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Short Story, the envoy from the kingdom was immediately brought into the village and the soldiers who were tasked with capturing the envoy now after knowing the origin of the intruder who turned out to be a royal envoy immediately changed their attitude, while then they didn't forget to report it to Mada as commander of the army in the village of Wijaya.

"Report sir, false alarm... we didn't catch an intruder, but we caught the royal envoy," said a soldier to Mada reporting the tense situation.

"Ohhh .... not an intruder and it turns out to be a messenger from the kingdom, well you can call Master and say that there is a letter from the kingdom delivered by an envoy," Mada said to the soldier.

"Okay sir" replied the soldier, and on the other hand Mada also immediately headed to the waiting room where the envoy was placed.


Outside the village a few kilometers away, there is a large river that leads to the sea, there Arga and several soldiers are surveying the river to see if there is any potential they can develop.

"Master, judging from the depth and well-maintained environment, this river should be full of fish and other aquatic animals," said a middle-aged man who looked a bit thin.

"I think you're right Mali, this river must have good potential" replied Arga back to the thin middle-aged man named Mali, Mali is a fisherman who was bought by Mada when they carried out the second slave-buying operation.

"For more details, let me try to capture around here sir, so we can see the potential and what is in this river," said Mali again.

"Well then you can try it," said Arga to Mali and then Mali took a net that had been prepared, after seeing a good location Mali decided to catch fish in a slightly swift current, with schools of small fish that many on the banks of the river.

"Throw...." The fishing net was spread by Mali, seeing the skill that Mali showed when throwing the net, Arga nodded as a sign that he was quite satisfied with Mali's talent because it should be known that a good fisherman can be seen from the way he throws the net perfectly.

"Pull...."Mali pulled a fishing net that seemed to be filled with something, it took extra effort to pull the net from the middle of the river to the outskirts, only with Mali's experience, in the end, he managed to pull the fishing net successfully riverbank.

"Master look...a lot of fish.....there are also shrimps," said Mali shouting excitedly to Arga.

And Arga who heard the screams from Mali of course immediately approached him and from there he was quite surprised by the catch made by the thief, there were many fish, especially those with a size of more than 1 kg that was caught in the fishing net, along with this there were also freshwater prawns caught. Large enough to be around the palm of an adult's hand, and on the other side there are flat-shaped clams also known as freshwater clams caught in the net.

"Seeing my current catch, I am very optimistic with my decades-old experience sir, that the river in front of us today must still be rich in fish and other aquatic resources," said Mali excitedly talking to Arga about his opinion about the river in front of them right now.

"I also agree with what you said, but it's better to do a few more nets to make sure how many potential fish there are in the river" Arga replied, and then he immediately asked mali to do the fishing again in a different place.

On the other hand, the results from the first catch made by Mali were immediately stored by the soldiers who followed them, of course in this case apart from bringing Arga's nets and also his soldiers had prepared containers to put fish and other aquatic animal products that they would catch.

So after the first position then Mali immediately moved, this time Mali walked about 50 meters from the first position and was still in the same condition, on the outskirts of the river there were still many big fish gathering and on the other side it could be seen that there were several shells that emerge from the river.

As for why area and others can see the condition of the river, it can't be separated from the clear water of the river and the depth of the river which ranges from only 5-10 meters, making it easier for them to see the bottom of the riverbed.

This time the third throw made by Mali still yielded abundant results, where currently the harvest is dominated by fish measuring more than 2 kg and also crabs.

Seeing this, of course, Arga felt very happy and on the other hand, he immediately ordered his soldiers to return to enter the second harvest from Mali.

Then not long after the third experiment and so on until the fifth experiment Mali always got good results, even though the distance from the first location to the last location they were standing at now could be said to be more than 400 meters, which in this case has proven the fact that the river is very rich with fish.

"Ok, let's stop surveying the city, for now, another day we will hunt and see what things are around the village" Arga ordered his subordinates and asked them to immediately finish their survey activities, but while they were packing up equipment and harvesting the results the fish they had caught, came the sound of horse steps from behind them, and from there soon they saw an ordinary soldier from the village seemed to be rushing towards them.

Seeing this, Arga felt that there was something wrong with the village, so he had to send a soldier on horseback to look for him, there was still a bad feeling in his heart but Arga put it all aside and wanted to see firsthand and hear what the soldier had to say.

"Sir, report... there is an envoy from the king sent to our village, at this time the Mada commander is entertaining the envoy, and I was asked to immediately pick up the lord" said the soldier after he got off the horse and reported the current situation in the area in the village.

"Ohhhh..there is a royal envoy, very strange....but okay I'll be back in the village soon" replied Arga to the soldier.