Conclusion and Resolution

Finally, peace had been granted unto me. My conscience finally slipped into an abyss that was not of this world. Was it Heaven? Hell? Or was it something else entirely? Unfortunately, it was a place that had no relation to the afterlife whatsoever for the place my conscience had slipped into was a dream of my own subconscious making.

I stood on a vast open field that seemed to be that of a farmer's plot of land. In the midst of the field, I spotted a large house that provided a somewhat nostalgic feeling within me. Being that there was no one around me, I let myself in through the front door and became utterly shocked at the sight before me.

There were two figures who stood before me and it seemed that neither of them had learned of my presence. It was Sylvia and the devil staring into each other's eyes like two nations on the verge of waging war. Perhaps this must have been a prerequisite for me to enter the afterlife, it seems that I must see how my last story will end before I leave.

To the left side of the house's interior, I sat upon the foot of the staircase to properly observe the interaction between the two of them. Sylvia held her pitchfork tightly and thrust her weapon with her whole body to support her. Unfortunately for her, she had missed and her target swiftly appeared behind her as if he was always there. She continued to swing her pitchfork against the devil no matter how many times his supernatural abilities evaded her attacks. It was like a sorrowful dance of a fallen hero fending for herself against her enemies fully knowing she would lose the battle.

Soon, the fight ended with Sylvia fully exhausting her body and dropping her only weapon on the ground. The devil appeared right before her and gloated over her expended stamina. Seemingly, he offered a chalice of what appeared to be water and even gave her a bowl of grapes to eat from. The devil gently patted her head as she ate and drank.

"You poor little thing, you must be scared from everything this world has thrown against you, yes?" The devil spoke as if he was intentionally trying to comfort her. Fortunately for him, Sylvia had let go of her harbored anger so that she may break into tears in the comfort of the devil.

"Very much so, for everywhere we traveled, death had followed us like a mad dog." Sylvia spoke of her trauma as if the devil was a close friend.

"Then worry and cry no longer, child, for I have come here to relieve you of these pains." As soon as he finished speaking those words, Sylvia immediately picked up the pitchfork again and put its sharp tips right against his neck.

"You say those words like it is the first time I'm hearing them." Sylvia, still exhausted, managed to keep the pitchfork upright as she spoke, "I may not know what you are exactly, but if you may be an agent of fate, then pass this message unto them saying that I will never fall for your shallow words." She thrust her spear again successfully through his neck. However, the devil did not seem to bleed or show any signs of him being in pain whatsoever.

"Yes, I am aware you have heard those words before from the man in the swamp." He said even with a punctured larynx, "But I speak to you now not because you have lost the will to live for yourself but because you do not know where you will lead your life onto." He slowly raised himself up to sit upright as he said those words even with the pitchfork still inside his body.

Sylvia remained in silence for she was confused with what he said. It is true that in the beginning, she wanted to travel and conquer her so-called "home" but now, she believes that her longed-for dream may not even come to fruition.

"Deep in your own thoughts, you must be thinking, 'Is there even a place that my life will lead me to?' Obviously, there are two destinations for all human lives once they have been fulfilled, Heaven and Hell." The devil stood up and removed the pitchfork from his throat as he spoke, "And I want to help you reach and attain Heaven, Sylvia." He walked towards her and whispered those words into her ear.

"No, you must be lying to me!" Sylvia exclaimed and distanced herself from the devil.

"Oh no, I am not the one who has lied to you but the ones who claim that I do are the ones deceiving you, Sylvia, for I was once a glorious angel that sang praises and worshipped around the heavenly throne." He defended himself but Sylvia interjected.

"But why is it that you are here now, presented as a monster to be feared?" She interrupted his speech.

"I had been cheated and deceived by my own family, but that is not the important matter now. What matters the most right now is that you want to live on and find the place where your friends are now, right? Then listen to my words, for I can be the one to take you to Heaven, Sylvia." The devil spoke with gentle and innocent eyes like a child.

"It is true that I want to live and find where they are now, but if it is Heaven that they dwell in, I might prefer to spend the rest of my time on earth first rather than see them now." Sylvia made it firm in her will to live on.

"Oh dear, it seems that we may have arrived in the unfortunate reveal" The devil smiled upon hearing her words, "For it seems that you, Sylvia, are on the verge of dying in the world of humanity." He spoke the truth to her and left her in shock.

Sylvia remembered her last memory before she arrived here in her house. It was her final dying moment as she laid on the ground with barely any functional bones. Her arms wrapped around her stomach as pain wrung her stomach.

"Stand, and we will walk together while you come up with your decision as to where you want to go, Sylvia." The devil extended his hand towards her and she reluctantly accepted it.

As the two walked out of the house and onto the dirt road, I soon followed and continued to eavesdrop on their conversation. Unexpectedly, the devil seemed to have taken the pitchfork along with him.

"Do you know what makes me curious the most about people in this world?" Asked the devil with a smile, "It is the two main functions that are constantly seen in each and every human, all of them were only capable of either conquest or conformity." He spoke lowly of the humans.

"What influences you to think of us in that way?" Sylvia asked as she continued to take care of her stomach with her left arm.

"Do you remember the entirety of your adventure? All of the moments wherein you and your friends had escaped danger is a sign that you have 'conquered' adversity, and the moments in life where you made a decision between two things that was a sign that you have 'conformed' to a certain degree of moral thinking." He explained.

"Then is that why you have brought me here? You want me to either conquer you or to conform to your ideals?" Sylvia asked in a rude manner.

"No no, I will not have you do such things." He chuckled, "Rather, I needed you for a matter that could endanger the human race, that being, the third function." He spoke quite dreadfully of the matter.

"The third function?" Sylvia became curious.

"Coexistence," The devil said, "For millennia, The Father, who had made the stars, world, and humanity, urged humanity to coexist with one another without the use of conquest or conformity towards each other and to live together under his reign." He spoke shamefully about his familial relations.

"Does that not sound quite favorable?" Sylvia thought that the idea of coexistence was to be praised.

"I assure you, it is not something any normal human would want once they know of the price, that being, total conformity to The Father. If there's anything that makes me similar to your kind, it is that we both hate having to be under the law of any being." His tone become angrier as if his conviction against the Heaven that raised him was burning brighter than ever.

"And what purpose do I even serve here?" Sylvia felt even more suspicious of what may come.

"You will help me reach Heaven, Sylvia, for it is our purpose to liberate humanity from The One who made us." As he spoke, the path that they walked on led into a forest where at the end of it, a cliff could be visibly seen.

"But if we were even capable of 'freeing' the people, what would happen to them once The Father is no longer with them? And how is it that I must be the one to take you to Heaven?" Sylvia felt confused with his plan.

"Once The Father leaves this world, everyone will be free to conquer or to conform to whoever they may so please without the restrictions placed by morality. For without morality, humanity will be able to progress even further. Without it, the people will be free to take the lives of whomever they deem to be wrong, that way, their lives will be able to live in peace. They are free to take valuables whenever and wherever they deem necessary so they may feed their families, and they are free to sleep with whomever they desire to fill their hearts with the pleasures of the world. If only the desires of humanity had not been bound by the chains of morality, this world would have prospered long ago!" He spoke freely and loudly of his goals as if he was a general inspiring the resolve of his soldiers, "And as for how you're going to get me to Heaven, we will be relying on that stone-cold heart of yours, Sylvia." He laid his hand on her chest as he spoke.

"My heart? You truly must be under some sort of enchantment for I have never heard such preposterous words!" Sylvia was irritated with his plan thinking that he was trying to pull a prank on her.

"Dearest Sylvia" He uttered those words as he inserted his hand inside her chest and carefully pulled out her heart so as to not sever any venae cavae or the aorta itself, "Do you see how yours differs from the rest of the people that dwell in this world? It is because of your pain, suffering, agony, despair, grief, and anger that have turned your heart into a lifeless silverlike color, making it the ideal anchor I'll need later." The devil spoke as he carefully rubbed off the blood so that she may see how awfully grey her heart is.

He placed her heart back in her chest in order to preserve its condition. Sylvia underwent tremendous pain during the moment that she had to drop on her knees in order to comfort herself from the overwhelming pain conquering her chest. Tears rolled down from her eyes not because of the pain she endured but because she was able to know the contents of her heart and character. She did not bawl or cry out loud for she had already accepted that this was her true form and thought that she must accept these traits as it is.

"If the people are free to steal, kill, and destroy as much as they please in your ideal world, would that not only plague everyone with evil?" Sylvia gathered the courage to speak again as she looked up at his face.

"What you speak is of a misconception, but I can not blame you for misunderstanding my intentions." The devil said as he extended his hand towards her to help her walk, "The ideas of theft, murder, and destruction are the basic and natural concepts that were built within humanity. However, they have been shunned by many for the humans could not accept their true nature."

"Then tell me, how is it that they have been disregarded as the evils of the world?" Sylvia asked.

"By the doctrines of discipline. For if a human lives their life keeping their inner desires and nature under lock and key, they will surely lose their opportunity at attaining happiness for they have forgiven those who do wrong against them."

"I see, then if they repay the ones who have wronged them, justice and peace can be easily achieved." She began to understand his argument.

"Yes." He answered quickly.

"What about the value of life? Should that not be recognized still in the new world of you seek?" Though she grasped the concept, she thought it to be lacking that the value of life might be absent from common thinking.

"If that were to linger and dwell within the new world, then all of our actions would have been in vain. Remember, the world I seek is free from the influence of The Father and His morals. If the people are free to do whatever they want without consequence, there will be no such thing as evil or good; and discerning the value of life is a way that allows people to set a standard between good and evil which, of course, is something that will be taken out of the new world." He answered swiftly as if he was prepared for it.

"How cruel" Sylvia sighed.

"Not all of the people will be resigned to their rage, Sylvia. On the more positive side of things, the people can take anything from anyone, abandon who they are to become whichever idol they want to be, and stuff themselves daily with the glories of life. Does that not sound quite tempting and majestic for a future?" The devil attempted to brighten her spirits.

"It does, but what could everyone gain from all of it? No matter the treasures and lovers I gather, I will eventually die and leave this world. If my body must return to the soil one day, then there would be no point at all in these pleasures you offer me, right?"

"Now, now, you mustn't take these things for granted all so suddenly, but, if you do not want to enjoy these things I offer you, then you can leave this world any time you desire and accompany me as my partner." The devil made a secondary offer in order to obtain her allegiance.

"I see, since the value of life can not be discerned in the new world, those who wish to leave are free to do so. It is tempting to accept since you make it sound like I get to have special privileges when I arrive in the afterlife." She had already fallen to his persuasions.

"Exactly, once you are free to choose how you want to either live or die, no one in this world will care or even bother telling you whether you should live or die and when you actually do die, you will have your own throne beside mine." He smiled as he spoke.

"Then, I would very much like to leave this world and be with you." Sylvia gladly pledged her allegiance to the devil.

"Thank you, Sylvia, but first we must liberate this world from its creator before we unite." The devil felt accomplished that he was able to fully persuade Sylvia to join his cause.

The two finally arrived by the cliff at the end of the forest and as for me, I stayed behind a tree to avoid possible contact. Below the cliff was the sea and a group of rocks that would surely penetrate anything that falls upon it. The devil brought out the pitchfork he had carried throughout their walk and enchanted it with a bright hellfire that burst forth from his hand. The tool had become a shining ruby red trident fit for war but conflict was not the purpose the devil had in mind for it.

Out from his coat, a rope appeared and was tied to the bottom end of the trident. Once he had completed tying a knot on the trident, the devil prepared the other end of the rope and inserted it into Sylvia's heart. She gasped for air as her body had been violated but endured all of the pain as she relied on looking into the devil's glossy amber eyes to forget her pain.

The devil looked beyond the horizon once both the trident and Sylvia's heart had been tied successfully. He took in a great breath as he shouted a great warcry against the ocean. Before he could continue his plan, he turned around to face Sylvia one more time.

"All that I require you now is that you stand still where you are, understood?" He looked into her eyes as he spoke.

"Of course, but my concern is with the length of the rope." Sylvia expressed her worries for the devil.

"Do not worry, Sylvia, for as long as you follow what I say, I will be perfectly fine." The devil smiled and looked back to the Heavens.

With the trident in his right hand, he set his feet shoulder-width apart and prepared a proper throwing stance. Putting all of his focus and power into that arm, he threw the trident in the direction of the clouds above him, and seemingly, the sky had cracked. The only way I could possibly describe it is that the border between Heaven and earth has been made known and that Heaven has been breached.

The rope tightened between the trident and Sylvia's heart causing her to feel pain as it also tightened her chest. The devil took hold of the rope with both of his hands and soon stood upon that rope with ease. Sylvia looked unto the devil as he walked along the rope that led towards Heaven pondering how the new world that was longed for hangs in the balance of the devil's two little feet.

"What if he was lying?" her inner consciousness had spoken to herself and it had also spoken to me.

Her thoughts were clearly heard by me yet I could not even make proper sense of the inner conflict she was facing. It seemed that she began to think whether to let the devil do as he pleases or to prevent him from seeing Heaven.

Although the thought of being in a world where everyone could accomplish their desires without the binding rules of morality felt to be right, she could not help but think what would happen to the rest of the people if she were to let it occur. For if The Creator leaves the creation, will it not die and wilt away if there is no one to care for it? It is true that all will be happy without the rule of morality but what will become of their soul or spirit? If The Father is no longer with the people, where will they all go? Hell was the obvious answer, but if it is true that Hell will cause the suffering of billions, she thought it would not be worth the price to pay for luxury with the devil.

She thought that even though his cause may seem heroic to some extent, but even though it may seem everyone will be free to do whatever they wish, they will all conform to their own hearts and become slaves to their own desires. In this world, all humans conform to one belief or another and Sylvia thought that if everyone were to become slaves to their own selves, destruction will rage across the world faster than the people could notice it.

She held up her hands closer to the rope but fear had taken over her actions causing her to pause in her movement. She knew that things may end badly for either her or the world, but her body's survival instincts had called upon her to stop. Was it the right thing to do? To refrain herself from interfering and let the devil take over the world, or to stop his plans and let the world live on by sacrificing her one and only self.

The devil was finally a quarter of the distance away from Heaven and Sylvia still had time left to make a choice.

Then again, if morality were to die, would anyone notice it fall away at all? This world had already been plagued with murderers, thieves, and criminals alike. Evil had already been a part of normalcy for so long no one would think the world has changed when it fully conquers them. Maybe it would be the correct thing to let the devil have his way.

"I give up, thinking has become too much of a chore." Sylvia said out loud knowing she would have nothing to gain except for the devil's affection if she let him have his way in this world.

With one strong breath, she gripped the rope tightly and ran towards the edge of the cliff to drop down. The devil and his trident were affected by her actions as both of them had fallen into the sea. Even though her life may have been short-lived, Sylvia was grateful for each and every moment of her life as she fell to her impending doom.

Her body finally crashed against the rocks and blood splattered onto the surface. Though her life may be short, she welcomed death with open arms knowing that she had done something for herself. She rested her eyes and her body so that she may finally find refuge wherever the currents of the afterlife may take her.

Unfortunately, the afterlife did not welcome her again for once she had rested her eyes, they had opened again to see a ceiling above her head and a room filled with people surrounding her body.

Seemingly, I was also taken from that world and put into this room as well. There were two strangers by the foot of her bed. One was a doctor and the other seemed to be a nurse considering their attire. As for Sylvia, both her torso and all of her limbs were covered in bandages and were unable to move at all.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Sylvia became terrified that she could not move her body nor could she recognize the ones who were taking care of her.

"Be still, child" The nurse spoke, "You have been found at the roadside by a man who was on his way here. We thought that you might have already been dead considering your skinless limbs and broken bones but we were able to detect the faintest sign of life, it is a miracle for you to be even talking." She explained the joyous news and if Sylvia could move, she would have jumped in joy.

"How wonderful" Sylvia said softly for it was truly a wonderful miracle to see two beings with such compassion.

"Now, since your recovery is going on splendidly, young miss, might I ask where your hometown is so that we may bring you there once you have fully recovered?" The doctor politely asked.

"I…don't seem to recall the name of my home." To her surprise, she seemed to have forgotten her family's home and the memories she had made there.

"My apologies for asking, young miss, but in the event that you have fully recovered and still can not recall your home, you are always welcome to stay here and learn to pick up our profession under our wing, you may even become a doctor if you are willing." The doctor offered Sylvia a home within the hospital and she accepted it wholeheartedly.

The doctor and nurse excused themselves out of the room for Sylvia wished to be alone with her thoughts for a moment. To her right, she saw a large window that welcomed the sun's morning rays into her room. She shed one tear for Joseph, another for Mary, and a whole river of tears for the sacrifices they made just for her life's sake.

Despite her inability to move, she felt as if her body had fully grown up as an adult already. Happiness flourished within her healing bones and melted away the coldness of her heart.

"I've done it, my friends." Sylvia spoke out loud as if the two were in the same room, "I have found the place we have sought for and it was already here, dwelling within our hearts but we were all blinded by our desires to see it. Visit me when you can, please, be it as the song of fauna or the drops of rain, see me whenever you can, my dear friends." Sylvia was at peace where her life had come to and was excited for what may come in the near future.

With all of her energy, she focused on lifting at least one finger in either hand. After a few minutes of struggle, her right pinky finger lifted up mightily.

"Oh, happy day!" Sylvia exclaimed and laughed in her quaint, quiet, beautiful, little room.

As her last sounds of joy flushed out of my hearing, I find myself awakened on the floor of my house still with the debris still sitting upon my foot, but, I found myself staring at the ceiling with a fervent feeling within me. I know what I must do now.