Temptation Roses

By the time morning had come, we finally arrived in Elizabeth's hometown, Ville de l'envie. It was lively just like any other town but with the scent of roses carried by the wind and the sight of vines creeping along the cobblestone walls of each and every house. From afar, the glistening and pristine ocean was within sight as we rode along the smooth stone road.

After a few turns, the carriage had suddenly stopped while I was enjoying the views of the town. Elizabeth looked at an incredibly large house before us then she switched her gaze to me and told me that this house is her family's home. Though I already knew that she had come from a long line of wealthy merchants, the splendor of the red brick house still amazed me. The both of us stepped down from the carriage, retrieved our luggage, and paid the driver a fair sum for taking us here. Elizabeth's eyes widened by the sight of the worn brick and aged hardwood door in front of her. She mustered up the courage to take a few steps closer and knock on the door, usually, it has been customary to knock three times gently but to Elizabeth, it was like she continuously punching the door as if she was the dictator of the household.

Once footsteps were heard rushing towards the door from the other side, she stopped and waited with her hands locked together. The door was opened by what seemed to be a very angry goblin, oh wait, that's her relative. Her hair was quite messy and her appearance was not comparable to the sights you would see in this town. However, she possessed an incredible personality as she greeted her sister with open arms and gave her a sisterly kiss on the cheek. The two of them broke into a conversation for a few seconds in their own tongue then they both looked at me. The sister was surprised by the sight of me and smiled back at Elizabeth, whose face turned into a light pink color. Elizabeth shook her head as if she was dismissing a certain manner and told me that I should come inside already.

The insides of her house were grand and majestic with the dark wood layout and indoor plants used as decoration. The first thing that was noticeable to me were the stairs that led up to the second floor which most likely contained the bedrooms. To the left of the stairs was the lounge that had beautiful flower patterns and designs on the wall and furniture. Further into the house just after the lounge was the kitchen and dining area.

I stayed in the lounge area while Elizabeth continued her conversation with her sibling. As my eyes admired the intricate patterns of the lounge, a figure came walking down the stairs. It was a tall male with a somewhat daunting stature. Once that man had seen me just after he arrived on the ground floor, he approached me with a threatening face as if I was an intruder. Thankfully, Elizabeth intervened and explained to him that I was a guest in this house. If I were to infer from their incomprehensible sentences, I would say that this hot-headed man would be her elder brother considering that he looked only a few years older than Elizabeth.

Their conversation lasted for a few minutes until both her sister and brother became relaxed and sat down on the couch. Elizabeth took her seat across from mine and explained to me that these two were indeed her siblings and that they were completely surprised by my presence.

"I take it that my eyepatch has caused them to think badly of me?" I jokingly asked.

"Sadly, my brother thought you were a bandit at first." Elizabeth said.

"Well, it is all right. Might I ask what their names are?" I asked for the sake of being familiar and friendly with them.

"Oh yes, it seems that I've forgotten to tell you of the family details. This goblinlike sister of mine you see here is Anais and this stubborn-headed boy is my brother, Gabriel." Elizabeth explained, and suddenly, her brother spoke something out loud as if he was making a declaration, "Gabriel apologizes for his behavior and says that you are very welcome to visit the house of Lafitte." Elizabeth translated her brother's words.

The interaction then became a warm gathering of people under one roof where we could freely exchange words and jokes with each other, except for the inconvenient fact that Elizabeth was a crucial part of it all considering she was our one and only translator. As lunchtime soon came, we realized we had not even unpacked our luggage yet but fortunately, Elizabeth's siblings were able to aid us in putting it away. They led us to the second floor which turned out to be as fanciful as the ground floor was. With a long, scarlet red carpet laying on the floor, and pictures of the Lafitte family decorating almost every inch of the wall.

Along the hallway there were four doors all located on one side, the nearest one to the stairs was Anais's room, the one beside hers was Gabriel's room, the third door originally belonged to Elizabeth, and the last door at the end of the hallway most likely belonged to the mother and father of the household. I was offered to stay inside of Elizabeth's room and being that the offer came from Elizabeth herself, I obviously accepted. Elizabeth's bedroom was decorated in a fashionable and pretty manner as her walls were covered in a uniquely patterned velvet wallpaper. The bed was conveniently located on the left side of the room so that the window above it would allow the sun's rays to enter the room and onto the bed. Shelves that were filled to the brim with books were located on both the left and right side of the bed, and a small study table was present on the opposite side of the bed. We laid our luggage and bags down just beside the door and unpacked certain items that we needed out of our bags immediately.

Once we were finished unpacking our luggage, Elizabeth took my hand and told me that she must show me the rest of her hometown. I followed along with her out of the house and onto the street of Ville de l'envie. The powerful aroma of flowers and perfume from the shops continued to put me in a trance as we walked through the streets. She first showed me the fountain covered in petals that were located in the center of the town. It possessed a shape similar to that of a crater, with five circles descending towards the fountain in the center. Upon each circle were also flowerbeds whose flowers had already bloomed. As the wind blew against the town, the flowers' petals flew away and danced with the wind until they all stopped to rest upon the fountain.

Elizabeth continued to drag me along, taking me to see all the kinds of cafes, shops, restaurants, and casinos the town had to offer. Finally, she showed me the beautiful white sand beach that was the gem of the town. There were no pebbles or shells on the sand that could harm anyone who walked barefooted, even if you were to walk barefooted in the water, there would be nothing but only the smooth sand that could only sink your feet.

The both of us stepped into the cold blue water leaving our footwear on the sand. We held each other's hands as the mesmeric waters cleansed our feet from the dirt of worry and anxiety. I thought to myself, "Is it wrong to want more of this?" as if I had been spoiled by fate but deep down within me, I felt as if I was entitled to more of this. More of this moment, more of Elizabeth holding me in her arms, more of the people coming to read and rejoice my books, more of riches and wealth, and more of what life has to offer to me. We continued to walk around the town until the sunset causing us to return to Elizabeth's home.

As we arrived, Anais and Gabriel were seen in the kitchen cooking something that exuded a fragrant scent. Elizabeth and I offered our help and in the end, the results of our cooking were "fine" to say the least. For despite its peculiar appearances, the food smelled enticing and tasted delightful.

At the dinner table, we were able to eat, laugh, and be merry with each other. However, I pray that this jubilant atmosphere may last long even as I am about to ask something personal.

"One more thing, the door at the very end of the hallway upstairs, who owns that room?" I asked then suddenly, Elizabeth possessed a sullen look. Her siblings asked her what it was I said, and when she was able to translate what I asked, they also expressed depressing faces.

"The room belonged to our parents" Elizabeth spoke after a brief moment, "A few years ago, a year before I met you, they happened to have disappeared on their trip. We thought it was just them being tardy with their weekly letters to home, but as weeks passed on. The three of us became worried about what might have happened to them."

"And where did their trip take them in the first place?" I interjected with a question.

"To your hometown, Alastair, they went to Greenberg on a business trip." Elizabeth's answer shocked me so that all of my attention and nerves have been struck by anxiety.

"I take it that was the reason why you came to Greenberg in the first place?" I asked.

"Yes, after months of honing my skills to speak in many languages, I left this place in search of our parents." Hearing these words made me think of her from a very different perspective than I had before.

"Were they found?" I laid my silverware down and prepared a cup of water for her to drink as I asked her.

"Yes" Her tone became more sorrowful to the point that I could see a tear come out of her eye, "It was on a rainy night where I was walking just beyond the border of Greenberg with a lamp in my hand. As I followed the river that was right beside the town, I saw a rotting hand stuck in between stones. It could have been anyone else's hand but once I saw the golden ring around its finger, I knew it was my mother's hand. Being that her name and my father's name were inscribed on the ring, I was on guard and on the lookout for the rest of their body parts. After a few minutes of searching, I finally discovered their whole bodies laying on the side of the river just a few ways away from where I found the hand." She could no longer continue further with what happened as tears welled up and burst out of her eyes.

I felt ashamed that I had asked about something so personal to her. I reached out to her hand to comfort her and gave her a cup to drink from. As time passed and she had finally wiped away her tears, an idea sprang forth from my mind. I took Elizabeth's hand and asked her siblings to join us outside. When they asked why I told them that it was so that we may drink and forget our troubles. Gabriel and Anais were in favor of the idea and agreed on a place that was ideal for drinking. Elizabeth was not quite on the same page as we were for she looked at me differently than she would.

"It really is true, Alastair, you really have changed." Elizabeth spoke as her tears dried and held my hand back whilst her siblings continued to find a tavern to drink in.

"What do you mean? Yes, I may have changed a bit but it's nothing to worry over, right?" As confused as I was, I tried to comfort her still but it did not seem that she would move at all.

From behind, Anais and Gabriel realized our absence and retraced their steps back to the entrance of the house where Elizabeth and I were at. As for Elizabeth, she held me close to her body and wrapped her arms around me to signal to me that I mustn't leave.

"Alastair, what is this?" She said as she felt an abnormal lump upon my backside and investigated it further by trying to pull it out from my pocket, "Isn't this Fairy Dust? Alastair, why do you have this?" From a face of sadness into one of shock and distress, Elizabeth questioned me with the pouch now in her hands.

"Well, yes, I wasn't very knowledgeable of it at first and my curiosity urged me to sample it. It was an exquisite experience that I just couldn't get enough of." I told her the truth in the hopes of making the scenario easier for both of us.

"You poor thing" She pitied me as she laid her hand against my cheek then brought me back inside the house to discuss this matter further within the lounge, "Tell me, Alastair, why did you bring this thing with you?" The way she interrogated me was as if she was my own doctor. Though her question was simple, I pondered for a moment about the feelings that caused me to consume it.

"It simply gave me feelings of ecstasy upon consuming it. Why do you ask me this? Is it not wrong for me to be happy?" I gave her my own questions.

"It's because Fairy Dust has been known to be a poison that can kill you in a painful manner." Her concern still leaked out of her eyes as she spoke and yet, it did not affect me whatsoever this time.

"Poison? You mustn't worry about that, Elizabeth, my body has already sampled it twice, and yet I still stand in perfect condition." My tone rose in volume just so I could prove to her that I can have all the Fairy Dust I want without faltering in physical health.

"I know it may make you happy, Alastair, but think of the consequences and how much it could cut your life short." She placed the pouch beside her seat and held both of my arms together as she spoke.

"What of it? What value is there to live long if I can't endure life with the same happiness this dust gives me?" My voice grew with my rage and my hand quickly dipped inside of the pouch to gather a fistful of Fairy Dust.

I presented it right in front of her face and immediately, Elizabeth jumped right out of her seat and stayed a good distance away from me. Her siblings as well became cautious around me. With the dust calling out to me once more, I had decided to intake the handful of Fairy Dust whilst the Lafitte family witnessed my act.

The sensation had overcome my body once more and this time, my surroundings distorted into explosions of color and my ears rang with an incessant noise that pierced my soul. Everything around me fell into chaos and discord except for one thing that continued to remain pure from the roaring waves of ecstasy that consumed me.

It was Elizabeth again, and just like that time in the carriage, she continued to shine brightly and clearly amidst the chaos surrounding me. My heart was fluttering and urging me to move towards her. I heeded to my heart's callings and moved as fast as I could to her with all of my efforts. Unlike my first experience, my legs moved easily as I stepped closer to her. Just as the distance between was halved, I felt a pair of shackles hold me down by my arms. Much like the insane world around me, there was no proper way of describing these chains other than the fact that it felt like cold metal was touching my skin. Nevertheless, these shackles did nothing in deterring my resolve to move forward. With one step forward, I broke free from the shackle holding my right arm, and with another step, the second shackle detached from my left arm.

Freedom had been given unto me and all that was needed for me to do was to close the distance between me and Elizabeth. As I noticed her body was placed against a wall behind her, I cornered her to that wall and planted my hands upon the wall to prevent her from escaping. I begged her to understand me and to listen to my reasoning but the only thing I noticed from her was her terrified expressions.

"You're scaring me, Alastair." Those few words were resonated inside of this world of mine and made me perceive everything around me differently.

The world of pleasure and ecstasy faded away as her fears and shivers filled me with the cold essence of guilt. I lifted my hand off the wall and slowly made my hand approach her face. She was shocked and violently shrugged her head away from my hand. Her eyes avoided contact with mine until she noticed my tears falling upon her dress. The small reflective beads of sadness influenced her to look at my ugly face and hold my face dearly like taming a wild beast.

Regret and misery replaced the ecstasies of the Fairy Dust and made me fall upon Elizabeth's chest to let out a river of apologies and tears. Even though the world I once knew had returned to me and my senses, all I could feel was her warm and forgiving embrace.

"All is well, Alastair." She said as she rubbed my head, "You can still stay here with me in the meantime, but all I ask is that you throw away the pouch." From her mouth, she gave her command and I willingly followed it.

The both of us stood up together slowly and together, we picked up the devilish pouch of pink fantasies and threw it out the window completely unknowing upon whom or what it may land on. As for her siblings, it had appeared as if I fought against them whilst I was in a trance and both of them did not have the same forgiving demeanor Elizabeth had. Embarrassed as I was, I lowered my head significantly to apologize and even told them that I would do anything to repay them during my stay.

"Are you sure you would want to do that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Of course, it is only right that I must make amends with your siblings. After all, we're only staying here for a few days, correct?" I lifted my gaze towards Elizabeth as I spoke.

"The whole month, actually." Elizabeth corrected me.

To my surprise, I had unknowingly subjected myself to servitude for one whole month and no one could know what sort of tasks they would have me do. The four of us exchanged a few laughs at my unexpected predicament and soon, we all grew tired and moved into our separate bedrooms.

Finally, we were able to sleep but the question remains as to where I should rest my head. Of course, it would be rude to assume that we are to share her bed so I brought out a spare pillow from her bed and laid it on the floor. Elizabeth was surprised at first but she had no objections to my decision.

Free from the vices and the temporary pleasures it gave me, perhaps it was best not to indulge myself with the splendors of this world too much.