Results; Dawn

After lounging around with Jupiter for a little longer, and properly washing myself off, I made my way home.

Before I had left, Jupiter had asked me to keep her informed; better yet, she wanted to know if she could start visiting more often, both to talk and to have sex.

I told her I was fine with both, and that I would let her know when I found out if I was pregnant or not.

So, when I entered my home with a both a bellyful and womb full of semen, I got a scolding from Gardevoir, and even Lopunny seemed slightly annoyed.

After listening to them berate me, and having to roughly guess what they were saying, I collapsed on my bed, exhausted.

I spent that week indulging heavily in my female Pokemon, mating almost non stop to take my mind off of whether I was with child.

While they were all happy to receive my attention, I slowly lost myself to worry, as I noticed that my body wasn't reacting to things like it used to.

Changing any part of my body took more effort, and anytime I lay with a male Pokemon, I felt a sharp pang in my womb.

So while I tried to drown myself in sex, I found every night to be torturous, until...

I felt myself go through something normal women deal with monthly, but that I rarely get.

I bled.

Even though the pain was excruciating, I was ecstatic, yet also disappointed.

I spent every night fantasizing about how Jupiter would raise our children. I thought up names, rooms, Pokemon best suited for different personalities...

Yet, even though that made me excited, I was also apprehensive about it.

So, I called Jupiter, and let her know that I had had my period.

I heard the mix of relief and disappointment on her voice, before we laughed it off.

She offered to make it official, but I told her that I didn't think I was ready for parenthood just yet. However, I did tell her that she should visit sometime soon, due to me feeling a little... lonely.

After ending the call, I received a video of her and Mars having sex, and I watched the hour long recording twice, once alone and the second time with Lopunny, who wanted to recreate the video.

I found myself enjoying everything again, my worry gone now that I had confirmed that I wasn't pregnant.

So, while I set about breeding some of the more desirable Pokemon on my ranch, namely the Eevees, I received a call from a shy Dawn.

"Miss Veritan, I was wondering if I could perhaps... stay the night at the ranch? I had a fight with my mom..."

Hearing her shaky voice, all thoughts of how she would sound as I ground my dick deep inside her vanished.

"Of course, come over. Just... make sure to bring your own essentials if you can."

After giving me an affirmation, she hung up.

Pulling my cock out of Umbreon, I smiled down at the puddle of semen that pooled below her.

She was panting, however her eyes were still gleaming with lust.

While Espeon preferred solitude when she was pregnant, Umbreon wouldn't leave me alone, begging constantly for me to churn her insides and fill her with my cum.

She was insatiable, and while I enjoyed the raw, primal sex I could get with her, I could feel my hips aching after breeding with her for over two hours.

Getting up, I made my way inside, quickly getting into the shower and washing up.

Dawn would be here soon, and I couldn't meet her reeking of semen.

As I scrubbed myself clean, I wondered what could make the usually calm Johanna argue with her daughter.

Shrugging, I got out and dried myself off, before calling an impromptu meeting of Lopunny and Gardevoir.

Telling them that we would have a guest, and that she would be staying the night, I chuckled when both of them sighed, before nodding their heads when I asked if they could behave for tonight.

Considering they were enjoying their time with their children, they had been tamer than usual, training their offspring during the day before enjoying a few rounds at night.

Watching them walk outside, I followed behind them before making my way to the gate, where I waited for Dawn.

Leaning against the gate, I felt Lucario stand beside me, her stomach bulging as she looked up at me.

{Mother, what will you do if she requests to stay here a bit longer?}

"Let her stay? It's not like I am desperately hurting for money, so I can afford to feed another human. On top of that, I like her, both as a person and as a woman. I want to help her grow as both, and this is the perfect opportunity. Besides, this is where I will discover if we will be 'close' friends or just... Mentor and Apprentice."

Lucario nodded, before walking back into the ranch, her stride shorter than normal due to her pregnancy. I grinned at that, happy with the outcome of my week long escape from reality. It may have been unhealthy, but the euphoria of having quite a few of my Pokemon impregnated was a great feeling.

Turning back to the road, I waited for a little longer before pursing my lips as I watched Dawn shuffle slowly towards me.

She was looking down at the ground, her shoulders slumped.

Walking towards her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as I asked "What's wrong?"

Looking up at me, I saw her blue eyes were puffy, and that her makeup had been ran off under her tears.

"M-Mother doesn't want me to be a Coordinator... she says th-that it isn't something I should do, a-and that I should just be a trainer..."

Stroking her back, I led her into the ranch, before sitting her down on the couch.

"So, the former Queen of Beauty doesn't want her daughter to follow in her footsteps... Odd, but... I can kind of understand it."

Dawn's head whipped over to the kitchen, where I had started pulling out ingredients and utensils.

Before she could speak, I continued.

"Coordinator is a difficult job, Dawn. Paired with how some judges and managers are corrupt and use their authority to force Coordinators to sleep with them. Sadly, it has yet to be fixed; they have more money than a lot of people, and have the backing various companies. So, yes, I can understand why someone who lived in the industry would want her daughter to never experience something like that..."

Dawn looked at me with wide eyes, before looking back at her hands.

"Do... do you think she was..."

Hearing her voice lower as she thought that, I moved over to her and ruffled her hair.

"No, I know for a fact that your mother didn't do anything of the sort. She was self made, and even when judges were 'convinced' to vote a certain way by other Coordinators, she still won the popular vote and many judges votes. Your mother just doesn't want to risk you falling into the pit that consumes many young girls; the cycle of blackmail and how they fall into poverty and need the judges or managers to survive."

She took in a shuddering breath, before sighing.

"I... I wish she told me that... that she was looking out for me and not trying to suppress my dream..."

Hearing her sniffle, I gave a small smile as I comforted her.

However, I watched in amusement as she slowly fell back into the couch, her eyes closed as her breathing evened out.

Returning to the kitchen, I set about making a soup. Whenever I had been upset as a child, my mother always made some kind of soup.

Smiling, I slowly made dinner for us, putting a loaf of bread in the oven before looking at the sleeping girl.

It was moments like this that made me want a child of my own; I just felt so... happy to take care of her, but I was not looking forwards to the first few years of their life...

Sitting at the table, I scrolled through my phone before hearing my timer go off. Checking the meal, I scooped some soup into bowls before placing them on the table.

Shaking Dawn awake, I smiled at how cute she looked when she yawned, before looking up at me with her wide blue eyes.

Sitting at the table, I chuckled when she blushed as she looked at her hands, before taking a spoonful of the soup.

Seeing her face brighten as she said "It's good!" made me happy, and I sat down to eat as well.

We talked about small things, like what Pokemon she wanted, why she loved Piplup so much, and more.

Eventually, the sun set, and after eating her fill, Dawn shuffled around, her eyes flitting about.

Sitting on the couch, I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels, patting the spot beside me.

Gingerly sitting on the couch, Dawn looked at me from the side of her eyes, before relaxing when I didn't react.

Tuning into the Gym Battle Channel, I watched in interest as a young trainer took on Crasher Wake.

Watching the battle with me, Dawn started asking questions, trying to understand why Crasher Wake didn't use a certain move or why the trainer managed to win with the Pokemon they had.

I answered each question as best I could, going into typings, weakness', personality, and so on. All things that shape a battle.

Without realizing it, the clock struck 10, and I looked over at Dawn.

"You can sleep in my room; I'll take the couch."

As I said that, Dawn turned crimson, before whispering "I... I don't mind sharing a bed..."

Seeing her shy expression, paired with the words, aroused me.

Looking down at the girl, I asked "Are you sure?"

She nodded, her gaze focused on the outline of my cock.

Tearing her gaze off of it, Dawn got up, asking "May I use your shower?"

I nodded, leading her upstairs before jokingly asking "Can I join you in the shower as well?"

Seeing her stiffen completely before nodding, I looked at her in surprise before grinning.

This was going to be a great night...