THE DOG just talked.

[And it even accused me of killing its "master!"]

Yujin, without a moment's hesitation, stood up and hid behind Wook. "The chihuahua just talked. Didn't it, Wookie?"

"Yeah, it did," Wook confirmed. "But it's not a dog."


"It's a Hellhound."

"What?!" she asked, surprised and confused. "That tiny and angry chihuahua is a Hellhound?!"

The chihuahua growled at her. <"I'm not tiny!">

She wanted to argue that it was, but she was afraid of a talking dog.

[A Hellhound, at that.]

"To be precise, it was the same Hellhound that we saw before," the doppelganger added/ "It's that sneaky Grim Reaper's pet."

Once again, she was confused.

She remembered getting attacked by Mr. Nightmare's Hellhoud. But the Hellhound in her memory was a big, scary dog from hell– not an angry chihuahua.

<"Yes! That's me! I am Master Nightmare's one and only Sandboy!">
