
I looked at myself in the mirror, making sure I looked alright.

My ruby red dress hugged my ample curves, and I smirked when I saw did a few small jumps, watching as my breasts bounced and threatened to escape my dress.

Looking at my face, I nodded when I saw the blush was light enough to look natural, and that my cherry red lipstick was lined perfectly.

I had my blonde hair pulled into a tight braid, which I let drape over my shoulder onto my chest.

I moved towards my dresser, opening my small jewelry chest and sifting through everything I owned.

I found the earrings that I had been gifted by my mother when I was a girl, made from small slivers of a firestone. They glowed a beautiful crimson, and matched my dress.

After quickly clipping them on, I took out the ruby ring I bought on a whim, sliding it on my left pointer finger.

Lastly, I clasped on the simple gold bracelet that my mother always wore, smiling down at it.

"You doing good up there, mom? I hope you aren't... disappointed in what I'm doing..."

Shaking my head, I took in a deep breath before picking up my bag.

Taking out the phone, I checked the time before making my way outside. Whistling, I watched as a Staraptor landing in front of me.

"Take me to Jublife City, please."

This Staraptor was another long companion of mine, and she had quite the story. For another time, though.

I waved goodbye to my glaring Gardevoir and excited Lopunny. They both watched me as they held their eggs, nodding goodbye before entering the house.

Climbing on Staraptor's back, I took hold of her feathers before enjoying the smooth, quick ride to Jublife City.

With my braid billowing behind me, I enjoyed the breeze as we glided through the sky, admiring the look of the sun cresting behind Jublife City in the distance.

Landing near Star Tower, I ruffled the feathers on Staraptor's neck, leaning in to whisper "Thank you for that! I'll see if I can get Jayana's Pidgeot to come visit again~"

I chuckled when Staraptor coo'd at me, her eyes shining with lust.

After rubbing her head against me, Staraptor spread her wings and went home.

Quickly straightening my clothes and hair, I double checked myself and smiled, before walking towards the entrance.

It was currently 3:30pm, and being a good date, I wanted to arrive early.

As I entered the lobby of Star Tower, I was stunned when I saw Jupiter.

Looking down at a silver pocket watch, Jupiter was dressed in an elegant black suit, which hugged her curvy body oh so well. Her long violet hair was pulled up into a simple ponytail, and was bound by a silver band.

Putting her pocket watch back into her suit, she looked around the lobby with a bored gaze, before smiling when she saw me.

Striding towards me, she lifted my hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it, her deep purple eyes glowing with desire and confidence.

"My, you look absolution stunning, Miss Veritan."

I grinned at her, feeling slightly giddy at how she was acting towards me.

Covering my mouth, I said "Please, just call me Milan. After all, we are on a date..."

She chuckled at me, letting my hand go before gesturing towards the receptionist.

"Well, let's go up. I reserved a private room for just us, so we can enter whenever."

I widened my eyes at that.

"A private room? Jupiter, you didn't ne-"

She placed a finger on my lips, before whispering "Oh, but I felt the need to flaunt my wealth for you, Milan~ I have little reason to spend it, so why not splurge on a beautiful woman like yourself?"

I pursed my lips again, blinking a few times before nodding.

She chuckled, before leading me towards the receptionist, who handed her a key.

We entered the elevator, and Jupiter inserted the key.

Turning it, the doors closed before the elevator gently rose.

Looking at me, Jupiter smiled when she looked at my dress.

"Red really is your color. It brings out your emerald eyes quite well..."

I blushed at that, trying to remember the last time I had been on an actual date.

While I knew that Jupiter's end goal was the same as most of the other people I had been with, being sex, I had never actually had someone try and woo me before.

It was... nice.

Seeing my blush, Jupiter just chuckled before looking at the opening door.

Stepping out, she took my hand and led me towards the table that overlooked Jublife city.

Pulling my seat out, Jupiter smiled at me as I sat, before taking her own seat.

Uncorking the wine bottles on the table, she poured us both a glass before asking "Any preferences for food?"

I shook my head, still speechless as I looked over the extravagant table and breathtaking view.

Tapping the small pad that was next to her chair, Jupiter picked up her glass and looked towards me. Mirroring her, Jupiter clinked our glasses together before saying "To our future."

I smiled at that. "To our future..."

Taking a sip, I moaned slightly at the sweet, rich flavor of the wine.

Jupiter looked at me, her eyes trailing over my figure before looking deep into my eyes.

"Milan, I hope everything tonight is to your liking."

I smiled at her, saying "Oh, I believe it will be..."

Her eyes dripped with lust, before she took in a deep breath.

We slowly lost ourselves to small talk, before an array of dishes was laid on the table.

Grilled salmon seasoned with Sitrus juice and Rawst Berries.

A light salad with Razz and Bluk Berries.

A thin soup made from Roseli stock, filled with various small vegetables and noodles.

Lastly, a large loaf a steaming bread, paired with a spread of various jellies and jams.

The meal, paired with the strong wine and Jupiter's ambiguous speech, sent my head into the clouds.

Time passed by, Jupiter and I talking about any and every thing, before I blinked my eyes in surprise when I felt Jupiter place her forehead against my own.

As she pulled away and opened her mouth, she widened her eyes when I leaned back into her, closing her plump lips with my own.

I enjoyed the way her tongue instinctively fought my own, and I moaned into her mouth when she snaked it into my throat.

Pulling away, Jupiter took in a deep breath before saying "Milan, are you sure about this? I refuse to force myself on my women..."

I chuckled, before kissing her again.

Snaking her hands to my waist, Jupiter pulled me closer to her, her hands entering my dress and moving to my ass.

As we made out, we heard someone enter, only to gasp before exiting quickly.

Pulling away, Jupiter said "Well, I guess that's our cue. Thankfully I have a place nearby..."

She lifted me into her arms, before moving to the window.

Opening it, she tossed out a PokeBall, a large Noctowl appearing below the window.

Jumping onto it's back, she spoke something to it, and it took off towards another tower.

The flight was a blur, as I buried my face into Jupiter's chest, inhaling the light cologne she wore.

My head span, and I felt myself get more aroused than I had been in a long time.

I was thrown onto a bed, and I looked up to see Jupiter quickly undoing her suit top, revealing her large breasts and toned abs.

I swallowed as I looked her over, before watching in amazement as she took off her pants.

A large cock entered my vision, and I thought for a second I was looking at a Nidoking...

Smirking down at me, Jupiter dragged my dress over my head, whistling as she looked down at my large breasts.

Sitting on my stomach, she placed her cock between them before grabbing them.

I moaned as her cock seared my flesh, before gasping when she started grinding her cock in-between them.

She looked down at me with such desire, and her cock throbbed between my breasts as she sped up.

Jupiter grunted as she started ramming her hips into my breasts, before spasming slightly as a large jet of cum splashed onto my face.

Opening my mouth, I swallowed as much of her semen as I could, enjoying the slightly sweet taste.

She took in a few breaths before reaching into a drawer built into the bed.

I watched in anticipation as she pulled out a box of condoms, spilling them onto the bed before grabbing one.

Quickly wrapping it out of the packaging, she grinned down at me as she placed it on my lips.

"If I have to use condoms, you're putting them on me..."

Her voice was husky and low, and I shivered before opening my mouth.

Lining her cock up, I widened my eyes as she speared herself into my throat, and I choked on her large dick.

Pulling herself out of my throat, she made sure the condom was on before spreading my legs.

As I looked at her, she grinned before rubbing her tip on my pussy.

"Beg for it..."

Hearing the commanding tone, I shivered again before stuttering "Pl-Please, Jupiter... Please fuck my whore pussy with your huge cock~!"

She slapped my breast, growling. "Beg properly!"

"Please Mistress! Please fu-"

Before I could finish, Jupiter slammed herself inside me, moaning as she quickly pried my cervix open.

I screamed as I release cum onto myself, and I felt Jupiter slap my cock.

She said something, but I couldn't hear as she started pounding me, her cock reaching the back of my womb before pushing it further.

Jupiter grabbed my waist as she plowed me, before grunting.

I felt the condom balloon up inside of me, and I screamed again when I felt her drag it out of my pussy.

She tied it up, before throwing it on the bed beside me. Quickly pulling another one on, she flipped me over as she slammed herself back into me, grunting as she slapped my ass.

I bit her bedsheets, stifling the screams as she pounded my womb to fit her giant dick.

She continued slapping my ass, grunting as I tightened after each hit.

"Damn, your pussy is fucking great~"

Jupiter started kneading my ass, speeding up as she jackhammered herself into my womb.

Shouting, she released another large amount of semen into the condom, repeating the process as she tied it and pulled on another one.

For almost a half hour Jupiter drained her balls inside me, flipping me to any position she wanted as she dominated my body and mind.

I was panting as I looked at the large pile of condoms beside me, each the size of a fist.

Getting on top of me, Jupiter pursed her lips as she said "You stained the sheets with all this cum..."

I watched as her purple eyes grew cold, and she straddled my head between her meaty thighs.

Slamming her cock into my throat, I gurgled on her semen coated cock, trying to breath each time she brought her cock out of my mouth.

My vision swam, and I started hitting her thighs when she released her seed into my throat.

Instead of giving me room to breath, she impaled my throat with her cock, pouring a large amount of semen directly into my stomach.

Eventually she pulled out, my stomach bloated with food and semen.

Jupiter collapsed on the bed, watching me.

"Y'know, not even Mars can handle me... yet, you lasted this long..."

I barely registered her words as my head swam, my entire world revolving around the semen that clung to my throat.

She grabbed my hair, lifting me up.

"Blow me."

Seeing her cold eyes, I shivered as she lowered my head on her cock.

Swirling my tongue on the tip, she clicked her tongue before pushing my head down.

"That's it... good girl~"

She started bobbing my head up and down, using my throat. I came again, enjoying the rough treatment,

Eventually, she grunted again, releasing another torrent of semen into my throat.

Pulling me off her dick, I looked at it in wonder.

It was still erect and throbbing, and now it was covered not only in her thick semen, but also my red lipstick.

"We still have a lot of condoms...."

I shivered as she grinned down at me, ready to surrender myself to her for the night...