2 choices!!?

The Man from Hell Chapter 19: 2 choices!

what! ! !

When the words of the poison wolf fell, all the customers around him changed their looks.

They only know that the poison wolf is here to grab the land, especially not only want to occupy the night rose bar, but even want to occupy the rose sister.

For a moment, all the customers around them avoided each other, they were afraid of being caught in the pond.

Suddenly, Rose was listening to this, and a pretty face was dripping with water.

Those beautiful eyes stared at the poison wolf with a cold face:

"Poison wolf! Do you know what you are doing?"

"doing what?"

The corner of the mouth of the poisonous wolf grinned, and the scar on his face seemed to be twisted and soaked:

"Of course I know! I'm here to grab a site, a woman !!!"

Howling said, the poison wolf's gaze toward Rosa was full of greed:

"Hey! Sister Rose, you are the most beautiful poison rose among the underground forces in Jiangshi. Today, my poison wolf picked your poison rose !!!"

After the words of the wolf wolf fell, the group of tigers and wolves beside him hurled around.

These people are as many as thirty or forty, with fierce luster on their faces, as if a wild wolf, ready to be chosen.

Not only that, this group of people is obviously the existence of a knife-edge licking blood, each breath is extremely powerful, especially when dozens of people stand in a group, the violent power almost scares all customers around.

"good very good!!!"

Xi Qiangwei's pretty face grew colder and colder.

"Tiger !!!"

As Qian Qiang shouted, I saw a dark man in a bar, and a big man more than two meters slowly stood up.


This big man looks like an iron mountain, and every step down, there is a snoring sound, as if the whole bar will tremble.

Especially on him, the masses of muscles seemed to be staggered with dragons.

Until he came to the crowd, everyone was shocked!

"Tiger! Jiangshi's black market boxing dominates! Unexpectedly, he turned out to be sister of Qiang Wei!"

"I trust, this is a fierce man! For half a year, he won the 11th victory in the black market boxing competition, 8 KO opponents! Nicknamed 'Tiger King'! It was him!"

"Mom, I've watched his boxing match, this guy is a killing machine! Too scary!"


For a moment, when all the customers saw the tiger, their faces changed.

He is not only them, but even the poison wolf is also a complexion.

"Tiger? I didn't expect you to be Sister Rose!"

The venomous wolf also knows tigers, and even watched each other's boxing matches, but did not expect that he was a rose.

I watched the poison wolf, and the dark face of the tiger was full of rich killing power:

"Poison wolf! I have heard of you and heard that you can fight well! However, if you offend Sister Rose, you will die !!!"

The tiger trembled, and the clothes on his upper body suddenly stabbed and shattered, revealing his terrible body.

It's like a steel giant!

How terrible.

Seeing this scene, Rose's mouth slightly tilted, she sat down slowly, took a leisurely drink, and said lightly:

"Poison wolf! As long as you defeat the tiger, this bar is yours!"

Speaking of this, Rose's words turned sharply:

"But if you are defeated, then you stand in and go out !!!"

The words were cold, but murderous.

But when the poison wolf heard this, the corners of his mouth were slightly grinned, and his eyes had a bloodthirsty luster:

"Hey! Sister Rose, if I win, I want not only the bar, I want you!"

After saying this, the palm of the poison wolf waved!

Suddenly, the thirty or forty big men, one by one, seemed to have been treated with medicine, and rushed towards the tiger with crazy faces!


This group of big men are like wolves and tigers, especially when they are thrown together, the momentum is terrifying.

But, when the tiger saw this scene, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, and the tiger's eyes opened, and a loud drink resounded:

"go to hell!!!"

As the words fell, the tiger rushed up.

For a moment, it seems like a tiger is in the flock!





The poisonous wolf's men seemed to be sacked one by one, and they were hit by flying tigers!

In less than a minute, thirty or forty people, no one can stand anymore!

This scene stunned everyone.

They only knew that the tiger's combat power was amazing and terrifying!

However, at this moment, a shadow like lightning flashed up!

Huh! ! !

I am actually a poison wolf!

The poison wolf was in a vertical shape, punched hard at the tiger's huge body.

Sneak attack!

Everyone didn't expect that the wolf was so cunning.

Huh! ! !

The body shape of the poisonous wolf is extremely fast, as if a residual image flashed past.

This scene makes the tiger's face change and become extremely angry!

"Despicable ants !!!"

The big tiger waved his hand, the big iron fist of the casserole, and headed for the poison wolf's head!

The two played against each other, flare!

But the poison wolf seemed to have expected it, the cruel arc of his mouth became more intense:

"Silly man, you're done !!!"

With this sentence falling, I saw the body of the poison wolf rushing forward suddenly, and then a sharp turn, flashed behind the tiger, cut off with one palm!

not good! ! !

The tiger's complexion changed so much that he knew he was fooled.

It 's just that I want to resist!


The iron palm of the venomous wolf was chopped behind the tiger, and a shattering voice was heard.

If the whole tiger was severely hit, the huge body of the tiger would pass through and fell to the ground.


I scratched the tiger's back and broke four or five bones.

A trace of scarlet blood ran out of the tiger's mouth, and his face was filled with unwillingness, roaring and trying to get up, but he couldn't.

Howl! ! !

This scene made everyone in the bar uproar.


With a trick, the venomous wolf, KO lost the tiger king!

This ... too fierce!

All the customers were horrified, looking at the poison wolf, as if looking at the demon.

And Rose was stunned, and stood up from the seat.

Looking at the tiger who has lost his combat power, Rosa's complexion is pale, and in her eyes, there is a thick anger:

"Vile! You sneak attack !!!"

"Sneak attack? Hehe ..."

The poison wolf didn't care, he stepped on the tiger's huge body, and his face was more brutal and more intense:

"In my eyes, there is no light and despicable! Only defeat and victory!"

After saying this, the poison wolf kicked him out, and he kicked the tiger as if it were trash for three or four meters.

"And now I win!"

He said, the poison wolf slowly walked towards Rose.

His eyes were staring directly at the delicate body of Rose, and the evil in the corner of his mouth was so intense:

"So now, Rose, you are mine !!!"

Da da da!

The poison wolf said as he walked towards Rose.

And every step of him made Rose's pretty face pale.


Wu Qiangwei knows that her bar is completely over today.

Without a tiger, none of his men are rivals to poison wolf.

Thinking of this, in the beautiful eyes of Rose, there was a hint of despair.

Just then, before the poison wolf came to the bar You two boys, get away from me! ! ! "

The drug wolf saw the night breeze before sitting at the bar and wasted money. With a big wave at the moment, he pushed the money away fiercely.


Fat like a ball-shaped body, in the hands of the poison wolf as if there is no trace of weight, Shengsheng was pushed out two meters away, and fell to the ground severely.

His whole forehead was full of blood, his face pale.

I just did n't care about the injury of his forehead at all. He looked anxiously at Yefeng and yelled:

"Crazy! Come here !!!"

I spent money knowing that the drug wolf could not afford to mess with it.

This is really cruel, bloodthirsty!

Just, the shouting of money, Ye Feng seems to not hear it, he slowly turned his head and looked straight at the poison wolf:

"You push my brother?"


Sting this scene, let the poison wolf and everyone around him a little stunned.

They didn't expect that someone dared to talk to the poison wolf so.

This person, in particular, looks like a student.

This ... it's almost death.

The poison wolf was a little stunned with eyes, and there was a surprise on the scar face, as if he had heard it wrong, and asked again:

"Boy, are you talking to me?"

The action of the poisonous wolf was extremely exaggerated, as if he wanted to put his ears close to the night wind.

But anyone can see that if Yefeng said something wrong, the wait will be miserable.

Just, the night breeze seemed unconscious, his eyes stared at the poison wolf, his voice seemed to pass from hell:

"Two choices! One, kneel down for my brother and apologize! Second, kneel down for my brother ... for life !!!"