Chapter 70 Walking Monk Meat_1

Mu You shifted the view from his Battle Eagle to peer deeper into the battlefield, and finally spotted something.

It was a little white pony, only about two feet tall, with a spiraled horn on its head. It was darting left and right in the forest, quite agile. The distant spells thrown at it couldn't land a hit.

However, the roads on both sides were blocked by humans. The pony tried to leap over but was stuck in the encirclement and seemed anxious.

It seemed this little pony must be the target the werewolf and the military were fighting over.

Before Mu You could take a closer look at what this thing was, the situation on the battlefield took a sudden turn.

Seven new Cloak Men arrived from another direction and joined the battlefield, making the situation suddenly more like a free-for-all!

Originally, the werewolf, by virtue of his superior regeneration, could barely hold off three opponents, but now it was ten to one, and he was overwhelmed.