Mister Boreas (Short)

Sitting at the table, we ate a light course of traditional Akala cuisine, which consisted of grilled Magikarp, vegetable bowls, and a large tray of Malasada, which is a fried dough that was drizzled with a berry glaze.

Everyone really enjoyed the meal, with Cynthia focusing intently on the grilled meat while Lusamine blushed slightly as she nibbled on her third Malasada.

Throughout the meal Olivia gave Cynthia and I flirtatious eyes, and we returned her heated gazes with smirks, both of us nodding to one another as we realized that this Kahuna might just be a new interest of ours.

As for the rest of the table, Lana was blushing furiously whenever Cynthia gazed her way, while Mallow beamed at us, her bubbly attitude warming me up slightly.

Kiawe seemed to sense the growing atmosphere around us, as the dark man sighed as he shook his head, a wry smile on his lips as he continued to eat.

Mister Boreas and his wife Tatianna didn't notice that, while Kahili was sending lust filled eyes towards Kiawe and Olivia, the two brown skinned trainers smirking at the pale golfer.

The dynamic at the table was interesting to say the least, and I wondered just how this trip to Akala would end up...

When we wall finished eating Mister Boreas coughed, grabbing our attention.

"Well, before we begin, I must ask... is Miss Lusamine here as an aide, a guide, or..?"

Cynthia smiled warmly at the petite blonde beside her, reaching over to grab her hand as she said "No, she's with us as a lover, Mister Boreas. We... had an interesting meeting, and one thing led to another..."

The elderly man nodded for a moment, casting a glance at his wife, who only smiled at him.

Coughing again, he said "A-Ahem, well, I'm guessing Miss Milan is alright with that as well then? Considering..?"

He gestured towards my left hand, where the beautiful ring sat.

Chuckling, I nodded and glanced over at Cynthia, saying "Honestly, I already had two lovers before Cynthia confessed to me, and we talked it through. We both agreed that... a certain degree of openness was necessary for us both, and after that she tied the knot completely~!"

I rubbed the embedded emerald, smiling gently at my ring before looking back up, where a dejected Lana, grinning Mallow, and nodding Tatianna sat, staring at me.

Olivia's dark grey eyes were shining with lust and gleaming with joy as she leaned forwards, allowing her shapely breasts to bounce around as she placed them on the table.

Nodding again, Mister Boreas chuckled as he leaned back, before saying "Well, I wish you both the best of luck. Now, about what you plan on doing on Akala..."

Cynthia and I payed attention to his words as he spoke, the older man outlining a solid plan for us to follow should we wish, highlighting specific attractions for tourists as well as some hidden local only spots, as well as suggesting some activities over others.

As for battling against the Captains, Cynthia and I nodded to each as they stared at us, each one flinching slightly under our gazes.

Even Olivia recoiled back slightly, her smile faltering as she realized she would need to battle the untouchable Cynthia and myself, though the smile returned stronger than before when she felt our eyes on her smooth skin.

The talks eventually turned towards something else; a business deal between Mister Boreas and I, as he wanted to have me expand my ranch into Alola as well.

The main problem with that was, well, I only had one ditto; myself.

It would be difficult to replicate my success if I wasn't present, both because I could 'whisper' to Pokemon but also because the reason they bred so easily at my ranch was because I was sexually stimulating all of them and mating constantly.

Cynthia saved me from that, shaking her head as she told Mister Boreas that I wasn't looking to expand commercially, but that the gesture was nice.

She also explained that what I did was more for my own interests instead of for others, and that the ranch wasn't even done being set up properly, as it hadn't even been open for a year yet.

Though, this led into the conversation of whether or not he could still invest a little into the ranch, offering a few million if I bred a few Pokemon for him.

Accepting the deal, the man smiled happily while his wife rolled her eyes, displeased about such a lengthy conversation.

With that out of the way, we all got up and moved towards the room where we had met Mister Boreas, lounging around and chatting amongst ourselves.

Mister Boreas was talking to Cynthia and Lusamine, while Miss Tatianna approached me, striking up discussions about my old battles and how I maintained my style through the years.

Mallow joined us, extremely interested in the conversation, while Lana drifted towards Cynthia.

Olivia and Kiawe talked with Kahili, who was enjoying the undivided attention of the two good looking trainers.


Sorry for the break, and the shorter chapter; haven't lost complete interest in this, but I have enjoyed writing my other works more than this one, so...

Not dropping, just saying that the updates might be more spread apart then before.
