Farewells; All Aboard!

The two days had passed by in a flash.

I spent those two days touring the farm, Dawn and Karen walking with me as I introduced them to the Pokemon and what may need to be done.

Mainly, draining the milk tanks whenever they filled.

For that, I utilized the four new Machop who were utterly adorable, always flexing and trying to fight one another, however when I was near they acted like dependable little workers.

I had somehow gotten lucky, with two of them being female, the latex wrap around their chest being the giveaway.

Funnily enough, the two girls were much more outgoing and fierce, while the two boys were more reserved, usually doing what the two girls wanted. However, even now I could see the matchups between them, with one boy following one of the girls around like flies.

After doing a quick demonstration, and showing the Machop's what to do, Dawn, Karen, and the Machop's drained one of the tanks, using the buckets to fill the large storage tank inside the refrigerated area, which was currently home to Glaceon.

After that, I showed them the small farm that Roserade was taking care of, the flower Pokemon glancing over at us before turning back to her crops.

Besides the Miltank and the farm, there was nothing else that needed desperate looking over.

Of course, I also informed them of the delivery's I got weekly, and that if they wanted to add something, they should do it now.

However, the two nights I had left were spent deep inside Dawn and her mother, the two women screaming as I took this opportunity to satiate my lust using them.

After all, once Cynthia and I left, I doubted that I would be able to use my cock for those two weeks, unless my possessive wife wanted to torment some 'unlucky' woman using both our large cocks.

So, there I was...


Pulling back on Dawn's hair, I slammed my hips into hers, the girl screaming as I mercilessly spanked her plump ass.

"M-Milan~ N-not so h-hard! P-PLEASE~"

Ignoring her, I sped up, enjoying the way her tight cunt spasmed around my shaft as I stirred up her womb.

Laying in front of Dawn was Johanna, who's eyes were wide as she stared at her daughter getting pummeled from behind.

Except, instead of worry or anger in her eyes, they were filled with envy as she desperately stroked her dick, spraying semen onto her daughters face.

Chuckling at that, I grunted as I buried myself to the base, my balls clenching as I poured my seed deep into Dawn's womb, the younger girl gasping as I filled her.

Staring at Johanna, I growled "You're next."

She shuddered, before laying on her back beside Dawn, spreading her legs and lifting her balls.

Grinning at her, I finished inside of Dawn, releasing her hair, which made her collapse into the bed.

Moving to lean over Johanna, I slid my semen coated cock into her, the mature woman yelping as I speared into her womb.

Leaning forwards, I pressed my lips against hers, my tongue invading her mouth.

Enjoying her taste, I started thrusting into her, making the woman instantly spray her semen onto our breasts.

Pressing my body deeper into hers, I marveled in her softness as our breasts became glued together, rubbing my nipples against hers as I continued devouring her lips.

Between her cute little gasps for air whenever we parted, and the panting Dawn beside us, her blue eyes clouded over as she watched us, I took my time savoring their bodies, my almost bottomless lust lasting us to morning.


Dragging my suitcase down the stairs, I saw Karen kneeling in front of Cynthia, who was gripping the woman's head tightly as she slammed herself into Karen's throat.

"Good morning, dear."

Turning to look at me, Cynthia just grunted before muttering "Shit..!"

Looking towards the ceiling, Cynthia came in Karen, the woman easily gulping down the giant load of semen.

Pulling out, Cynthia used an old towel to dry herself off, tossing it onto Karen's face when she was done.

"Milan, are you ready? The boat leaves at 8, and its... 7 now."

I nodded, gesturing to my suitcase and purse.

Shrugging, Cynthia crouched in front of Karen, pushing the towel to the side as she kissed the woman.

"Be good, pet. We'll bring you back something."

"Y-Yes, Mistress..."

Chuckling at how Karen rasped that out, I dragged the suitcase outside, nodding to the giant purple dragon lounging in the yard.

"Hello Gar~ Been awhile!"

Lifting its large, star tipped head towards me, the Garchomp let out a low "Gar Gar~"

Stepping forwards, I pressed my hand against his cheek, scratching his scales.

Growling lightly, the Pseudo-Legendary leaned into my hand, narrowing its crimson eyes in pleasure.

It was funny...

Back in the day, when I had gotten my Buneary, now Ishtar, Cynthia had somehow found a Gible, stranded and alone in the snow laden mountains.

Even back then she was blessed by Arceus...

"Garchomp, are you able to carry this?"

Cynthia stepped down the stairs, holding a suitcase of her own.

Scoffing at his partner, he glared at her before nodding.

"Don't give me that look, you large dolt! Who was the one who overexerted themselves in Kanto, hmm?"

Growling again, the Garchomp looked away, huffing.

Sighing, Cynthia lifted up the bags, strapping them onto Garchomp's back.

"You were pretty loud last night, Milan."

"So were you."

Rolling her eyes, Cynthia finished strapping everything in, before turning her eyes towards the house.

Standing at the top were the three women, all smiling at us.

Stepping up towards them, I planted a kiss on Dawn and Johanna's lips, whispering "I'll be back before you know it~"

Johanna nodded, while Dawn bit her lip, her eyes watery.

Giving her another kiss, I could only chuckle as she latched onto me, her tongue coiling around my own.

Dropping my hands to her spongy ass, I pulled her into me, enjoying the desperation she displayed.

However, I pulled away, the girl whining slightly as I did so.

"Dawn, I'll be back in two weeks. Really, I will."


Chuckling, I returned to her lips, enjoying their soft sensation as I kissed her.

Squeezing her ass, I released her lips, kissing her cheek, then ear as I whispered "Of course. Why would I abandon this nice ass~?"

Glaring at me, Dawn huffed as she tried to turn away, only to blush as I said "Or my child~?"

Running a hand over her stomach, the girl shivered as she stared at me, before nodding.

Kissing her forehead, I nodded to Karen before returning to Cynthia.

She was still standing next to Garchomp, her hand resting on his back while she watched me.

As soon as I was within her distance, Cynthia wrapped her arm around me, before saying "We'll be back in two weeks! Enjoy the break, everyone~"

With that, she led me towards the gate, away from the other women.


We found ourselves in Canalave City, standing on the crowded pier.

Cynthia's Garchomp drew attention, but as soon as everyone saw us two they parted ways, an almost reverent look in their eyes.

After all, we were the two most accomplished trainers of this generation in Sinnoh, with Cynthia being a worldwide celebrity.

Smiling at the people, I could hear the fluttering of camera shutters and excited whispers between people, making Cynthia and I chuckle.

"Seems like this will be our life forever huh?"

She nodded, saying "Most likely. I doubt anyone could match our records... at least not for a few decades. But by then..."

Grinning at me, Cynthia tenderly placed a kiss on my lips, making the crowd let out a cheer.

Smirking at me, Cynthia whispered "Because by then, you'll have given birth to my children~"

Rolling my eyes at her, I smiled as I said "Sure, sure~ But we'll have more than just a few kids running around. After all, Dawn, Johanna, and Karen will have had a few as well~"

That made Cynthia flinch slightly, likely realizing the financial strain that our future would create.

Chuckling, I laid a hand lovingly on her arm, saying "Well, at least we can improve the ranch to help alleviate the costs~"

Opening those plump, red lips of hers, Cynthia was about to say something when the man standing on the edge of the ramp shouted "All aboard to Alola! Please make your way over to the S.S Gyrado! All aboard to Alola!"


Our journey starts soon~

This will include individual smut chapters between Milan and others, as well as one particular character getting Double-Teamed by Cynthia and Milan before joining them forever~

There are also a few Pokemon that people mentioned that will be joining the team, so there will be chapters of them as well~
