Cynthia (1)

The days passed by slowly, my mind numb with worry.

I knew of no way to get rid of eggs without either causing harm to myself or going to a doctor to have them removed.

However, I couldn't do that.

After all, how would I explain 'Oh hey, I am carrying the eggs of an Arcanine and they just so happen to be healthy?'

I'd be sent to a lab and experimented on, before people found out my lineage!

So, that meant that I had to pray that my childhood friend, who I had been through so much with would be capable of understanding, of keeping my secret.

However, every day was filled with what ifs.

What if she was disgusted with me?

What if she told everyone about me?

What if she hated me?

I just spiraled out of control, my nights sleepless as more and more scenarios popped into my mind.

When I asked her if she could come a few days later, she told me that was the only day she had free, that she couldn't make any other day work and that she had important news.

So, eventually I reached the dreaded day, each second feeling like an eternity as I paced my house.

I had my Lucario at the gate to lead her here, that way I could at least know that she would listen to me.

After all, while her team is nigh impossible to beat, I have an entire ranch to keep her hear, to listen to me.

I NEED her to listen to me.

I bit my thumb as I paced, my thoughts spiraling again.

Cynthia was my childhood friend.

She stood with me when I lost my mother.

She celebrated with me when I got my first badge weeks after she managed to get her second.

She urged me to continue even when I struggled to complete my eight badge.

Besides all that, all the times she supported me...


I really, really loved her.

However, she was never interested in dating, in relationships.

So... I kept my feelings to myself, burying them underneath our friendship.

After all, if she didn't know about my feelings, then we could keep going forwards as friends.

Even with that distance between us, I would rather walk beside her as a friend and be comfortable with one another than anything else.

That was why I lost myself a few times as a Gym Leader, as an Elite Four Member.

I could see her, but I couldn't touch her.

I was weaker than her, I was just far enough to reach for her, but never manage to catch her.

So, I drowned myself in sex as I gradually let my feelings of love for her wither...

However, like most things, they came back, restored.


I heard Roserade chirp slightly, and I quickly turned away from the door, my body trembling as I heard the door open.

"Milan! It's been so long!"

Her voice was cheerful, her low tone sending a shiver down my spine.


Cynthia got closer, and I could feel her behind me. However, I couldn't bring myself to turn.

I felt her hand on my shoulder, her voice filled with worry.

"What's wrong Milan? Come on, you can tell me..."

She spun me around, and I bit my lips as I saw her.

Cynthia was taller than me, so I had to look up into her golden eye.

Her hair fell gracefully down her face, covering one eye. Two teardrop hair clips were on either side of her head, keeping her hair from flailing about.

She wore a long black coat with a v-cut, the neck, cuffs, and bottom lined with silky black fur. Underneath the coat was a black shirt and black pants that hugged her lithe body, showing off her gentle curves.

She normally looked cool and calm, however now she looked down at me in shock, her gold eye wide as she took in my large stomach.

Giving her a small smile, I said "Hey, Cynthia..."

She let my shoulder go, taking a step back as she asked in a cold voice "Who... who's child?"

I gestured to the couch, my heart beating slowly as I felt nothing.

"We should talk..."

She nodded, however I noticed she took a seat on the chair, keeping away from me.

I took a deep breath, before saying "Cynthia, do you remember my mother?"

She looked at me in confusion nodding her head.

"What I am about to tell you... could you swear on her, on your grandparents, that you will never let anyone else know what I am about to say?"

Cynthia still looked confused, before giving me a nod.

Smiling, I took another breath before telling her my story.

I told her that my grandfather had found a ditto, and after discovering it could transform into people, he had mated with it frequently.

After a while, the unexpected happened; the ditto became pregnant.

The child that came from that unexpected pregnancy was none other than my mother.

She lived her life normally, aware of her lineage, before eventually finding her own ditto, giving birth to a child of her own; me.

I told Cynthia that I had learned that I could both impregnate and be impregnated by Pokemon, and that the things inside my womb wasn't a human child; it was a cluster of eggs.

"You expect me to believe that? That you are half Pokemon and half Human?!"

I looked at her, taking in the shock and anger in her eyes.

I nodded, saying "The best proof will come in two days, when I give birth..."

She looked at me, her expression disbelieving before she said "I don't believe you. I think that you just don't want to tell me that the rumors were true. That you sleep around like some common whore."

I flinched at that, my heart clenching as she said that.

Seeing me flinch, I watched as her eye widened, disbelief growing on her face.

"Are... are you serious Milan? What..."

She looked down at her hands, her eye still wide.

"Cynthia, the rumors are exaggerated, but... yes, I have had a lot of... interactions with people..."

She looked up at me, saying "Why?"

It was my turn to look at the ground.

How could I say it was because I didn't want to lose you, to have you grow distant because you rejected me?

She waited for an answer, before letting out a dejected sigh.


My heart clenched again, and I looked at her desperately.

"Cynthia, please, stay here for two days. Let me prove it to you!"

She pursed her lips, staring at me before sighing. She slumped into the couch, pinching the bridge of her nose as she sighed again.

"Fine. However, if nothing happens, or you were lying to me, this will be the last time you are seeing me. I swear it."

Knowing that I wasn't lying, my heart loosened, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

We sat there in silence, and eventually I asked "What did you come here to say?"

Looking at me, I saw her gold eye had a mix of longing and sadness.

"I came to tell you that..."

She took in a breath, leaning forwards as she stared at my stomach.

"I plan on stepping down as champion."

I looked at her in shock.

"You... what? Wasn't it your dream to become Champion, to become the strongest trainer?"

She gave me a mirthless smile, saying "Dreams change. I realized that, while I enjoyed the time at the top, I... I was lonely. No one was with me, no one could challenge me. So, I wanted to step down to explore the world. See what all the regions have to offer, both in Pokemon and in Trainers. I wanted to... well, I wanted to conquer the world, in a sense."

She fell back into the chair, another sigh escaping her thin lips.

"I wanted... well, I wanted to ask..."

I watched as her cheeks grew rosy, her gold eye flickering to my own before looking away.

"I wanted you to join me, Milan. I wanted you to stand at my side as we explored the world, like we said we would as kids. I wanted to know if... if you would do me the honor... of always standing at my side..."

Hearing that, I sank into the couch, my body numb.


She just...

"Did... did you just propose?"

Hearing my question, Cynthia looked at the floor with a cherry red face, before nodding.

I laughed, feeling like an idiot.

"Why... why couldn't you have realized that earlier? Did you not know that the only reason I became a Gym Leader, an Elite Four member, was to be with you!?"

She looked at me in shock, before pursing her lips.

"You know I can't catch things like that. Give me questions about Pokemon typings, match ups, fossils, history... anything like that, and I could write you a book on what to do. But people? Love? I have no clue about anything. What is it? How do I know if I love someone? If they like me?"

I looked at her, annoyed, before sighing.

"You... you have to be the biggest idiot I know."

She looked at me in confusion.

"I was practically your shadow, Cynthia. If you challenged a gym, I challenged it. If you caught a certain Pokemon, I caught it as well. When you became a Gym Leader, I became one. When you became Champion, I clawed my way to become an Elite Four Member."

She opened her mouth, before closing it, looking at me with pursed lips.

Leaning her head against the chair, Cynthia said "Well, you knew I was a straightforward woman. If you asked, I would have told you. I don't do well with subtleties..."

I sighed, saying "I was, like many people, afraid you would reject me. It scared me that you would look at me differently, no longer as a friend, that you would be wary of me."

She gave a wry smile, saying "I probably would have rejected you then... I wanted nothing more than to be Champion, so much so that I really didn't focus on anyone else..."

My heart cracked at that admission, and I said "I knew that, which is why I never said anything... I just buried my emotions as deep as I could, content with remaining as friends..."

Cynthia sighed, before looking at my stomach again.

"Milan, I'm serious. If you make me waste two days and you either don't give birth, or you do and it's to a human child, you will never see me again."

I just smiled at her, replying with "I am telling the truth. You'll see in two days. For those days though, I... want you to stay here."

I saw her nod, before I got up with a grunt.

Moving towards her, I kneeled in front of her, asking "Well, can we... can we enjoy these two days?"


So, I have plans for Cynthia, and while she may not always be around, you can think of her as the 'main' human lead. Does this mean that Milan stops with Pokemon? No, the whole book is just a place for me to literally write smut of all kinds.

Besides that, I don't feel insanely confident about how I did this chapter. It sounded good in my mind but honestly I have no idea if it was decent.

Anyways, next chapter is a large smut only chapter from Cynthia's PoV, so...
