Island Trial

Following Cynthia into the bedroom, we both grinned at the other nude blonde, who shivered under our gazes.

Laying down on the bed, Cynthia gestured towards her throbbing cock, Lusamine instantly mounting it.

Moaning as it she slid herself all the way onto Cynthia's dick, Lusamine gasped as I kneeled behind her, spreading her soft, supple ass, slipping a finger into her loose hole.

Cynthia grabbed the woman by her ass as well, thrusting upwards.

Screaming in pleasure, Lusamine collapsed forwards, desperately pressing her lips against Cynthia's to focus her cum addled mind.

Using the woman's ejaculate as lube, as well as my own precum, I lathered both her hole and my shaft with juices, before guiding it into her rear.

Grunting at her incredible tightness, I tried to slide myself deeper inside, enjoying the way Cynthia's cock pressed against mine from the inside of our new cum dump.

Finally sheathing myself in her ass, I fell forwards as well, pressing the woman further into Cynthia, sandwiching her between our bodies and dicks.

Placing my hands over Cynthia's I started thrusting forwards, Lusamine's ass clamping and squeezing my shaft whenever I moved.

The inside of her ass was slick with fluids, further lubing my cock up as I pummeled into her from behind, enjoying the feeling of pressing this woman down under me.

Lusamine was laying between us, her body limp as her tongue lolled from the side of her red lips, making Cynthia and I chuckle as we exchanged mirth filled glances.

However, even though Lusamine was on the verge of passing out from pleasure, neither Cynthia or I stopped, continuing our thrusts into her tight holes.

"Cynthia... this is an amazing gift~!"

Laughing, she spanked Lusamine's ass, making the woman moan briefly before burying her face into Cynthia's neck.

"Good! Glad you're happy with this! I'm quite pleased as well..!"

Grunting, Cynthia narrowed her eyes before slamming all the way into Lusamine's womb, her cock throbbing as she released a fresh batch of semen into our new toy.

I moaned as I felt Cynthia cum, Lusamine's womb expanding and pressing into her intestines as I continued thrusting.

Moments later I buried myself to the base as well, splattering her clenched insides with a large dose of my seed, painting them white.

Cynthia and I pulled out, gently rolling her to the side and watching as Lusamine's two holes 'blinked' at us, our thick semen pouring from them.

Exchanging grins, we continued watching as she eventually returned to consciousness, only to moan more as we returned to her insides, giving her another helping of our seed.

When we finished with her I found myself under Cynthia, my lover's cock scraping out the inside of my womb as she railed me from behind, her hands falling heavily on my ass.

Slipping the cock ring back on me, Cynthia continuously edged me, only allowing me to come from my cunt whenever she came, almost as a reward.

As for my cock...

Well, the entire time Cynthia had me face first in Lusamine's crotch, licking out her previous loads as she slammed into me from behind, teasing me by showing me the used, yet tight cunt of Lusamine.

Cynthia continued pleasuring herself using my holes, occasionally switching from my snatch to my anus, filling me completely to the brim with semen.

Pushing my head into Lusamine's creamy cunt, Cynthia grunted as her balls slapped against mine, trembling as she poured another fresh batch of her baby batter into my womb.

"Milan, I WILL knock you up by the end of this trip... Count on it..."

That was the last thing I heard, as she resumed her relentless thrusting against my womb, pushing it deeper and deeper into my body.


Standing inside the Verdant Cavern, I chuckled as I watched Cynthia yawn as Garchomp simply lifted the Totem Raticate above his head, slamming the poor Pokemon to the ground.

Lusamine was standing beside me, bags under her eyes as she watched on.

However, she was staring at the Garchomp with spirited eyes, asking me "That's not a normal Garchomp... is it?"

Grinning at her, I nodded, making her jaw drop.

"I-It's so much faster than a TOTEM Pokemon!?"


Seeing both her and Ilima's awe filled gazes, I chuckled, before adding "Remember, this is without her commanding it, and it hasn't even used any moves yet..."

The two stared at me in disbelief, before Lusamine gasped.

"H-Holy... you're right... Cynthia didn't say a SINGLE word yet..."

I nodded again, looking at the roaring Garchomp with a grin.

He's always been such a showboater~

Shaking my head as I watched it finish, Cynthia patted her partners back, making the Garchomp let out a low growl.


They glared at each other, before Cynthia chuckled and the Garchomp let out a rumble, smiling at her.

Walking over to us, Cynthia smirked at Lusamine and I, making me roll my eyes.

"A-Alright, you're next Miss Milan..."

Ilima stared at me with slight worry, his grey eyes flickering over to the groaning Raticate.

Nodding to him, I stared down at my two Pokeballs, contemplating who I should use when Cynthia said "Go all out, Milan."

Sighing, I took Hecate's custom ball from purse, staring down at it with a small smile.

I had this made for her when I reached the Elite Four, and I didn't regret it.

It wasn't anything special; it was the same as a normal Pokeball but had a darker red top and black bottom, the button in the middle gold.

It matched Hecate, and as I tossed it out both Lusamine and Ilima gasped, staring at the shiny Gardevoir with wide eyes.

Sure, Garchomp was a Pseudo-Legendary, but a shiny is a shiny, no matter the Pokemon.

And when it was a powerhouse like Gardevoir...

Flicking her black hair slightly, Hecate glanced at me with a frown.

Rubbing her head, I smiled at her as I said "I know, it's been a while... sorry. But het, better late than never right?"

She rolled her eyes at me, before glancing around the lush cavern.

Rocks and boulders littered the ground, covered in moss and surrounded by weeds and flowers.

In the center stood a small stone pillar, shrouded in a large ray of sunshine.

Sitting on the pillar was something called a 'Z-Crystal', specifically the Normal Type one.

It was the reward for conquering this Island's, Melemele, Trial.

Currently, a Pokemon exclusive to Alola stood guard over it, a tall, brown furred Furret look alike called Gumshoos, it's long golden mane falling over its back.

Hecate and I stepped forwards, and it let out a low growl.

Raising a brow, I chuckled as Hecate frowned, raising her thin hand.

Purple and crimson energies swirled around her arm, before shooting forwards to wrap around the Gumshoos, making the Totem Pokemon let out worried grunts.

Stepping forwards again, Hecate clenched her fist, the energy burrowing into the Gumshoos body.

The Pokemon went slack, it's eyes turning crimson as it walked to stand before us, before bowing.


Both Lusamine and Ilima were, yet again, surprised.

No moves, just pure, raw psychic strenght from an annoyed Gardevoir.

Glancing back at me, Hecate tilted her head, making me chuckle as I patted her soft hair again.

"Yes, I'll give you a reward~"

She nodded, before returning to her Pokeball.

Gumshoos collapsed to the ground, fast asleep, making Ilima say "C-Congratulations, Milan, Cynthia... You cleared my trial, a-and you can challenge Island Kahuna Hala in Iki Town!"

Ilima seemed both relieved that the trial was over, and worried for his 'boss', Hala, after seeing us so easily defeat a Totem Pokemon, which is way stronger than a normal Pokemon.

Stamping our challenge books, Ilima scurried away, making Cynthia grin as she watched him leave.

"See? Easy."

Rolling my eyes, I said "It's the first Island, meant for beginners Cynthia. Of course it was easy."

However, Lusamine shook her head, staring at us in awe.

"N-No, Totem Pokemon are trained to relegate their strenght based on the opponent... Yes, this trial is basic, but the Totem Pokemon should have gone all out considering..."

She stared over at the smirking Garchomp, before just sighing.

"What I mean is... you two are just... way too strong..."

Cynthia and I exchanged amused glances, only for me to sigh as Cynthia said "Sounds like we deserve a reward, Lus~"


Lusamine blushed, only to turn crimson when Cynthia asked "Would you prefer cum toilet? Walking onahole? Slutty bitch who schlicks in caves, hoping someone comes by and plants their seed in your fertile womb?"

The blonde petite woman shook her head, still crimson as she listened to the list Cynthia created.

"L-Lus is fine..."

Laughing, Cynthia said "Good! Let's get back to the hotel... I want you both wrapped around my cock."