also have to soak in as I get wet."

In front of Dun, his eyes were greeted with the porcelain back skin. Washing his back with the soap, Dun let out a sigh frequently. If he didn't let his guilt off his chest, it would swallow him whole soon.

"Nobel Lin ,I....."

Dun paused for a moment and took courage before he continued.

"I'm terribly sorry for Shin Min Myat. I think that's too much. And..."

Dun turned the boy to face him and scrubbed his neck with soap. Then he went ahead,

"Thank you for remembering my father's anniversary."

After that, Dun rubbed the leather of soap that was on Nobel's ear. Then, Dun noticed that sudden chills went down Nobel's whole body.

Did the boy feel itchy when he touched his ear? Nobel Lin was shaking intensely. Dun observed him carefully but he didn't know what was happening.

"Nobel Lin, what's wrong?"

Nobel Lin turned to look at him with wide eyes. Dun was waiting for Nobel Lin's reply but he was stunned due to the boy's behaviour.

"Hey, Novel Lin. Don't push me."

Nobel Lin forcefully pushed him out of the bathtub. His attitude was clearly telling him not to disturb him.

"What happened? Ok, I will go out. Wait."

Even when Dun left the bathtub, Nobel Lin was still pushing him to go out of the bathroom. Though the boy was not that strong, Dun moved along with the boy's push.

"Wait a minute, open the door. I haven't washed off completely. Hey!"

What's going on? Did Nobel Lin sulk? But, he didn't know how to sulk. What made him act like this? Dun was anxious and worried so he immediately tried to open the door. Fortunately, it was unlocked and he opened it directly.

Nobel Lin was seated in a butterfly position while holding the tap. His whole body was shaking and he washed something by holding it.

"Nobel Lin, what's wrong?"

Dun got closer to him and shot a question. Then he instantly held his laugh. He forgot that Nobel Lin was an adult. Nobel Lin was shrinking himself so Dun wore a serious look and took the tap.

"Nobel Lin, you can't wash it with water. But, don't be scared. It's not life-threatening."

When Nobel Lin heard this, he was looking at Dun with pleading eyes. Dun laughed out loud as he saw the boy covered his little brother with both of his hands. At the same time,Dun felt pity for the boy. Let alone how to solve this problem, Novel Lin wouldn't realise why his little brother got an erection.

"Well, it's a biological process. You'll be fine. Do you want me to help you?"

As soon as he said it out, he had a sudden epiphany and closed his mouth subsequently. How would a man help another man to relieve? Nobel Lin shook his head nonstop.

"Then, do as I say. I'll tell you the way. Relieve it by yourself."

Dun whispered how to solve it and Nobel Lin's face was as red as a tomato. Dun couldn't help but laugh loudly. He knew only now that Nobel Lin was embarrassed. Finally, the boy learnt how to be embarrassed and pushed Dun out of the bathroom again.

That's why, people said that one couldn't hide one's lust. The boy has come of age so what did he think that aroused him? Did he even know what to think?

"I'll go bathe in the other bathroom. So, don't take too long. "

Dun, grinning, announced it and ran to the other room. Wait a minute! What girl did Nobel Lin think of? As far as Dun recalled, there's no such girl in his life. It turned out Nobel Lin was actually a pervert. Whenever Dun thought of this, he couldn't help laughing. Dun was supposed to cover this matter as this is a private matter. Dun commented to the boy that he was not that simple as he seems to be as he knew more than he was taught.

After Sun took a bath, he went into the boy's room and discovered that the boy with the blue one-set was painting. Dun had to take a towel and dry the boy's hair as it was still wet.

"Oh! Nobel Lin was using pink. Don't tell me you met with your love today."

Dun just didn't know why but he wanted to tease the boy. One had to compliment the boy who's painting with an indifferent look even after everything happened.

"Or is it Shin Min Myat? Nobel Lin, she's still too young. Don't have crazy thoughts about her. Or is it Ma Thi? It can't be. She is too old for you. You two look like mother and son. Who else?"

Nobel Lin stopped what he was doing. Then, he stood up and pushed Dun to get out of his room. This time, the door was locked. It cracked Dun up and only when Dun was tired from laughing, he said,

"I was drying your hair with good intentions and you drove me out. Nobel Lin, you are now shy, right? "

When aunty heard his loud voice, she came upstairs.

"What happened, Dun?"

"Umm... Nothing. Nobel Lin is now an adult."

Dun cut off the conversation quickly and dashed to his own room. He didn't want to gossip about other people's personal matters. Because of Nobel Lin, Dun got to cry and laugh on the same day. Dun had to confess and his life was not that boring since the boy arrived.