YUJIN instantly knew that she was in a dream the moment she saw her younger self.

[Was I such a crybaby in the past?]

Her younger self squatted down under the shade of a huge tree.

[Yep, that's me, alright.]

She didn't change that much, anyway. So even if she didn't have a lot of photos growing up, she still remembered what she looked like as a kid. She just had to remember what her age could be in this dream.

Thankfully, she immediately noticed the wristbands that her child version wore.

[Since I'm already wearing a talisman, then I'm at least nine or ten years old here. But where am I?]

She looked around.

It looked like she was in a forest. However, she couldn't remember being in a forest when she was young. After her mother passed away, the adults around her became too strict. Even Aunt Hayi wouldn't allow her to join class field trips.

Oh, wait.