Danger when madness begins! Otherwise people are not bad at all. When it's good, it's very good! Musa said. 'How many people can stand boys our age, you say? Then drive again! Actually we like him.'

The teenager shook his head. He has known Musa's grandfather for a long time, but he did not have the opportunity to mix in such a close way. Musa did not, what will happen to him. His behavior is gradually surprising. Good or bad, nothing is understood by gentlemen. This is good and this is bad. But one thing is certain, he is in a good mood if he doesn't see Miller. At least it has been this long. What will happen in the future cannot be said.

It's half past noon. The two are talking while leaning on the Buick. Looking at Robin and Rabat. They went up some distance along a rice paddy covered with grass. Robin is taking pictures with the camera raised. Rabat overlooks San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge.

He seems very happy. Mood is very good. Musa thought, Is, if such a mood was at the end!

Rabat's mood is not getting worse that day. In the morning meeting with Miller was a little bit worse, quietly mumbled, mumbled. After getting on Highway 101, Miller's words disappeared from his mind. He started whistling. On reaching San Francisco in the north, he stopped for a while. for lunch Some souvenirs were also bought. While eating lunch, he heard about the terrible earthquake of San Francisco in 1906.

"The whole town was on fire, wasn't it?" Kishore said. Rabat shook his head. 'The water and gas pipes were already destroyed in the earthquake. Then when the gas caught fire,

Water was not available to extinguish. They reached the Golden Gate Bridge at two o'clock. At Sausalito, Rabat left the highway and entered the mountain road. Stopping at one place, Robin took the opportunity to take some more pictures.

It was half past two. Robin finished the film. He was surprised. so much

It's not going to end soon! What took so many pictures? to be suspicious

It took He ran down the hill. He took out the camera bag from the back of the car and loaded the camera with fresh film. As if a change has happened somewhere, can't catch it. The top of the bag is probably flattened due to the pressure, and the dirt is also there. Concerned, he went back and took a few more pictures.

They returned to the highway again. Proceeded further north. Beautiful area on both sides of the road. The sun started moving slowly to the west. They reached Santa Rosa at dinner time. Two up in a motel

Rabat rented a room. house as well. From one room through the middle door

You can go to another room. They won't need the door, well

Taken because no other house was found.

Rabat suggested swimming in the motel pool. After swimming, he finished eating in the dining room of the motel. After coming home, Robin and Kishore started watching TV, Musa fell asleep

He didn't want to go to bed so early. Went down to buy a soda from the soda machine by the pool to get rid of sleep. Approach the door through the edge of the window. He forgot about the soda as he stared out the window.

Their house is on the second floor. The parking area is visible. Rows of cars are parked below. Nana's Buick is also there, just below the balcony of their house. Not far behind is a shiny Lincoln car. Moo saw Harris Miller emerge from it

He choked. He stood frozen for a long moment. Stunned, astonished. Then he turned around and said, 'Kishore, look!'

Two other detectives came up beside him. Through the window they too could see 7 Miller. Circling Rabat's car. Stopped at a window, put his nose against the glass, and peered in. Stepped back, tried to pull the boot lid. Failed, looked back at the motel. To the office and the windows above it, the three detectives quickly ducked down so as not to be seen.

Miller hesitated. He looked at Buikata in a worried manner once more. Then he got into the Lincoln and left with the start. The three were silent for a moment.

A teenager pinched his lower lip. Said, Musa, it seems

Your Nana's suspicions are correct, Miller is trying to steal his formula.' Moses shook his head and said, 'I don't understand. But there is no doubt that Miller was looking for something. Anyway, there's no need to tell Nana about Miller. Who knows what will happen. In the end, the police will catch him and put him in jail.'

'Huh,' nodded the boy quietly.

From or on vacation. Maybe out for a walk like us. Came here looking for a motel. Saw Rabunana's car. When he realized that it was his, he did not dare to go to this motel and ran away. Everyone is afraid of crazy people.'

"There is logic in your words." Musa raised his index finger, 'But one thing.

Where did Miller get the new car? He has a neat old Chevy

I saw the car.'

Maybe it's rented, said the teenager. 'It wouldn't do to go on a long journey with such an old car, then.' Musa was silent without getting an answer. But could not be satisfied. the mind

He kept digging. Three detectives decided to watch television again.

After a while, Rabat came to see what the boys were doing.

At 10:30 p.m. they turned off the light and went to bed.

Rabat fell asleep immediately. The loud roar of his snoring reached the ears of others in the next room. Robin gasped. The boy laughed. Musa got up and closed the middle door. Even then, the sound did not stop completely, it started coming through the gap on this side. But it was not difficult to sleep.

Musa had a strange dream. He follows Nana to the hotel lobby. Very large lobby. People in beautiful clothes are crowded there, looking at their grandchildren and smiling. Musa did not understand why he was laughing at first. He looked at Nana and saw that he was wearing only a red gingham and a red undershirt. Then he looked at himself, while Nana has some clothes, he is not wearing any. Totally awesome.

Musa woke up startled. Sweated. He got up to drink water and went to the bathroom. He stopped to look out the window.

'Turn off the bright lights of the parking lot. From the side passage

In the coming light, a shadowy figure was seen crouching near the Buick. Musa almost flew to the side of the teenager's bed. He grabbed him and said, 'Kishor! Get up soon! Back to the car

He came!'