"WHAT IF I MADE a mistake, Aunt Hayi?" Yujin asked, scared. "What if the soul that we put in Sun Wook's body back then was the doppelganger?" She covered her mouth when she gasped. "What if Wookie was the real human soul while Sun Geun-wook was the actual doppelganger?"

"We cannot correct your mistake anymore, Yujin," Aunt Hayi said sternly. "Hence, you must never speak about this again."

But why?

It seemed like her aunt noticed the confused look on her face because she explained even without being asked to.

"Yujin, you're already considered a nuisance by the Grim Reapers because you survived," her aunt said firmly. "If they found out that you made a mistake back then, the Grim Reapers will only have another reason to take you."

"But Auntie…"

"We're not even sure if you made a mistake or not," her aunt insisted. "Sun Wook… no, Sun Geun-wook grew up well. It's unheard for a doppelganger to live after stealing a living human's body."