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Alright, let's skip that part, then let's see the price of slaves" Arga said back and then focus back on slaves.

Slave price:


1. Adult Male under 40 years old in good health and farmer qualification = 2 gold coins.

2. Adult male under 40 years old with disability = 1 silver coin.

3. Healthy adult male over 40 years old in good health and farmer qualification = 1 gold coin.

4. Young men under the age of 18 and healthy = 1 gold coin.

5. Young men under the age of 18 with disabilities = 1 silver.

Those with skills have various prices ranging from 2-5 times the price of normal adult men (jobs such as craftsmen, soldiers, scholars, and others)


1. Healthy adult women under 30 years = 3 gold coins.

2. Healthy adult women over 30 years = 2 gold coins.

3. Adult women under 30 years old with disabilities = 1 gold coin.

4. Healthy under 18 years old = 5 gold coins.

5. Youth under 18 with disabilities = 1 gold coin

Those with higher-priced skills reached 3-10 times the normal price.

Cut: this is only a sample price made by the author for the rest of the prices, not explained in detail.


"Mada, how much did you buy this?" Arga asked confusedly, but clearly, he felt the price was quite expensive.

"Let me think for a moment sir," Mada replied.

Then Mada began to make calculations by estimating who he needed to buy and on the other hand, Mada also began to calculate the male and female portions, after a while Mada then said.

"Let's make a comparison of 2 to 1 sir, with details of 200 healthy men under the age of 30 with ordinary skills, and 100 healthy women under the age of 30 with ordinary skills as well, the rest add 30 men with skills, craftsmen and stone, the remaining 20 women With skills, sewing, cooking, and medicine, I think that's all for now," Mada answered speaking.

"Okay, let's follow your advice Mada, what is the total system?" Ask Arga

( 200 healthy men with farmer qualifications x 2 gold coins = 400 gold coins / 100 normal healthy women x 3 = 300 gold coins / 30 healthy men with wood and stone skills x 5 gold coins = 150 gold coins / 2 women with sewing, cooking skills, and medicine X10 gold coins = 200 gold coins, so the total is 1050 gold coins sir) replied the system.

"Many....the gifts from the rulers have run out, for me, I have 100,000 gold coins hahaha... Continue to buy supplies of rice and other ingredients" said Arga again.

"Then at least 15 tons of rice, with 5 tons of meat, 20 tons of vegetables, and 1 ton of various spices," added Mada.

"Ehhh... is it fault Mada?" Asked Arga surprised because he felt that he bought too many ingredients.

"No sir, this is the minimum amount for food reserves for 3 months" replied Mada.

"Okay, just follow what you say," said Arga then answered.

"So add 15 tons of rice, with 5 tons of meat, 20 tons of vegetables, and 1 ton of seasonings," said Arga to the system.

(The price of 1 ton of rice = 100 gold coins sir, 1 ton of meat = 200 gold coins, 1 ton of vegetables of all kinds = 50 gold coins, and 1 ton of cooking spices = 100 gold coins, so the total is 3,600 gold coins sir) replied the system.

"Really.....!!! ..becoming a noble without income is bankrupt... but that's okay, everything goes slowly and over time it will be fulfilled" said Arga sadly but hoping for a good future.

"So how many gold coins do I have left in, the system?" Ask Arga.

(host gold coins to 96350 ) system answer.

"Hahaha... there's still a lot... don't worry, I'm rich...." Arga said happily when he saw that there were still a lot of gold coins.

"Ok now it's time to unlock random skills," Arga said as he was excited to see what skills he would have.

" my random skills!!??" shouted Arga impatiently.

(Ding....congratulations to the host...getting Magic skill with 4 affinities at lay level) replied the system quickly.

" this the rhythm of being a magician hahaha...good...this is good...please tell me what affinity systems I have?" Asked Arga again.

(The host has an affinity for fire, water, plants, and space) answer the system.

"It's amazing....there's fire, water, plants, and's worth it," Arga said excitedly.

"Oh yeah, system, how much affinity do normal people have?" Asked Arga curiously after he found out he got 4 affinities in magic elements.

(There is only one normal person in general, for special cases, there are 2 and the least is 3) answer the system.

"Isn't anyone up to 4 like me?" Asked Arga again feeling curious.

(No host, new you) answer the system.

" this the sign of a protagonist....ckckck....this is very good," said Arga back arrogantly.

"Now let's see my status...system status"


Name: Arga Wijaya

Race: Human

18 years old

Strength: 10

Luck: 6

charisma : 3

Skill: Magic (lay/fire, water, plants, space)

Equipment: 100 M² dimension space

Weapon: nil

Property: Wijaya Village / 96,350 gold coins

People: 451 people (350 ordinary citizens / 100 elite troops / 1 Hero)

Title: Demang (village head) / Magician (lay)

"Look at this status, the more you see the better," said Arga with satisfaction.

"Ohhh ... my troops, have not been released it seems now is the right time," said Arga again.

"Sir, we should call troops to the barracks," Mada's voice interrupted Arga.

"Ohhh..why isn't it here Mada?" asked Arga strangely.

"The troops need discipline, sir, so calling them to the barracks is the right thing, except in an emergency where you have to call them elsewhere," answered Mada explaining.

"Ohhh ... something like that, ok I obey you, let's go to the barracks," said Arga and led the way towards the barracks which are located not far from the market.

After walking for a while, the two of them arrived at the barracks.

"Ok system, call my troops" Arga ordered.

(Yes sir) answered the system briefly.

"Tring... Suddenly in front of Arga and there also appeared 100 troops fully clothed with the equipment worn was leather armor on their body with the addition of a long sword on the right side and also bows and arrows behind their backs, with a neat look very impressive.

"Look at this.....very impressive," said Arga excitedly.

"Greetings sir" said in unison 100 soldiers in front of Arga saluted.

Which makes Arga surprised but soon becomes very happy, because in front of him are now the first 100 troops that he has as ruler.