Chapter 24 This is Unscientific_1

As he was speaking, Lin Hai pulled out his phone. The light from the screen illuminated the face hidden underneath the hood: skin as pale as paper, eyes filled with bloodshot, dark circles...

While it looked incredibly eerie, it was indeed the face of a person, and you could see a shadow behind him under the glow of the light...

Lin Hai let out a quiet sigh of relief. If there was a shadow, it couldn't be a ghost...

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Mu You looked at the two people in front of him with furrowed eyebrows.

An hour ago, he got off a taxi a kilometer away, changed the skin of the Watchman, and found this lumber mill.

The mill was quite large. Mu You, with the help of his pumpkin lantern, scoured the area around it and finally found what appeared to be the footprints of the creature. He then followed the footprints, which led him here.

What he didn't expect was that other people had beaten him here. They were carrying a camera, as if filming something.

Mu You didn't know the identities of these two people, but he didn't want to be filmed, so he immediately shot an arrow towards their camera — not intending to hit them, but rather, the camera lens.

"Hmm, are you also here for ghost hunting?" Lin Hai, after confirming that the other person was alive, was significantly reassured.

Upon recalling how this person had teleported earlier, he trotted up to Mu You and started to beg, "Brother, how did you do that trick earlier? Was that magic? Can you teach me? I'll pay you, how about that?"

Mu You looked at him quizzically, "Ghost hunting? What ghost hunting?"

"Don't you know? A paranormal event happened in this building a few days ago. Ghost fire was spewing from the wall. Some people even took photos. Look." He handed him the photos he had taken earlier.

Mu You took the photo and glanced at it, frowning.

Someone had taken photos of the paranormal activity here, and the tracked footprints also disappeared near here... This wasn't a coincidence. That creature could very well be hiding in this building!

"You two better leave. This place isn't clean. Don't stick around," Mu You sternly said, tucking the photo into his pocket and looking at the two men.

He was about to capture that creature and didn't want to be watched.

"Not clean? Are you saying... there's really a ghost here?" Upon hearing those words, Lin Hai's eyes lit up. He stared intently at Mu You.

"Whether it's a ghost, I can't be sure, but it's definitely something dangerous... I've been in pursuit of it..." Mu You stared at the young man, puzzled. Usually, people would have been terrified at the mention of ghosts, yet this guy seemed more excited?

"Does that mean, sir, you're a Taoist priest from Maoshan here to exorcise ghosts?" Lin Hai looked at Mu You with a feverish gaze, a tone of respect taking over his voice.

Mu You frowned, "It doesn't matter who I am. All you need to know is - if you don't want to die, leave immediately!"

As he spoke, he clenched and unclenched his fists, making a crackling noise.

His enhanced physique far exceeded that of an average person. Combined with his nearly two-meter height, he exerted a considerable amount of pressure.

Seeing Mu You's menacing demeanor, the two men felt intimidated.

The cameraman swallowed in fear, "Young Master Lin, we should leave the ghost-busting to the professionals. Let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps..."

By this point, Lin Hai was also a little scared. However, having been live streaming for so long and having finally met a real master, he didn't feel ready to leave.

Thinking it over, Lin Hai suddenly remembered something. He hurriedly said, "Well, Master, I would like to leave, but there is still someone inside the building..."

"There's already someone upstairs?" Mu You frowned. These people were really asking for trouble.


As if to confirm Lin Hai's words, a scream suddenly echoed from above. Following that, a white light flashed past the third floor staircase and quickly disappeared.

Both Lin Hai and the cameraman were startled. Looking alarmed, Lin Hai said, "No good, it's Little Liu. He's in trouble!"

As for Mu You?

As soon as the scream was heard, he had already rushed towards the building.

The entrance to the stairs on the ground floor was blocked with wooden planks and cement, rendering it hard to pass through. But Mu You didn't plan to use the staircase.

He sprinted to the corner of the building and, using a length of timber on an angle against the wall, he ascended a few steps. When he reached the height of the second floor, he pushed off heavily and leapt towards the second-floor railing, landing gracefully after catching hold of it.

During his college years, he had joined a parkour club and learned some parkour moves. Along with his enhanced physical abilities, it allowed him to flawlessly execute this complex building-climbing maneuver.

However, to the two ordinary men on the ground, it appeared entirely different.

"Holy shit!"

Lin Hai exclaimed excitedly, "Guys, did you see that? It's lightness kung fu! It's definitely lightness kung fu ... Damn! Why did my live stream stop?"

Lin Hai was initially excited about having filmed a true master as per the legend, which assured him of the virality his video would get. But when he looked at his phone, he found the live stream was dark, already disconnected.

"What's going on?" Lin Hai quickly looked at the cameraman.

The cameraman was also lost. He raised his camera only to find a hole had been shot right through the lens...


Mu You leaped into the second-floor corridor. It was deserted. The screams were coming from above.

He urgently rushed up the stairs to the third floor.

Sure enough, a young man was collapsed by the stairway on the third floor, his eyes rolled up into his head, completely still.

Mu You moved closer to check for breathing.

The young man was still alive and had no visible injuries. He seemed to just have been frightened into unconsciousness.

The creature seemed to have scared him and then fled without further attacking. It suggested that the creature was not particularly aggressive...

Mu You left the stairway, moving into the corridor on the third floor, ready to continue tracking the creature.

To his surprise, just as he had rounded the corner, a massive shadow suddenly jumped out from the window of the first room on his left.

Under the light projecting from the distant amusement park, he saw clearly. Out of the window emerged a monstrous beast with a green face and sharp teeth!

The beast was two to three meters tall, with purple-green skin, a sturdy body, and fish-scale-like skin covered in prickles. It had a wide gaping mouth, protruding teeth, round bloodthirsty eyes, ready to pounce and devour!

"What the hell?"

Mu You was baffled at the sight of the creature. The footprints he had been following were only the size of bottle caps, indicating that the creature was small, about the size of a cat or a dog. It was scientifically impossible for it to be this gruesome and massive creature.

Besides, how bizarre would the witches from other worlds have to be to keep such an ugly creature as a pet?

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Mu You instinctively jumped back. However, he soon hit the corridor railing, with a ten-meter-high drop on the other side. There was no way out.

The monstrous creature was charging at him from the other side. Its swinging claws blocked the exit paths to the left and right. Its mouth gaped open, ready to swallow him up, and bit off Mu You's head...