Dawn and Johanna Move In

After returning home from my night with Johanna, I set about cleaning my place up, before calling an impromptu meeting, mainly consisting of Lucario, Lopunny, and of course, Gardevoir.

Sitting at the table, I pursed my lips as I looked between the three beautiful Pokemon, biting my lip as they stared at me.

"So... Dawn and her mother are moving in... and I'll be taking them as my... well, I guess I'll be marrying them..."

Their neutral gazes hardened, before they stood up, looming over me.

I bit my cheek, only to be surprised when they gently stroked my head.

I looked up, my eyes wide as I saw their tender, kind gazes.

"A-Aren't you all mad? I mean, I'm-"

{A human, and we are Pokemon. We know that you won't forget us, nor will you have invited others here if they weren't likely to accept you for who you are.}

Gulping, I felt my eyes water slightly as Lucario stroked my cheek, smiling down at me.

Lopunny and Gardevoir just chuckled, looking at me with mirth before placing kisses on my cheeks.

Sitting on either leg, my two partners leaned into me, while Lucario fell to her knees in front of me, burying her snout into my balls as she whispered {Besides, just because you are getting two human women... no, likely more in the future, you will still come back to us... we know that for a fact..."

I shuddered as Lucario started eagerly lapping at my balls, while Lopunny and Gardevoir started stroking my shaft, kissing my neck, cheeks, and ears.

They ground their wet snatches on my thighs, moaning as they rubbed their clit on my skin. As they comforted me I grabbed their ass', slipping a finger inside as Lucario swallowed my cock.

The sounds of Lucario sloppily sucking my dick mixed with our moans, and I grinned as they shuddered on my legs, coating my thighs with their ejaculate.

Their hands went to my balls, and it took only a few moments for the combined pleasures of the blowjob, them rolling my balls in their hands, and their kisses on my face to send me over edge, spraying semen straight into Lucario's stomach.

Panting, we all looked at one another, before I said "Alright, alright... let's go upstairs..."

They grinned at me, and I found myself laying on my back, Lopunny bouncing on my cock, Lucario grinding her cunt on my face, and Gardevoir thrusting her tongue deep into my own cunt, drinking my juices as I came over and over again from her psychic enhanced tongue.

As I flooded Lopunny's womb with my semen, Lucario grabbed my head in her paws, trembling as she moaned, releasing her sweet juices onto my face.

They got up, and as Gardevoir was about to slide my cock inside her pussy, I said "Wait, Gardevoir... Can you wait on that? I need to show Dawn and Johanna... w-what I am..."

Hearing my trembling voice, she nodded, slipping my cock into her even tighter ass.

I shuddered, moaning as she desperately bounced on my dick.

The Pokemon alternated, and I found my head buried between Lopunny's soft things, drinking my semen from her cunt as she moaned above me.

Lucario's long tongue, paired with her snout, pierced deep into my cunt, licking and prodding my cervix as she eagerly ate me out.

The day passed quickly with them alternating, and I found myself drained as I emptied my balls over and over again, impregnating Lopunny and Lucario again.

As for Gardevoir...

I held her in my arms, slamming my hips into hers as my cock plunged into her ass, making me grunt as she shuddered.

She was screaming as I gouged her with my cock, before we both moaned as I came hard inside her.

Pulling out, I watched as her large stomach started deflating, my cum leaking from her ass.

Laying on the bed with them, I looked between them with pursed lips, saying "I never actually named you all did I?"

They looked at me, confused, before shrugging.

Chuckling, I said "Well, no better time than the present huh?"

Looking at Gardevoir, who was laying on my chest, her head using my large breasts as a pillow, I chuckled, saying "Hmm... what do you think about... 'Hecate'?"

My crimson Gardevoir looked at me, her eyes glowing as she nodded her head, burying her face into my breasts as she shivered.

Turning to Lopunny, I pursed my lips, looking over her plump, sexy figure as I said "'Ishtar'?"

Licking her lips, Lopunny, now Ishtar, kissed me, her tongue coiling around mine as she showed her admiration for her name.

Finally, I looked at my daughter, who's crimson eyes were wide as she looked at me, her ears twitching in anticipation.

Laughing, I first kissed her, my hand sliding towards her cunt as I started fingering her.

As Lucario clung tighter to me, I moaned as Hecate slid my cock between her thighs, grinding her cunt on my cock.

"My beautiful daughter... ah~ how about... 'Bastet'?"

{B-Bastet? MOTHER~!}

Bastet wrapped her arms around me, moaning {Mother~} as I stirred up her semen filled cunt with my fingers.

We lay there, happy, as each of my Pokemon showed appreciation for their new names.


I looked at my phone, checking the time for the umpteenth time in just a few minutes.

{Mother... Hah...}

Looking at my daughter, I pouted at her, whining "But Bastet~ This is such an important occasion, and I'm just so worried! What if they don't show up? What if Johanna doesn't accept everything!?"

Sighing again, Bastet just looked at me, shaking her head before pointing down the road.

Turning, I grinned as I saw a van making its way down the dirt road, Johanna and Dawn in the front cab, waving at me.

They pulled up in front of the gate, and I watched as Johanna and Dawn got out, beaming at me.

Rushing forwards, Milan wrapped her arms around me, planting a kiss on my cheek before nuzzling her cheek into my chest.

Dawn just shrugged, a wry grin on her face as she moved closer.

Standing on her tiptoes, Dawn also kissed my cheek, laughing at my worried filled gaze.

"Don't worry, I told mom everything~"

At that Johanna pulled away from me, glaring as she said "You were... You were..!"

Pouting, she narrowed her eyes as she huffed "You were inside my daughter when you answered that call! There was no Buneary was there!?"

I also gave her a wry grin, scratching my cheek as I said "Ah... sorry, sorry... but I do actually have a bunch of Buneary on the ranch..."

That made her perk up, and she looked around with glowing eyes.

Looking at the truck, I pursed my lips, asking "Did... you sell your house?"

Dawn rolled her eyes, huffing as she looked at her mother.

"Yeah, she did. Y'know, for such a mature woman, she really didn't think this through so much..."

That made my heart clench, both from worry and happiness.

"Let's go inside first..."

Seeing them nod, I led them through the ranch, chuckling as all the Pokemon watched from afar.

Entering the kitchen, I sat down and sighed, wondering how to go about this...

"What's wrong?"

Johanna placed a hand on my arm, her dark blue eyes filled with worry.

"Listen, what I'm about to tell you... Swear to me that you'll never tell anyone else about this..."

They both nodded, and I saw the slim, crimson figure of Hecate silently approach, her crimson eyes narrowed as scarlet and rose colored energies surrounded her hands.

"So... I'm not... Hah..."

Looking at the table, I bit my lip, took a deep breath, and turned my gaze back towards them.

"I'm not completely human. In fact... I am half human, half Pokemon..."

Widening their eyes, they looked at me, confused.

Silence fell over the kitchen, and I felt my heartbeat quicken with every passing second.


Johanna spoke after a few moments, her jaw hanging as she tilted her head.

I went through the whole story, telling them about my grandfather and mother, and how I found out.

It took a few minutes, but eventually they leaned back, staring at the table with shocked expressions.

"I... Do you have any questions?"

Dawn nodded, licking her chapped lips as she asked "So... you can reproduce with Pokemon, be it male or female? And you've been doing that this... entire time?"

Nodding, I then turned to Johanna, who was looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Do you have proof?"

Again, I nodded.

Stepping forwards, Hecate looked over them, her hands clasped in front of her as she nodded.

"I was... going to have Hecate stay with you for the next week; she will never leave your side, so that you can guarantee... that it was me who made her pregnant..."

The mother and daughter pair looked at me in shock, as did Hecate.

"Wait wait... you are going to have sex with this Gardevoir... Hecate, and use her as your proof?"

Hearing Dawn's disbelief, I nodded, sighing as I said "I though that'd be less... jarring then me being impregnated..."

She nodded at that, before slumping in her chair.

"Well, fuck it, whatever."


I chuckled at Dawn, and she looked at her mother, shrugging as she said "Mom, listen; logically, Milan is a catch for a woman; rich, caring, financially stable, great sex... So I have NO intention of letting this chance go. Besides, she was a former Elite Four as well; the amount of things I can learn form her is immense!"

Pursing my lips, I stared at Dawn, as did Hecate, who was looking at the teen with narrowed eyes.

Raising her hands, Dawn chuckled, saying "Logically, logically! I really like you Milan; you're fun to be on and I just... feel great around you. I don't want to live my life regretting letting you go because you were... different."

Johanna sighed, slumping forwards as she looked at me, her gaze conflicted.

"Milan... if you have lied to me, you will never, and I mean never, see me or Dawn again. Are we clear?"

Her voice was firm, making me nod.

For a brief moment she reminded me of Cynthia, who issued the same ultimatum to me as well.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I looked between the two and said "Thank you for believing in me, and giving this a chance. I swear I'm not lying, nor will I disappoint you..."

As they nodded, I said "Ah, one last thing..."

Looking back at me with dull eyes, I chuckled, saying "There is one woman who IS going to joining us eventually; right now she's traveling."

Tilting their heads, I chuckled again when their eyes went wide at her name.

"I am Cynthia's lover, and she... swore to come back and settle down with me, once she has finished traveling."

"Wait... THE Cynthia? Former Champion, and the ONLY undefeated trainer in the WHOLE world with over 100 officiated battles?!"

Hearing Dawn's excited voice, I nodded to her, saying "The one and only... my childhood friend and first love..."

"Does she know..?"

I nodded at Johanna, saying "You reminded me of her for a moment; she threatened me with the same thing as you!"

Johanna just nodded, looking at the table in shock.

Clapping my hands, I said "Well, let's get you moved in!"