Gathering Clues

I headed up the stairs, my whole body shaking. Don't do this. You know Wes wouldn't do this. Yes, he very well could. He may just take that opportunity tonight if I don't stop him. Wait, the note said that we had to be at our destination. Then, and only then, was he to kill me. I turned the corner at the top of the steps and saw that Wes and Shia were back to themselves, the previous events are seemingly forgotten in the relaxed setting. At least it relaxing to them. My whole body was tense and awaiting what was to happen.

Wes saw me come out first. He smiled at me, and I nearly collapsed under his gaze. Shia turned and smiled too. His was genuine, but Wes's was that of a killer's. I knew now what he was. I knew what he was here for, and I was sure he'd make good on his obligations to the Director. I smiled at them both and hoped that Wes couldn't see behind it.

"Welcome. Did you fall asleep down there or something?" Shia asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I am dunno. I'm just tired. I'm letting you know I'm going to bed." I gave Shia a meaningful look. He frowned for a split second. Wes nodded in the dark. The lights from the portals shone on them both, making Wes look even more like a crazed killer. I shivered. Thank God it was dark, so it wouldn't have been seen. I stepped forward so Shia could see me better. I was standing right in between them.

"Alright, goodnight then," Wes said with a crooked smile. He touched my arm briefly. That made me nauseous. Oh, you liked it when he touched you in your dream. What makes it so different now? Besides the fact that he's in real life and person?

I gave Shia another look with more pleading thrown in. He needed to come downstairs so I could talk to him. I tried my hardest to get it across to him without Wes seeing. Shia nodded after another frown. I didn't know if I had gotten my point across, but all I could do was cross my fingers and pray that I had.

"Goodnight," Shia murmured.

I gave Wes a brilliant smile to hide my knowledge of his betraying ass. Turning on my heel, I went downstairs and made the table into a bed, and shut off the lights. I heard Wes and Shia begin to talk again, and my heart dropped. Shia didn't get it. I laid there, Wes still on my mind. I was afraid to sleep because if I had more dreams about me and him, I might change my mind about him. Suddenly, I heard movement upstairs. I waited with bated breath and let it out once Shia crept down the stairs and opened his cupboard. He retrieved his pillows and blankets and sidled over to his spot on the floor.

"I found something, Shia," I whispered to him.

"What is it?" He whispered back.

"It's a note. From the Director. Wes was sent to kill me."

"No doubt. I knew it was coming."

"You did?" I was sort of surprised, but not really, though.

"I told you that you had to watch out for him," Shia said.

"I know...I just didn't listen."

"Tell me, what else have you guys done?"

"Nothing but what you saw," I answered back.

"Really? Nothing else?" He sounded relieved.

"No, just a dream, though..."I trailed off. I couldn't believe that I had told him that.

"A dream? And?"

"It was about me and got way intense. It was only a dream, though."

"That's good."

"Shia, the note said something about a weapon beneath the floorboards in the bathroom," I told him.

I heard him sit upright. "What? A weapon?" he demanded rather loudly.

"Shh, Shia, yes, a weapon."

Shia got up and immediately went to the bathroom. I got up, too, and looked out of a portal. Wes was sitting, eyes closed and looking in the other direction.

"I found them," I heard Shia say after a rustling sound.

"What is it?" I asked apprehensively.

"Some duct tape, a coil of rope, a knife, a gun, and a silencer," Shia answered.

"Sounds like the weapons from Clue," I joked. I know it wasn't the time to joke around, but I was scared.

"We can't let on just yet," Shia said as he came out of the bathroom. He had placed everything back.

"Why not? We have the gun!" I whispered loudly.

"Because he may do something stupid, and I don't want to hurt him. Maybe we can figure things out...maybe he'll have a change of heart. I don't know?" Shia said, frustrated. He shut the bathroom door and passed me to sit on the bed. I sat next to him, shocked at the new turning points we had come across.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Well, we need to keep going like everything is still ok. We can't let on that we know. When we get to our destination, we let him do what he needs to up until he tries anything. Then we turn the tables," Shia answered.

"What do I do? I mean, he likes me!" I whined.

"Keep up with it. I don't like it, but I keep up with it. Maybe if things get far enough, he'll change his heart," Shia sighed. I knew he didn't like that idea, but what else could I do? If I did anything else, I'd give it away for sure. See, Shia doesn't care; he said, 'go screw Wes, I don't care.' I warned you this would happen. Annoyed, I hit myself in the head.

"Don't worry about it now. Just keep all of this in mind. Just stay on the safe side," Shia slid down onto his bed and laid there, leaving me alone and shivering despite the warmth.

"I'm scared," I whimpered.

"Don't be. I'm right here. Nothing will happen while I'm around."

"That's what I mean," I gulped. "What if you're not going to be around much longer?"

"Well, the Director wants me alive. So, I think I have a fair chance of being around for a while. Just don't think about this, ok? Get some sleep. We'll need it for tomorrow."