"WHAT DID you say?"

"Dad, I said I need to go to your house today since I asked Yujin to meet me there," Yohan said to his father. The two of them were walking out of the hotel restaurant where they had a breakfast meeting with foreign clients. "She wanted to return the black card I gave her, so I used that as an excuse to make her return home."

His sister had never stepped foot in their house ever since she moved out to live with Aunt Hayi.

Hence, he wanted to invite her to their old house.

[Well, it's already Dad's house since I have my own penthouse now.]

However, he thought Yujin would love to visit their old home. And he also wanted to show his little sister that her old bedroom had remained the same.

[Dad and I made sure that the housekeepers will keep Yujin's room clean all the time.]

If he remembered it right, their father also moved all of their mother's bag, shoe, and jewelry collection into Yujin's room.