New allies 2

what do you mean I had no book with me??

Do you mean I left it there??!

could it have been burnt to ashes??!!

I was confused, angry, and frustrated!!

I spun around myself.

frightened Laura started biting her nails.

she couldn't do anything but watch me go here and there everywhere in the room, she didn't understand what was going on and what should she do after a while, I stopped to catch my breath, I held Laura's shoulders shaking her hard..

" tell me, Laura, exactly how did you save me??"

anxious laura started speaking:

"aa...we were trying to find you when Peter suggested that you would be there, there was no way we could save you from inside the palace..the guards were trying to break the walls of the corridors..and prince Philip heard us and some guards...we went straight down the balcony of the royal suite...he climbed to the balcony with lord Albert and prince Charles other guards went on his orders with peter for blankets or covers...anything we could catch you with.....they carried you on the thick balcony's fence and found the right moment to let you was a hard moment for all of us princess, we held the blankets tightly, maids and princess.....I don't think anyone else had the chance to think about anything else but you.."

"Peter told me about your concerns princess, I promise the truth can't be hidden forever..feel free to share your worries with me. I'll always be here for u"

I felt great disappointment...

"I'm sorry Laura I didn't tell u about this, I didn't want to drag any of you into this.."

I barely think that I would survive this..not to mention them.

I started crying, laura came closer and patted me...

she tried to console me and I needed it badly...

"It's okay princess...."


In the palace's garden at night

King Louis was there with his servant who was holding the fire holder,

King Louis who had his hands behind his back was staring from down there at the black balcony and the fired walls of the west pavilion...

"King Louis, do you think the fire was intentional??"

my cousin George who appeared from nowhere asked king Louis as he was accusing him.

"I don't know, all I care about is seeing all of them die. how exciting would it have been if we lost two of them or even one...! hah"

king Louis sighed.

you could see George smirking...

"tell me...., how did it come that you've lost your titles??" Louis looked at George.

"well....., I was young back then, my mom princess Elizabeth was accused of the possession of a dark magic book, but mom isn't like that, she won't tell me anything...but I know it, ..others have it that we've lost our titles because mom stole a valuable royal property....but.when I consulted grandma about it, she told me that there was no difference!"

they both looked at each other with smirks on their faces...


At my aunt Lizzie's chamber

aunt Lizzie was sitting on a chair thinking when she was interrupted by the entrance of her son...

"mother you've called for me?"

he bowed and smiled at her

she looked down...

"what were you doing with king Louis??"

his eyes narrowed.

"Nothing Mother"

" We have faced enough..., your grandpa...." she sighed

" Just avoid getting in's not safe here and you know it!"

" I won't do anything that could ever harm you...."

she cut him in the middle

"no George you don't understand...I love, Goerge you are my son, my only son, and I can't afford to lose you. I can't see you in danger. just stay low we have to remain in the shadows, in this palace it's better to act deaf and's better for all of us..., traps are everywhere, pls understand and keep your distance son."

she said asking her son desperately while holding her son's face with this teary eyes and a pathetic look on her face, he gripped her hand and nodded trying to comfort her.

"We are going to be okay long as I'm here I will not let anyone harm you!".


Princess Portia returned to queen victoria's suite after a while...

"auntie! what took you so long??"

"I was packing my things from the guest room and I came to continue packing the rest of my belongings.."

"what??, no auntie what happened? you can't do that auntie, not one I need you the most!"

" A messenger has just arrived, I'm just as helpless as you..your grandma is in critical condition, our dear beloved Gabrielle's death affected us all, I need to go now, she demands our presence I'll take my leave now and your uncle, don't worry about her..."

"I'll come with you!"

"no! you are to stay at the palace for the coronation day! we all's already undiscussable, just try to stay on right terms with the previous's all going to be alright..."

Everybody says that but is it going to be Really alright...?

tears skipped through my eyes, could this get any worse? I need you..for a moment I could rely on her embrace but not any longer.

I watched the maids getting both my aunt's and uncle's belongings loaded into the carriage...helpless I.

At this very moment, it's said that I'm the most powerful person alive but yet! I no longer seem to understand the word happiness nor I'm able to cure my beloved ones or help save my people, I cannot hold into my people nor make decisions for myself..what does powerful mean?? I wonder.

"take care of yourself Victoria.."

my uncle hugged me and smiled, trying to pretend it was all good and fine but it wasn't.

they took their seats in the carriage and set off for Austria

I watched as the carriage went far and far.


I was sad and disappointed it all happened so fast!

I wish this pain could end soon I had to breathe and act all alright...

staying already for a while looking at where the carriage had disappeared when Laura brought me back again to reality.

"princess we have to head back.."

she said in a very calm tone.

"yes, laura...."


"wait look, princess!"