The week slowly passed by, the only exciting thing that happened being the few times I decided to relieve myself via Floatzel, who had learned to hold back a little during our sessions.
My stomach was large, and I could tell that I was carrying multiple eggs.
Every Pokemon species had different amounts of offspring. A Lucario and Gardevoir will only have one egg, while Lopunny and Floatzel can have anywhere from two to five.
As such, both Lopunny and I where walking around the house with giant bellies, while Gardevoir had a small bump. As annoyed as I was at that, I was also quite aroused at the idea of having so many eggs.
The other thing about eggs that I always found interesting was that each species had distinct coloring. For example, the Buizel eggs in my stomach should be mainly white with orange spots. If they were any other color, the Buizel that hatched would be a shiny of that color.
However, in the hundred some odd Pokemon I have given birth to, I have yet to find a shiny egg, and I didn't get my hopes up with this next set.
Sighing, I rubbed my stomach as I lay on my bed, Lopunny and Gardevoir on either side of me. Since we had all been bred around the same time, our delivery dates were around the same time.
As such, Lopunny and Gardevoir were currently sleeping next to me, which made me incredibly aroused as I looked at their bulging stomachs.
Over the years I tried to keep myself from impregnating them as I was a Gym Leader or Elite Four member, and it would be hard to explain how my Pokemon were always popping out eggs. As such, I modified my body to be sterile, at least my semen. I was to addicted to having some Pokemon use me to breed to care, and I couldn't even count how many times I had to take 'Sick' days or personal time to give birth in secret...
Feeling the eggs in my stomach vibrating slightly, I widened my eyes in surprise before saying "Floatzel, go get Chansey."
Looking at the tall orange figure in the corner, I watched as Floatzel shot out of the room.
The vibrations got stronger, and I cried out slightly.
Gardevoir and Lopunny woke up, and both slowly got off the bed, sitting in the chairs scattered around the room. They held my hands as I felt the eggs move towards the exit of my womb.
Groaning, I felt an egg push against my cervix, trying to push out of my body.
Feeling all the eggs gathering at the bottom of my womb, I cried out again, my vision blurring slightly.
However, as the pain set in, I could feel my cock harden, leaking precum.
Waddling into the room, Chansey gently spread my legs apart, before a soothing green light surrounded her hands. Feeling the strained muscles and terrible pains recede slightly, I sighed in relief before my vision went white.
I felt an egg push its way out of my womb, and I started to push as hard as I could, feeling it slide out of me.
With a wet 'plop' Chansey grabbed my egg, handing it to the confused and concerned Floatzel.
I screamed out again as I felt the next one push out as well, however this one decided to be a prick, sticking inside my vagina.
I pushed and pushed, and I have no idea hw much time passed, but eventually I felt it push out of my pussy, and when I sighed in relief at the lessened pain, my cock twitched, spraying cum all over Chansey's face.
Giving me a dry look, she returned to using Heal Pulse. I gave her an apologetic smile, before I felt the third egg press against my cervix.
This one slid out, and I sighed in relief at that, before the fourth followed quickly behind. I checked my body and smiled when I felt nothing else in my womb, though I was slightly disappointed.
Panting, I got up, looking at the four eggs in Floatzel's hands. Giving him a coy smile, I said "Good job Daddy~"
He snorted at that, though I could see his cock slowly slide out of him. Sadly, Chansey released a Heal Pulse again, this time hitting both our rising erections, making us calm down. I have no idea how or why it worked, just that it did.
Scooping the eggs out of Floatzels hands, I looked down at them with a slight smile.
After a while, I heard both Lopunny and Gardevoir gasp at the same time, making me chuckle.
Floatzel and I moved them onto the bed, before moving back and letting Chansey do her work.
Lopunny slowly, but steadily, birthed her two eggs, her wide hips allowing for an easier birth.
Gardevoir, on the other hand, was groaning in pain, her thin body making the birth quite painful. I grabbed her hand and comforted her during her long birth, watching in interest as a pure white egg plopped out of her. She glared at me, her hand squeezing mine tightly.
Kissing her hand, she sighed before looking down at the egg, her eyes soft.
Both her and Lopunny loved their offspring to much, and it felt like I was in the middle of raising a battalion of physical and psychic fighters.
If their... our offspring reached even a half of what they did, every single one would be undeniably strong.
I placed my head on the bed, my body aching and screaming in pain.
Climbing between my two lovers, I slowly started to reset my body back to it's original state, before hugging the four Buizel eggs softly.
Lopunny and Gardevoir did the same, and we eventually fell asleep, our bodies taking this chance to heal, both naturally and through Chansey's Heal Pulse.
Short, but I wanted to get one chapter out there. Also, I don't really think I am going to go in detail for births again... they'll just happen off screen...
Anyways, I have a few interesting ideas for the future, so look forward to that~