

Alright, a few things to get out of the way before I get some backstory out of the way.

One, if you are here from my other books... uhh... hi? I, uh, kinda wanted to write just smut for the last few days, and then I saw a few... *ahem* pictures. Which made me think... Pokemon smut! With all the stuff I could think of! Sorry... I won't be forgetting my other books, don't worry. Also, I hope you don't view me differently for this lol.

Two, like the synopsis said, this book is going to have sex between both humans and pokemon. If that makes you uncomfortable, well... sorry not sorry. For my fellow degenerates reading... hehe~

Three, there will also be battles and story, not just sex with a side of sex. Mainly because I really wanted to write about a Gardevoir utterly decimating teams... So yeah! We got everything here, just mainly sex. So...

Ah, also, things will change, like shiny colors, some locations (Pal Park is gone...) and some Pokemon...

Anyways, that's all! This won't be updated regularly. Probably like once or twice a week, when I feel like I need a large, throbbing.... lemme stop...

Enjoy, I uh, I guess?


[Name: Milan Veritan

Birthplace: Celestic Town

Age: 26

Gender: Futanari

Occupation: Gym Leader (Former), Elite Four (Former), Breeder

Place Of Residence: Veritan Ranch (Route 221)

Status: Active Trainer

Current Party: Gardevoir, Roserade, Floatzel, Lucario, Milotic, Lopunny]

Looking down at my information, I nodded my head. The receptionist at the PokeMart gave me a smile as she took the paper, saying "Thank you for the verification, Miss Veritan. We will start sending the shipments of food and supplies to your residence by the end of tomorrow. It was a pleasure doing business with you!"

Smiling at the pretty young girl, I turned to leave, my Gardevoir following behind me.


Looking at my lifelong partner, I smiled. She was rare, something the Trainer Association called a 'shiny'. They were Pokemon that had a different coloring then others of their species.

Where a normal Gardevoir was white and green, with a red horn. Mine, however, had the white replaced with crimson, the green with black, and the horn was a liquid gold color.

She drew attention everywhere she went, however the glare she gave people when they got to close was just so cute~

She was currently glaring at me, annoyed at the fact that I had interrupted our morning together just to visit Jublife City.

Chuckling, I rubber her black hair, making her eyes soften. Leaning in, I whispered "Don't worry Gardevoir... We'll pick up where we left off soon enough..."

"Gar Gar!"

Chuckling at how she sped up, I followed behind her, admiring the way her thin body swayed side to side. Feeling a rising erection, I bit my lip as I saw her look over her shoulder at me, a coy smile on her crimson face.

Raising a brow, I moved beside her making sure people knew that she was mine. I couldn't even count how many idiots threw poke balls at her, only for them to either break as they bounced off or be sent back to them via Gardevoir's Psychic. Man, I loved watching them get hit in the face from their own ball...

Continuing down the street, I saw many people looking at both of us, either admiring the unique Pokemon or the amount of skin I was showing. I had no problems showing off my body, and found that I quite liked wearing less clothes.

Currently, I was wearing a black crop-top that looked like it was about to rip with every step I took. My overly large breasts were both a boon and a curse... I also wore a pair of jeans that barely covered my round ass, allowing some of it to spill out the bottom. It also failed to hide my semi erection from Gardevoir, making some people in the crowd blush.

I looked around, and upon seeing a newspaper stand I smiled. It was something that the old woman in the shop refused to stop producing, even if you could get all the news on your Pokephone nowadays...

Grabbing one, I handed the old lady a bill, and she looked at me in shock.

"Milan, is that you dear? You should have told me you were back in town!"

Hearing her voice, I smiled at her. She used to allow me to sleep here when I was a budding trainer, even feeding me.

"I just bought the large plot of land over on Route 221, Miss Cassy. I finally found the thing I want to do..."

"Oh? What's that?"

"I opened a Pokemon Ranch, with a section for breeding. I wanted to spend my time surrounded by Pokemon..."

Keeping the real reason to myself, I saw Miss Cassy smile before looking at me with pursed lips.

"Well, I was wondering... could I perhaps pay you for a Buizel? My grandson wants one dearly, and I always heard that Pokemon who hatch near humans have an easier time bonding..."

Feeling my pussy tingle, I smiled at the woman.

"Of course Miss Cassy, I'll get on it. My Floatzel has been a little... active lately..."

I had to suppress a moan that threatened to escape my lips at the thought of my strong Floatzel pounding me from below.

If Miss Cassy, or anyone else, really knew how I 'bred' my Pokemon...

Keeping my smile on my face, I said "Well, I just wanted to get the paper Miss Cassy. Have a-"

"Oh, did you see? Young Cynthia is on her 100th straight win as Champion! My, it feels like just yesterday you two showed up here in Jublife, out in that nasty storm..."

I chuckled at her, before looking at the paper.

Seeing the cool, calm face of my childhood friend, my heart swelled slightly. We set out from a young age to become excellent trainers, and we did just that. However, Cynthia had always had a better grasp of battling than me, probably due to our differing focus.

After all, while I enjoyed battling others, I preferred more... intimate 'battles'...

I served as a member of the Elite Four under Cynthia for two years, and enjoyed it immensely, before it slowly lost its luster.

"Yes, Cyn is doing quite well... Anyways, Miss Cassy, that Buizel egg will be delivered soon. I'll call you when I can deliver it. Good Day~!"

Waving goodbye, I felt Gardevoir poke my side, pouting at me.

Chuckling again, I gestured towards the path leading towards our home.

She let out a low "Gar..." before placing her small hand on mine. Looking at her, I smiled before walking out of the city.

We quickly made our way through Sandgem Town before stopping in the small forested area of Route 219.

Pulling Gardevoir behind a tree, I kissed her deeply, surprising my all knowing powerhouse.

Feeling her hand trail down my exposed abs, I shivered as she sent a small pulse of energy into my midriff. She wrapped her energy around my womb, poking and prodding it with her energy, making me moan. Feeling myself stiffening, I looked into the crimson eyes of my mischievous partner, watching as she lowered herself to her knees.

Unbuttoning the strained shorts, my cock plopped out onto her face, making her look at me with half lidded eyes.

Feeling her little tongue lapping at my cock, I moaned slightly. With Gardevoir, I experienced things few other Pokemon could offer. She sent energy up and down my cock, making it incredibly sensitive, before opening her mouth wide, swallowing it to the base.

I grabbed the tree behind me, almost shattering the bark with my grip. Feeling her tongue lick my cock while her throat squeezed me, I felt my knees buckle as I released a large stream of cum into her.

Gulping it down, she licked the corner of her lips, before standing up. Moving to a tree in front of me, she flipped her dress out of the way, revealing a pink slit glistening with juices.

Panting, I moved behind her, grabbing her thin waist. Placing my cock on her back, I grinned when I saw the size difference.

Gardevoir are a thin species, and my cock was almost half her width. Additionally, I traveled a bit up her back.

Placing the tip of my cock on her slit, I growled "You ready?"

Nodding, Gardevoir widened her legs a bit, and I plunged myself deep into her vagina.

Crying out, she shivered as I impaled her on my shaft. I had to hold myself back from screaming in pleasure at how tight and warm she was.

Taking a few deep breaths, I started slowly thrusting into her, feeling a slight resistance deep inside her.

Thrusting as deep as I could, she cried out again as I knocked on her womb, and I grunted in pleasure when I felt her cervix sucking on the tip of my cock.

"Gardy, can I..."

Looking back at me with slight tears in her eyes, she nodded again, before crying out.

Piercing her womb, I started violently thrusting into her, losing myself to the pleasure. Her energies still played with my body, making my pussy clench and cock throb as I came from both of them. Shaking, I released stream after stream into Gardevoir's womb, and I watched in detached interest as her midriff slowly swelled.

Panting, we stood there for a few moments, before I slowly pulled out, watching as a river of seed flowed out of her slit.

Plopping onto the ground, I watched as she slid to the ground, turning her back to the tree.

"This might make... what, four Raltz with you?"

Seeing her nod, I grinned at her.

Arceus above do I like being half ditto...