100 year event

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In a large courtyard in a kingdom, there were neat rows of thousands of soldiers wearing iron armor, there was a young man who looked to be 25 years old who was now standing in front of the thousands of soldiers, wearing the same iron armor with the feather motif on his shoulders. , he was quite handsome standing valiantly while riding a horse facing the direction of the large palace.

"His Majesty arrived!!!!" A call sounded, and from there appeared a middle-aged man with a stern face, wearing a crown on his head, with a luxuriously decorated robe and a staff in his hand, then the man seemed to be waving his hand toward the thousands of soldiers led by the young man..

"Long live your majesty....long life....long life..." The thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, saluting on one knee to the king.

"Silence" cried the King to his subordinates.

"Read the royal decree," said the king back to a servant.

(The royal decree....hereby decrees Lars Iron...Viscount of the Iron kingdom to lead 10,000 warriors into the strong forest, for the sake of conducting the test that will be held once every 100 years...take the Banner...! !!!!!) Exclaimed the servant, and then appeared from the side of the king's pulpit, a soldier brought a flag with the royal coat of arms of the Iron kingdom, to then give to Lars.

"Lars ... accepted the king's order and will fight for the glory and glory of the iron kingdom," said Lars the name of the young man, while holding the royal banner to the king.

"May the glory belong to our kingdom!!!" Said the king to Lars and the other soldiers.

"The iron kingdom's glory...

"The iron kingdom's glory...

"Iron Kingdom's glory...

" Leave!!!!" cried the king.

And along with the speed of the soldiers leaving from there, the sound of a long trumpet echoed throughout the royal capital, blessing Lars and his soldiers as well as heading into the strong forest.


In a different place on a high black hill, a middle-aged man with a very burly body stood up there, wearing a luxurious crown with a black robe he looked dignified looking down from the cliff, under the cliff, there were thousands of troops. led by a well-built and burly young man, he uses black armor to ride a horse which is also black.

"You are the chosen ones, don't embarrass this king....if you fail you know what the consequences will be!!!" The king shouted to the thousands of soldiers below him.

"We will not disappoint the king...

"Long live the king!...

"Long live the king!!!!

Waving his hand as a sign to stop, "Josh....the young leader of the Black kingdom, I command you to lead the soldiers to win glory for the Black kingdom....failure is not in our dictionary...and victory is the answer I want ....." Said the king again conveying his meaning.

"I, Josh hereby swear that I will bring victory to the Black kingdom, to glorify the king and also to make our kingdom glorious," said Josh passionately to his king.

"Good...I'm waiting for your promise Josh.....now go!!!" exclaimed the king.


In a different place, this time in front of a magic university that is very famous in the new world, there is a neat row of thousands of troops standing facing the gate of the magic university, in front of the thousands of troops there appears to be a handsome young man who has blond hair wearing a wizard's robe and holding a staff in his hand became the leader of the army.

Not long after that, from inside the campus, there was the sound of horse footsteps heading out of the university. Not long after, a line of luxurious-looking war horses appeared. The war horse was ridden by a silver-armored knight who looked very charming amid the crowd.

After the line of war horses passed and formed two security lines to protect the gate, from there then a luxurious royal carriage covered and decorated with gold and gems appeared, and large white horses were very beautiful pulling the royal carriage.

Seeing the crown symbol on the royal carriage indicated to the crowd that in the royal carriage there was a king figure present, not long after the horse carriage stopped right in front of the crowd of soldiers who were in front of the University door.

And from there a man in his early 40s who looked dignified wearing a magic robe with the royal logo got out of the carriage, there was a golden scepter in his hand with a red gem on the end, and the man who was wearing a beautiful crown was now walking towards a pulpit that was available in front of the audience. the soldier.

"O..... my brave soldiers, this time you will go to the strong forest where you will go through a severe test that will be held once every 100 years, the test will probably make you die and cannot return to the family you love, but I am Hans as the king of the Magic Kingdom, will never let your sacrifice be in vain.

So you can calm down when doing this task, and remember if you succeed in doing this task then a big reward will await you, As for the prize, I will tell you here!!! I will upgrade to a noble, the rest will be waiting for you when you manage to bring the grand prize back into our kingdom".

Ex: to become a noble requires a lot of effort or great sacrifice, not to mention the status of royalty is very respectable in the new world so that later there will be many people who try to become nobles, it's just that there are two ways to become a noble in all existing kingdoms In the new world, one inherits the title of descendant from a noble family and the other is appointed directly by the king or queen to become royalty.

It's just that the appointment of a noble title through ties of noble descent, can be said to be very difficult to do because many conditions must be met, so then the chances for the general public to become a noble can only be said to be very small unless they can make a big contribution to the kingdom.

And this time their King's words could be said as a guarantee, so when the soldiers heard the promise made by the king they had a burning feeling in their hearts, imagining that they succeeded and soon their entire family would turn into nobles who had various advantages and also advantages over ordinary people.

"Luke...you go" the king ordered to a young man who became the leader of the soldiers.

"You are a step talent in my magic kingdom, your talent is said to be the best magician talent in my kingdom for 100 years, and now your chance has come to prove it, do you know what to do??" Asked the king to the young man.

"Your Majesty can rest assured, my title is not just a title, and I will prove it, for the sake of Your Majesty the king and the sake of our magic kingdom, victory is ours.....long live the king!!...live the magic kingdom! !!!..... The cry that sounded from the entrance of the magic university resounded throughout the city.


"Sarah you know what you have to do, don't let those men take away the honor that should be ours!!!! Said a woman who looked in her late 30s but still had extraordinary beauty, she was wearing all black with a beautiful crown which is also black.

"I know Majesty, you can rest assured I will crush those men!!" Answered a beautiful woman in her 20s who was currently staring fanatically at the black-crowned woman.

"Good Sarah....you are indeed the best niece I have, so don't ever disappoint your aunt!!" Exclaimed with pleasure the woman.

"Now you can go back and lead the special troops that have been prepared for you," said the crowned woman again asking Sarah to immediately go and lead the troops she had prepared.

All the great kingdoms in the new world seemed to tremble because of the 100-year event that came in the strong forest, an event that is only held once every 100 years, can only be done by those who are chosen, and those who are chosen have the opportunity to conquer the test, will get a special prize. they could never imagine, it's just that behind the glory there is a hidden danger that is ready to thwart them from achieving it.


So what about our protagonist?? whether he entered the chosen one, the answer was predictable, he was also included in the chosen one.

What is the 100-year event??? and what kind of test will await them?? can our protagonist win first place???.