Waking up in Alola


Sorry for the mini break, been dealing with getting my main novel, 'Servant System', contracted, as well as been more into writing my Skyrim Erofic, but I'm back~!


Groaning, I opened my eyes to harsh sunlight, making me bring a hand to my face instantly.

Slowly acclimating to the bright light, I stumbled to my feet, walking towards the window and spreading the curtains.

My vision slowly cleared up, and what greeted me was an extradorinaiy sight.

Crystal clear aqua waves gently lapped at the brilliant golden beaches, dozens, if not hundreds of tourists and natives lounging and playing on the sand, wearing a large array of colors.

Away from the busy shore was the sprawling cityscape of Hau'oli City, the capital of Melemele Island.

Dozens of ornate buildings surrounded me, however I was easily a few stories above every other building.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Hearing the familiar voice of Cynthia behind me, I turned, the blonde standing behind me naked.


I looked back over the beach, Cynthia sliding beside me as she slipped her arm around my waist.

"Like the view?"

"Yeah... where are we? Isn't this a-"

Chuckling, she rolled her eyes as she said "Milan, this is our Honeymoon! You think I was renting us some tiny, basic room? No! I wanted a large, soft bed to rail you into, a nice room to enjoy your moans, and a good view to look over as I planted my seed in your womb!"

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, however I leaned my head onto her shoulder, enjoying her warmth.

Slipping my hand towards her throbbing cock, I started swiftly stroking it, enjoying her soft grunts and groans as I expertly targeted her weak spots.

Cynthia dug her fingers into my drenched cunt, poking and prodding my own weak spots, my moans joining hers as we both quickly brought the other to the edge.

Dropping to my knees in front of her, I swallowed her cock to the root, gulping down her delectable semen as she filled my stomach to the brim, her balls pulsing against my chin.

"Milan~ You're the best cocksucker I've been with!"

Rolling my eyes at her, I continued draining her dick of all her seed, drinking it down like water.

Moments later I got up, wiping off my lip before turning to get a proper look at the room.

A giant bed covered in expensive silks, a wide couch sitting at its foot, facing a gigantic television.

Various cabinets and dressers lined the walls, and two doors stood beside each other, one leading to the main room and the other to the bath.

Placing her hand on my ass, Cynthia gestured towards our suitcases, which lay on the couch.

"Well, you have an option for today. We can relax and look around the island, go shopping, and catch Pokemon, or we can go meet the Trial Captain for this island. Think his name was Ilima or something?"

Pursing her lips, Cynthia stared at the ceiling, only looking back when she heard me sigh.

"Are you going to be taking the Island trials while we're here?"

She nodded, shrugging as she said "Why not? Seems easy enough."

I chuckled, laying my head on her shoulder again as I said "Only you could get away with saying that... Hah, anyways, let's explore. I heard that theres an interesting Pokemon on the north side of the island that changes form based on the flowers nearby. Oriocorio is its name."

"Yes, I heard of that. What about Rockruff and it's two alternate evolutions, one for dawn and the other for midnight? Quite intriguing, no?"

I nodded again, opening my suitcase and pulling out some clothes.

However, as I bent over Cynthia slid herself inside me, taking my hips and slamming her cock into my womb.

We ended up spending another thirty minutes in the room, Cynthia trying to bring her lust under control via unloading herself in my cunt, filling me to the brim again.

Slipping on some good panties and placing a pad under it, I glared at the blonde, who just shrugged, smirking at me.

"Let's get something to eat, then head to the Meadows up north."

She nodded, following behind me as we exited the lavish room, eventually reaching an equally lavish lobby.

Finding a seat inside the busy cafe, Cynthia and I ordered a drink and snack.

Cynthia got a Komala Coffee and a scone, while I ordered a Tapu Cocoa and slice of pound cake.

Waiting for the food to arrive, I looked over at Cynthia, asking "Just curious, but how many people did you sleep with in Kanto?"

"Hmm... Well, there's Karen, obviously. This weird ninja wannabe girl named Janine, the Ice Elite Lorelei, this airhead named Daisy, a widow named Delia... and like two other random women in a club I found myself in."

I nodded, saying "Honestly I expected more, but..."

Grinning at me, she leaned forwards and whispered "I kept comparing them to you, and it just... got annoying. I wanted to hear that delectable scream, and yet... only Karen gave me something close. Though, Lorelei was definitely a fun fuck."

For what felt like the hundredth time today I rolled my eyes at her, wondering why my formerly naive, innocent, and blockheaded childhood friend had gone.

"A Tapu Cocoa, Komala Coffee, and pastries..."

A cute waitress placed everything in front of us, surprisingly only flinching for a second as she recognized us, quickly regaining her composure.


Cynthia placed a bill on the waitress' tray, making the girl gasp in surprise.

Taking a sip of the Tapu Cocoa, I marveled at its deep richness, enjoying the hot chocolate as Cynthia took a bite of her scone.

"Did you have enough Pokeballs, or should we stop at a Mart?"

I shook my head, patting my purse as I chewed on the pound cake.

"Have some..."

She nodded, and we scarfed down the rest.

"That was good..."

Smiling at her, I clasped her hand as we stepped onto the road, making our way north.

"It was~ and it'll only get better the longer we're here~!"