Milan PoV
After an incredible time with Selene, we exchanged contact information before I made my way to the hotel, wondering what state Lusamine would be in when I returned.
To no surprise, Lusamine was leaking semen from all her holes, while her entire chest was splattered with seed.
Cynthia sat beside the cum drunk woman with a frown, her eyes glued to Lusamine's chest as she panted.
Hearing me enter, Cynthia got up and approached me, still frowning.
Allowing myself to be pulled into her arms, I chuckled as she placed a kiss on my lips, which quickly turned into more.
After a long, long reunion with her, I showered and repacked my bags as we prepared to embark on a ferry over to Akala Island, home of the second set of trials, a lush jungle, a volcano, a set of ancient ruins, and so much more.
The island was tied with Ula'ula as the largest islands that made up the Alola 'Region', and Cynthia and I had been looking forwards to Akala in particular.
Cynthia wanted to explore and observe the ruins, while I had an interest in the various Pokemon native to Akala.
There was Salandit, Bounsweet, Mareanie, and Wimpod on that island, and each was rather intriguing.
Salandit was of not only an interesting typing, but was, if female, incredibly, incredibly clever and downright devious.
They were capable of producing pheromones so strong that they could affect even humans, and, to some degree, control them.
As for Bounsweet, it's not only adorable but would also be a great addition on my ranch; they exude an extremely calming scent, which could help control some of the rowdier Pokemon.
Mareanie was just a Pokemon that I wanted to catch; it had such utility as a support Pokemon, what with its poisonous barbs and excellent defense.
Finally, Wimpod was something I wanted due to its use as a 'cleaner' Pokemon; it ate almost everything, and would be incredibly useful for lowering the output of trash from my ranch.
Lusamine told us that we would need to return to Melemele before we departed so she could clean everything out of her home, which Cynthia and I told her we would obviously let her do.
Double checking the room, we then left the luxury hotel Cynthia had booked, making our way back down to the pier.
I was a little sad that I had explored little of the city, but I was more than happy with the rest of my time on the island; we had found Lusamine, who was going to be a rather enjoyable addition to our family, I had met Selene, which was nice, and I had met Burnet, who gave me a promise of sex.
Thinking of her, I pulled out my phone as we sat on the dock, waiting for our ferry to be ready to depart.
Taking a picture of the beautiful sea before us, I told her that I was departing for Akala today, so if she wanted to meet me in the future, she would need to be over there.
After that, I took a selfie to send to Dawn and Joanna, writing a long text to my two women, telling them about the journey so far; I kept out the sex, of course, and focused instead on how hilarious the trial and Kahuna had been, how beautiful the scenery was, and how much fun it was.
I also added that I missed the two bluenettes, which was true; I had grown used to waking up with them on either side of me, and I missed the conversations we had together.
Dawn's near insatiable appetite for trainer knowledge, Pokemon knowledge, and so much more was always refreshing, and I loved talking to my young wife, parting onto her what I had learned over the years.
As for Johanna, we conversed more about our experiences in life, comparing them and laughing at our idiotic mistakes when we were younger. Besides that, I rather enjoyed how homely the woman was, helping to ease my burdens at the ranch by taking care of the smaller chores, which allowed me to focus on things like the Miltank, my, hopefully, growing garden, and so much more.
Both were incredibly important to me, and I loved them both so much.
Cynthia sat beside me, and I leaned into her shoulder; I loved this idiot just as much...
Finishing the text, I closed my phone and put it away, waiting to board the ferry.
It took a few more minutes, but eventually we were told we could board.
Paying for our tickets, Cynthia led us to the deck, where tables were set out.
Getting a light meal to hold us over, we all chatted about the upcoming island, sharing our interests.
Hearing that I was more focused on the Pokemon, and that Cynthia wanted to take in the ruins, Lusamine grew curious.
"Why don't you seem that interested in the Pokemon, Cynthia? Wouldn't you want to expand the teams you could create?"
At that, Cynthia just chuckled.
"Sure, if I encounter one, I'll catch it, but... well, I have such a good team already, so I'm not hunting for them. I'm more interested in history than Pokemon, while Milan has always loved Pokemon more than a lot of other things. Besides, since we're both so close, if I need to borrow a Pokemon, or vice versa, I can."
I nodded, sipping on my warm tea, saying "We both used to have a really similar team, and one time, when Cynthia's Lucario fell sick, I lent her Bastet. Our Pokemon are well trained, so while she may not have been as effective as she was with me, Bastet did a damn good job."
Lusamine nodded, before asking "But still... for someone so focused on battling, shouldn't you be interested in these 'new' Pokemon? They offer different moves, typings, and so on for you to capitalize on!"
Cynthia shrugged, taking a bite from her croissant before saying "Again, if I find something interesting, I'll catch it. I just... don't really need to worry? I mean, Garchomp is good on his own..."
Sighing, our new addition was about to speak when we all felt the boat rock, making Cynthia and I frown.
"This is Team Skull, yeah~! Just sit down and don't touch your Pokeballs, yeah~?"
"Stay seated, or you'll get beated-... nah, that was bad..."
"We want your valuables and cash, but we don't want a bash!"
Looking at the side of the deck, we saw three people dressed in dark baggy clothing standing there, Pokemon looming behind them.
Each had a skull face mask, and their hair was dyed varying shades of blue or pink.
"Team Skull?!"
"Did he just rhyme seated with beated?"
"T-This is bad! T-They've st-stolen from dozens of p-people!"
"Not even Kahuna Hala could stop them! What are we going to do?!"
Yes, I rhymed seated with beated, and so did that poor grunt.
Why did it pop into my head right away?
No clue, just felt right, until I realized it wasn't a word when autocorrect popped up...
I feel dumb.
So now that grunt is dumb as well.