An unexpected proposal. Part III

Amelie's eyebrows rose in surprise. What did he mean by that? Had they met before? How and when? She had never left the castle after she moved in and, furthermore, she was sure she wouldn't forget meeting a man like him ⸻especially because she knew only a few people⸻. She was also intrigued by the use of that nickname. He had corrected himself, but the fact that he had had a slip of the tongue and had called her 'Amy' like it was the most natural thing to do made her feel as if there was a certain familiarity and trust between them.

After a little while trying to remember, she finally shook her head. She was convinced she had never seen him before, but it was difficult to say for sure because she doubted a person like her was easily mistaken for someone else.

He must have noticed her emotional turmoil because he said hurriedly: "Oh, I apologize! It was not my intention to make the princess feel guilty" he scratched the back of his head and lowered his gaze. He looked dejected, but also embarrassed. "It's also my fault for not considering that possibility. I just assumed... I don't know... I hope I didn't make Her Highness feel too uncomfortable."

She quickly shook her head again, flustered. She did feel guilty and a bit stressed, but she didn't blame him at all. Rather, if they did know each other, she was the one making both of them feel bad.

Not being able to stand her curiosity, she wrote on the parchment again. She was fairly used to writing, so her speed was amazing even if she wrote in an uncomfortable position.

*I apologize as well. I hope you are not offended or upset. Sir, would you mind telling me where have we met before? I would like to remember you*

A small smile spread on his face when he read it. He looked slightly comforted, and that made her feel better.

"Right here", he said softly, his gaze still lingering on the parchment. "The first time I saw you was in this very garden. I know I was mistaken, but I must confess that I thought you had brought me here because you remembered..."

She was honestly surprised by his reply. She saw it possible that they had met at one of the few balls or parties she had attended. But in her private garden?

*When?* She wrote, feeling more and more intrigued with each passing second. However, he just smirked, his eyes sparking with mischief.

"I think I have already said enough, Your Highness. I'm afraid I'm a petty man who still hopes you will eventually remember him," he laughed slightly, something about his childish expression making her smile as well. "I hope this new information helps you."

The atmosphere between them was no longer uncomfortable, but she didn't know what else to say. Luckily, Mary and Alice returned soon enough with cookies and some peach tea.

"Please enjoy!" Alice said animatedly, placing the cookies on the table

"We hope you like it, Sir," Mary commented softly before standing behind Amelie.

"Thank you" Lionel gave them a faint, grateful smile and took a sip of his cup of tea. Seeing this, Amelie started drinking and eating as well.

Now that she was more relaxed, a bunch of questions started flooding through her head. If he already knew her and was aware of her 'condition', then why was he willing to marry her? She was a boring person who led a boring life. Why would you marry someone you couldn't even have a conversation with when surely you have many other options? Either he was out of his mind or he was benefiting a lot from it. That didn't mean she thought he was a bad person, but she wondered what her father was offering him for him to accept this deal. Whatever it was, it must have been incredibly valuable.

Otherwise, there was no way someone would want her.


They ate the cookies and drank the tea silently. Alice and Mary had already left to give them some privacy which, honestly, Amelie didn't think they needed. There was not conversation going on between them, and she felt even more restless because she could feel Lionel throwing unsure glances at her from time to time. Was he already regretting it?

"Your Highness," he said suddenly, his voice as soft as the breeze swaying his hair. "May I call you by your name?"

Amelie smiled a bit at the unexpected request. He had such a serious expression on his face that she was expecting the worse, but this was rather cute! She really liked how polite he was.

She took her quill and wrote happily: *Of course! After all, we are to be wed soon. It's only natural.*

"Oh, about that... I'd actually like to tell you something" he softly put his hand on hers. It was a quick but timid gesture that made her tense her body slightly. "Amelie, I know it seems that this matter has already been settled. However, I honestly have no intention of forcing you to marry me. If you really do not want to, please just say so and I shall withdraw my proposal..."

His voice was sweet and manly, and the way he said her name so softly made a shiver run down her spine. However, she couldn't dwell much on it because something else had caught her attention. So, the idea of marrying her was his? It was him who had asked for her hand and not her father who had gifted it to him? She seriously wondered once more why he would want to marry someone like her. She would have to ask him later, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

Seeing her confused and hesitating expression, he continued, "Please, don't be afraid and be honest. Do you hate the idea of marrying me?"

Everything was happening too fast and she still didn't really know how she felt about the marriage. Even so, she was sure that she didn't hate it. Lionel seemed to be a good person and, honestly, she did dream of finding love and happiness when she was younger. She had given up long ago, but now the opportunity was presenting itself and she didn't want to let it go just because of her insecurities and fears. She still didn't know why the man in front of her was willing to take her as his wife despite her big flaw but she did know that he respected her opinion, was polite, and, well, also attractive. Taking all that into consideration, why would she reject him? He had more than she could ever hope to find in a political marriage. It was a good opportunity.

In addition to that, he could also be her key to freedom. If she married him, she could finally escape from that place where she was hated, ignored, or bullied. Even if she never found true love, maybe she could find happiness together with him. There was also the fact that her father would surely be angry with her if she refused the marriage. He probably has happy that his defective daughter was finally useful and would no longer be a burden. He had expectations in this marriage and she was afraid of disappointing him even more than she already had.

Finally coming to a decision, she shook her head in response to his question. She was nervous but also excited to think that she would finally leave that dammed place!