Chapter 18 Nighttime Wolf Howl_1


Mu You was dumbfounded as a series of tips appeared on his screen. He could hardly believe it was actually possible!

He had already despaired, thinking he would certainly die this time... Well, technically, he did die. But who would have thought that his last-minute, absurd act of desperation would turn the tables and take the werewolf with him!

Feeding oneself to a werewolf was indeed the true use of the poison!

Mu You felt as if he had opened the doors to a new world.

Also, he discovered another way to increase his lifespan: killing other creatures to steal the years they had left!

"No wonder the werewolf constantly hunts the villagers. Every villager it kills earns it an extra year of life. In other words, hunting villagers is the werewolf's job, and their lifespans are its reward," Mu You mused.

Of course, if a villager could kill the werewolf instead, they could also take its lifespan, plus a bonus reward!

Mu You then reviewed the last few records: the witch's poison had drained ten health points from the werewolf, and the village's bounty for the werewolf had added five more to him.

Even after losing five years of his life to the poison, he had still gained a net total of ten years of life from this event!

What a fortune!

Not to mention, there were three different types of kill rewards: Werewolf Skin Fragments, Reputation with the Good Faction, and Experience Points.

Mu You first clicked on the 'Werewolf Skin Fragments' entry.

[Werewolf Skin Fragments: Collect ten fragments to unlock the Werewolf Skin. Current count 1/10.]

"So, it's indeed the werewolf skin!"

Mu You was thrilled. The werewolf was known to be a pure combat class, definitely stronger than his current class, the watchman!

If he could gather a set of werewolf skin, he could use his watchman skin in his day-to-day activities and switch to the werewolf skin when in combat. He'd become invincible!

With this in mind, Mu You became eager to unlock the werewolf skin.

However, in order to collect enough fragments, he'd have to kill more werewolves, nine more to be precise. And considering the werewolf player he had already tricked with poison, it wouldn't be easy to fool him again.

Hmm, he wondered if there were any other wolves around the village...

At this time, the werewolves living around the village had no idea that a weak human was secretly setting his sights on them.

"Enough thinking about that, let's check out the other rewards."

[Reputation with the Good Faction: Gained by killing creatures of the Evil Camp. Can be used to exchange for special items at certain places.]

"So, it counts as a currency..." Mu You nodded.

The text only mentioned that this reputation could be used in exchange for items, but it did not specify where or for what. That was something he had to explore on his own.

Then came the last reward: Experience Points.

[Current Experience Points: 7/5, eligible for leveling up. Level up now?]

"Level up!" There was no hesitation.

[You have leveled up, all attributes are +1. You also gained 5 free attribute points and +1 to your maximum action points. Current level: Lamp Lighter (Level 2).]

As he leveled up, Mu You felt a warmth fill his body. He suddenly felt incredibly relaxed, as if he had an endless supply of energy. Both his vision and hearing had noticeably improved. He could even hear the flapping of the wings of tiny insects under the streetlights!

Looking down, he could see that the muscles on his arms and legs had also become significantly more toned.

Mu You threw a few punches and was surprised to find that his arms created after-images. They even created a whooshing sound as they cut through the air.

"This one level made such a noticeable difference!"

Mu You was pleasantly surprised. Leveling up once seemed to have doubled his physical prowess. Additionally, he still had five attribute points to allocate.

Mu You opened his panel to take a look.

[Character Panel.

Name: Lamp Lighter.

Identity: Apprentice Wizard.

Title: None.

Current level: Level 2.

Experience for next level: 2/10.


Strength: 2.2

Agility: 2.1

Intelligence: 2.4

Vitality: 1.9

Life Force: 190

Spiritual Power: 240

Unallocated Attribute Points: 5.

Remaining Lifespan: 57 years.

Today's Action Points: 1/6.

Spells Acquired: Perfect Aim LV1, Beast Trap LV1, Animal Talk LV2.

Skins Owned: Watchman (Complete), Werewolf (1/10)

Items Owned: Time Pocket Watch, Pumpkin Lantern, Old Wand, Watchman's Backpack, Watchman Notes, Mithril*1, Blood-Stained Emblem.]

[We noticed you have 5 free attribute points. Do you want to allocate them now?]


Allocating the attribute points in different ways would certainly affect his future development. Since Mu You had not yet decided on a specific path to follow, he certainly would not rush to assign his attribute points.

Checking his action points, he saw 1/6.

After his encounter with the werewolf and dying once, he had used up his last two action points for the day. However, leveling up had given him one extra point.

But he decided not to use this last point, at least for now. He needed to go to the dwarf blacksmith to have equipment made, but the blacksmith's shop would not be open until daytime.

"Emblem, mithril, and getting revenge on the werewolf. Plus, I leveled up... Today's haul is quite good..." Mu You thought with satisfaction. He had achieved so much within his five action points allowance. His efficiency was off the charts.


Just when Mu You was very pleased with his loot, he suddenly heard a mournful bark in the distance.

This bark was sorrowful and lingering, echoing in an eerie manner, chilling Mu You to the bone.

"Damn, whose dog is that? It's howling so pitifully, it's like a wolf howling..."

Mu You reflexively complained.

But as soon as he said it, he suddenly paused— a wolf howl?

"No way, there are not supposed to be wolves in the city, that must be a dog barking...."

Mu You frowned as he thought to himself.

Yet the more he thought about that sound, the more he sweated. Having grown up in a pet shop, he was naturally sensitive to animal calls, and the sound he just heard didn't resemble anything a regular dog could make...

He had just killed a werewolf in the game, and now a howl that resembled a wolf rang out in real life.

Could it be...?

Mu You jolted as he quickly tried to shake that thought off. "That's not possible. How could it be such a coincidence..."


His phone emitted a soft beep. Checking his screen, he saw that a notification had popped up in the game Fool's Journey.

[Today's patrol mission is complete. Lifespan +1, remaining lifespan is 58 years.]

"Oh, it's done."

Mu You's furrowed eyebrows relaxed slightly into a smile.

Checking the time on his phone, it was just one in the morning.

So, this so-called patrol mission just required one to be out of the house. Whether you were fooling around on your phone or even napping on the street, you could still complete the mission.