



Completely moving his body towards the left, he slightly came to halt, dashing forwards instantly. Soon he vanished into the depths of The Second Sect of the Death Dome.

After awhile, he finally entered the Third Sect and was extremely close to Grim's Chamber. As he ran, his attention was drawn to the constant notification he received from his System.

Reading the content provided by the Azure colored panel displaying right before his eyes, he remarked, obviously surprised, "Whoa… I actually got rewarded for getting Insights".

"Alright, I understand.. I just have to level up real quickly, so I will be able to finally grasp the secret of this eerie digital world"

Without any form of hesitation, he promptly invested his rewarded Stat and Experience Points.



[HP: 250]

[MP: 250] [EXP: 224/235]



[SENSE: 35] [TRIXUM: 160T]










[HP: 270]

[MP: 320] [EXP: 6/260]



[SENSE: 37] [TRIXUM: 160T]




After awhile, Hellsing felt his sense being triggered by an unknown force, causing him to instantly halt his movement. He promptly noticed a huge, dark metal door at the end of the Hallway. It was definitely the Entrance to Grim's Chamber.

Thanks to his heightened danger premonition, otherwise known as Enhanced Sense, he was able to detect the animosity which lingered at the entrance.

"That must be it" He thought, tightly gritting his teeth's, grinding them against each other while assuming a combat ready stance.

Inside the Chamber, Grim idly sat on his eerie, dark throne, staring immensely at the entrance. His body extruded a dark eerie mist which also had an odd jade color. The feel and aura that sipped out of is body, was awfully capable of inducing fear into the heart of any Player that approached him, paralyzing them instantly.

The Five bodyguard which were usually stationed in his chamber were actually missing, leaving him all alone in the spine-chilling Chamber.

Obviously, he sensed the presence of a hostile Player, slowly approaching his Chamber. Although he couldn't tell who it was, he could clearly tell the hostile was awfully strong.

! Boom! Crash!

In less than a second, the dark metal doors, immediately blasted into bits and chunks of metal, flying haphazardly throughout the entire room, filling it with smoke and debris. This display of sheer power didn't seem to faze Grim, however the malevolent player was definitely impressed by the move Hellsing just pulled.

As the gray debris cleared off, the appearance of the hostile player was made clear. Grim's eyes immediately locked onto Hellsing, who had his right hand extended forward, signifying that he literally punched open the giant, dark metal door.

"Did you punch down my door" Grim suddenly remarked, cautiously glaring at Hellsing.

His voice was extremely dark, loud, deep and hoarse, resonating throughout the entire chamber, making it seem like he used a microphone and loud speaker to enhance it's intensity. The sheer hoarseness of his voice, struck fear into Hellsing's heart, causing him shiver and instinctively take a step backwards.

"Shit" He inwardly cursed, promptly getting hold of himself, confidently glaring at the leader of the Death Squadron.

"Yeah…So what" He stoically answered.

Hearing his response, Grim didn't nothing but glare at him, cautiously at the same time angrily, this, throwing the entire Chamber into a state of odd silence and serenity.

"Hmm… Alright" Grim said, promptly disrupting the silence that engulfed the room.

"How about you join forces with me?" He further added, extending his left hand at Hellsing.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm afraid I'll have to turn you down" Hellsing answered, wasting no time in consideration.

Noting his reply, Grim's facial expression promptly became sour and furious, annoyed that he was promptly turned down. Gravely insulted and annoyed, he said " Is that so… Then why are you here?" .

"I'm here….. I'm here to take you down" Hellsing immediately replied.

Following his reply was another round of silence, and then a loud hoarse cackle, gravely confusing Hellsing. Although he couldn't see Grim's entire face due to the futuristic styled mask he wore, he could clearly imagine the type of expression he currently had.

The maniacal and eerie cackle reverberated throughout the entire Chamber, further annoying Hellsing, noting that Grim was obviously mocking him, belittling his power and abilities.

"You really think you can defeat me"

"What I think doesn't actually matter…. I just have to do it.. No matter the cost" Hellsing confidently exclaimed, prepping himself to attack.

Pondering on the reply he got, Grim resumed with another maniacal cackle, glaring wickedly at the supposedly crazy and daunting Player in front of him.

"Heh-Heh, I like that…. Tell me your name" Grim maniacally cackled, rudely inquiring.

"Hellsing" He earnestly replied, as he felt his Enhanced Sense been triggered.

"Hell…. Sing, Since you bluntly rejected my generous offer… I have no other choice… Get ready to die!" Grim irately remarked , pointing madly at Hellsing.

Almost immediately, five hooded players leaped right out of nowhere, placing their earnest sights on the unknown and hostile Player that arrogantly faced their Lord. These Players were non other than the Five Guards, stationed in Grim's Chamber.

The Malefic Player and Ruler of The Death Squadron had long anticipated this confrontation, this, causing him to prepare a trap, ahead of time.

Lunging at him from all directions possible, the five hooded Players bombarded Hellsing with several barrage of attacks, designed to finish him off in one strike. Seeing their sudden appearance, Hellsing wasn't utterly fazed, as he stood still, blankly staring at Grim, who returned the favor.

His confidence and fearless attitude was due to the fact that his Enhanced perception was earlier triggered, signifying the presence of hostiles.


[MP: 300] [EXP: 6/260]


Without any form of struggle, he easily evaded the insane barrage, the hooded Death Players blasted at the him. However, in a matter of seconds, Hellsing was completely surrounded by Grim's guards, releasing an immense amount bloodlust.

Leaping forward simultaneously, they attempted to once again bombard Hellsing with an barrage of both melee and ergo kinetic attacks.

! Boom! Boom!

Their attacks promptly pummeled each other, releasing loud, resonating boom, that spanned across the Dark chamber, vibrating it's giant metal walls, giving rise to smoke and debris.

Once the debris cleared off, the poor unsuspecting players soon noticed that Hellsing had long escaped from their midst, taking a combative stance few meters behind them.

"What the hell?"


"How the fuck did he escape?" The Guards couldn't help but frown as they incessantly cursed out loud.

Hellsing was obviously able to silently escape their midst without going detected due to his Enhanced agility and speed. He soon discovered that his skill,<>, had become more efficient and faster, allowing him to make short runs, seemingly look like he teleported.

However, in the eyes of Grim, Hellsing was still as slow as ever.

"I can't afford to waste time on these guys" He thought, slowly fixing his attention on Grim, who idly watched the ongoing battle.

The mocking and taunting look the Malefic Player gave him, obviously infuriated him, promptly triggering his Sense, thus, causing him relay his attention, back onto Grim's relentless Guards.

"Tsk" He clicked his tongue in annoyance, watching them attack him simultaneously.

The Player leading the group charged at Hellsing with a dazzling 'Fang Katana', obviously aiming to slice off his left arm. Agile as a Monkey, he docked down, evading the attack of the first Player, leaving him dazed.

Almost immediately, another attack came flying at Hellsing, but thanks to his superior agility, he easily docked, furiously ramming his fist into the face of the attacking Player, sending her flying meters across, colliding with the metal walls.

Moving his attention to his next opponent, Hellsing grabbed him by the head and right before he could resist, Hellsing drove his knee, right through his guy, releasing him immediately. Groaning in pain, the unfortunate Player grabbed his abdomen, as he collapsed onto the ground.

! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Instantly summoning his futuristic handguns, he simultaneously pulled both triggers. He brutally shot the male player who collapsed in front of him, through his skull while the female player who he blasted away, through her chest, thus, killing them instantly.

Wearing a cold, dead calm and stoic demeanor, he eerily shifted his attention back towards the rest, steering multiple emotions in their hearts.

"Who's next"


"Damnit!" Hex on the other hand couldn't help but exasperatedly curse out loud, pondering on what in the world was happening.


[MP: 76] [EXP: 151/212]


Immediately, she vanished out, evading Sting's attack right before it killed her, this, causing it to travel into a nearby wall, significantly damaging it.

Reappearing few meters away from the impact zone, she noticed that the proximity between her and Sting had shortened. Face to face, both Players glared at each other, as their bloodlust significantly skyrocketed.

"You're facing me"