Black Hole

Feeling tired of what happened today Arga then cleaned himself up, while making a simple dinner with only bread and eggs, Arga then went straight to bed to rest. The night just passed and the next day Arga woke up from his sleep in a better state.

"Ahhhh.....sleep is indeed the most relax, but this pain can't be allowed to continue, it seems I have to go to the pharmacy to buy bruise medicine," Arga thought after he felt much better, but still having trouble doing normal activities.

"It's the same price as the previous world" Arga commented when he came out of a pharmacy and found the prices sold there for drugs that were as effective as the earth were not much different.

A little explanation this time Arga was reborn as a citizen of a country called Negara Jaya, a country with a parliamentary government system led by the president, Jaya is a country with hundreds of millions of people whose main income comes from technology and mining.

If Arga has to equate the country he is in now with other countries similar to those on earth, then Arga can imagine that the country is a joint country between Japan and Indonesia, Japan which is famous for its technology, and Indonesia which is rich in natural resources.

Feeling that he still needed more rest so after buying the medicine, he decided to return to his rented house to smear the bruise medicine he bought and also get enough rest so he could recover quickly, As for the continuation of him looking for Luna, he put it aside, for now, this is because he knows with his current abilities and connections it is very difficult to find Luna's whereabouts.

If Arga is not mistaken to hear that the family that recognizes Luna's identity, is one of the largest families in the country of Jaya, the family is one of the well-known consortiums that have various business fields, especially in technology and mining which can be said to be very famous.

So when comparing Arga who is currently just an ordinary student, without any resources he can use it is clear what answer he can get, so instead of worrying about how to find and also find Luna, it's better now for him to think about how to immediately heal himself.

Arriving at home, Arga then began to treat the wound he suffered, with a feeling of pain coming from his skin, Arga squeezed his smile to hold back the pain, until he finished treating his whole body with medicine then he was relieved "amazing, this is the first time I feel this feeling very tired just to treat wounds" said Arga in a sarcastic tone.

Tired of the act of smearing the medicine, Arga then fell asleep without him knowing it, only when he was about to fall asleep a voice echoed in his mind ( People, lucky you who live in this world because soon you will be given an opportunity that will change your fate. You, whoever, and where you come from are all given a chance, only the strongest who are determined to survive can get the best price, so fight) the voice came and went just like that making Arga feel very strange.

Reopening her eyes Arga looked surprised and wondered if this was a dream, but soon a screaming and the hysterical sound was coming from outside the room he rented, he immediately walked to the window to see what the situation was, but then he was startled. With the many pale faces of the many people on the streets, young and old, both men and women seemed surprised to look up at the sky.

And Arga who saw this became surprised too, subconsciously turned his attention towards the sky, then he realized why they turned pale when they looked up at the sky, where at this time Arga who was also looking at the sky, must be afraid of what he saw because there he saw a huge black hole that was slowly getting bigger, it seemed that the clouds and sky around the black hole were being sucked in one by one without being able to fight back.

It was only when the black hole got closer that an even more shocking hysterical scream was heard "whataaaaaa!!!!!" ....


"Save yourself!!!!".....

" Mother...."

" Father...."

" Help...!!!!" Exclamations from everyone who saw the black hole devour everything sounded around Arga, but Arga who saw this only felt scared for a moment, the rest he just resigned because he never thought that he had just crossed last night and now he has to be confronted again with a very terrible event. shake.

"Is my luck too unlucky!!!! Just last night...but it's morning!!!!" Arga shook his head and just returned to the room to sit down, he felt it was too sudden, and without a chance to run, let alone seeing the rapidly expanding black hole Arga had already predicted his heart that he wouldn't be able to run away from it, so he just chose to give up.

"Never mind... it's okay to die again, although it must be regretted that this trip is too short" when Arga had just said to comfort himself, soon the whole room became dark and enveloped him quickly until Arga could no longer see his surroundings, and soon he was in a coma.


"Oh, where is this?" Arga said when he saw that the surroundings were dark without the slightest light, but when he turned around he saw a line of stairs floating in front of him, the stairs were white with no supports on either side the stairs seemed to float, ( climb this ladder, how far are you step, that's how big the prize you will receive) the voice came back and Arga who listened to him knew that this was a clue he needed to hear, so after he finished hearing the voice finished speaking Arga said "so here we start, how big the prize is determined by how far we go" Arga said while looking at the endless line of stairs "hu....let's get started, wish me luck" said Arga encouraging himself and started walking up the stairs.

At first, Arga didn't feel anything different when he climbed the stairs, only over time when he felt he had stepped over dozens of stairs then he felt a little tired, but he still felt that this didn't bother him too much so then Arga continued to work on himself up the stairs.