The devil! He is not a man! He ... is a devil ??!

At the same time, a Mercedes car was parked next to the Imperial Hotel.

Inside, there was a driver and a youth.

At the corners of the two men's mouths, there was a thick sneer, and their eyes stared at the hotel door as if waiting for a good show.

Especially that young man, with a strong vicious look on his face:

"Hey! Night braze is so messy, this time how he died! Sleeping in Lin Lan, her fiance Gong ninfei must crush this waste to pieces! By that time, see how the old lady still protects this illegitimate child! ... "

The young man thought of night braze's sad end, and the smile on his face became more and more evil!

Jingle Bell🔔!

At this moment, the driver's phone rang.

"Tiger little! Zhang reporter from Jiangshi TV!" The driver glanced at the number and said to the youth.

When I heard this, the young man named Hu Shao smiled grimly:

"Hurry up! It should have succeeded! Remember, let reporter Zhang send a few photos over, I want to see that **** of despair! Hahaha ..."

Tiger is less than happy and laughs very happy.

Only, when the driver connected the phone, the smile on the driver's face froze instantly, and then a ghost appeared on his face.

Until the end, the driver hung up the phone, and then he swallowed hard and said to Hu Shao:

"Little tiger, Zhang ... Reporter Zhang said that there was no illegitimate child in the room, only Miss Lin Lan!

what! ! !

Ni Yehu heard this, and he slightly hesitated, followed by a violent thunder:

"Fart! Specially, Lao Tzu personally closed the waste with Lin Lan, how could it be only Lin Lan! Did they search the room? The waste didn't come out at all, it was definitely still in the room !!! "

The leaf-leaf tiger just blew his lungs at this moment.

Finally set up a game, stunned the night braze, stunned Lin Lan, let the two act with due regard, and finally exposed the public, killing with a knife.

Now, that guy not only slept in Lin Lan, but was not photographed by any reporter, which made him vomit blood!

When the driver saw the appearance of Tiger Shao, he shrank his neck and said tremblingly:

"Little tiger! Reporter Zhang said that they did find every corner of the hotel and even retrieved surveillance video. The waste did not leave the room at all, but strangely, there was only Lin Lan in the room!"

How can it be! ! !

At this moment, ni Hu couldn't believe his ears!

How can a big living person disappear out of thin air!

"Asshole! Asshole !!!"

Ni Yehu's angry forehead and blue muscles jumped wildly, and his eyes were full of vicious and unwillingness:

"This **** bastard! What methods are used to hide the sky! Damn it! Damn it !!!"

Ni Yehu is like a furious lion at this moment.

It was just then, that he suddenly noticed that the driver's expression was a bit wrong.

"What's wrong? Why is your face so ugly!"

Ni Yehu looked puzzled.

But, as if the driver didn't hear it, his eyes stared at the rear seats, his face was full of incredible, and he looked like a ghost.


Ni Yehu froze. He turned his head and looked startled.

Because I don't know when, there is an additional youth in the rear seat.

His face was sober, his face was cold, and there was a radian of smile on the corner of his mouth, and those dark eyes were blooming with mysterious and attractive luster.

Hit him, it's night braze!

It's just weird that neither the driver nor ni Hu could find out how the night braze got on the car, as if it were a ghost, coming down from the air, making people shudder!

"Asshole! It's your waste !!!"

Ni Yehu was startled, and then a thick grudge and hatred emerged from the corners of his mouth:

"How did you get up with this waste! Ma, a garbage dared to get into my car! It's hard to die! Hurry up and roll it down !!!"

Ni Yehu's eyes looking towards the night braze are full of strong contempt and disgust.

In his eyes, it seems that the night braze is a waste, a **** that he wants to pinch to death, even if he hears that he made it himself, he is not afraid.

Looking at ni Hu's arrogant look, the corner of night braze's mouth slightly tilted, showing a touch of evil radian:

"Ni Hu? Ni Jiaxi's children? You planned this incident?"

Night braze's face could not see the slightest emotion, as if he was just talking about a trivial matter.


Ni Yehu frowned, he felt the night braze in front of him, something was not right.

The previous night breeze had a weak character. When he saw himself, he didn't dare to call his name, even the atmosphere didn't dare to pant. Even if he beat him every day, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

But the night braze in front of me is a little strange.

"Huh! Since you heard it, I won't hide you!" Ni Hu stared at night braze, sneer, full of disdain and sarcasm:

"That's right! I did it! You stunned me! Lin Lan got me stunned! The reporter also got it for me! In order to borrow Lin Lan's fiance Gong night braze's hand, get rid of you! "

He said, ni Hu's eyes were full of viciousness and ferocity:

"Huh! Whoever made you a wasteful **** was so much loved by the old lady that he even wanted you to inherit the ni family! I tell you, you are the shame of the ni family, a garbage waste! If you want to inherit the ni family, you must die !!!!!! "

Nihu's voice is full of murder!

Hearing the thick and vicious words, night braze still had no anger on his face, but just nodded blandly:

"Oh! Alright! Now that you want to kill me, I'll do it for you!"

After speaking, night braze ignored ni Hu's reaction, and stretched out her white fingers, and drew a strange and mysterious rune towards the back seat.

This rune looks like a character and a series of patterns. I can't understand what it means.

When nihu saw this, his frown frowned and he shouted:

"Waste, what do you mean? My Mercedes is expensive. If you break my seat, I will make you worse off!"

Is it better to die?

When I heard these four words, night braze smiled, as if a child who had eaten candy, smiled evil! Ghost charm!

"Sorry! I let you live, you can live! I let you die, you ... must die!"

After speaking, night braze took a deep look at ni Hu, as if looking at another dead person, opened the door, and went straight on.

"Asshole !!!"

Seeing night braze getting off, ni Hu's face was more vicious:

"Mah, this **** actually put a pen in front of me! OK! You can hide this time, next time, you must die !!!"

After speaking ni Hu said to the driver:


When I heard this, the driver swallowed a spit, and the fear on his face was extreme:

"Little tiger! The pattern drawn by that waste seems to be ... not quite right ..."

I don't know why, the driver looked at the pattern, but felt that his scalp was cracked, and his hair was upright, as if it was going to be a disaster.

It's not like a pattern, but a life sign!


Ni Yehu froze and turned to look at the pattern now.

Suddenly, just after he turned around, the mysterious pattern suddenly became bright, and a devastating breath burst out.

"No! Get off !!!"

Nihu died, and he got off without hesitation!

It's just too late!

Boom💥! ! !

The roar explodes, the fire is dazzling!

Tidy up the Mercedes-Benz sedan and instantly blast it into a pile of scrap iron.

Suddenly, ni Hu was blown out three or four meters by the fire and fell to the ground fiercely, covered with blood.

One leg was severely blown off, and the whole human skin was fleshed and blood dripped, like a blood man.

The pain is so severe, the painful ni Hu shivered like a sieve:

"Ahhhh! My leg! My leg is broken !!!"

Nihu's eyes are full of horror and incredible.

He couldn't imagine how night braze did it, which was beyond his imagination.

In particular, I thought of the wicked smile when night braze left, and a cool air went straight to the back of ni Hu's feet, causing his scalp to burst:

"The devil! He is not a man! He ... is a devil !!!"

In ni Hu's eyes, only the devil can have such a shocking method!