Chapter 72: Are there accomplices? _1

The werewolf soon fell unconscious from the explosion, collapsing into unconsciousness on the ground.

"Good opportunity!"

Zhang Yang's eyes lit up: "Quick, go and grab the unicorn!"

While giving orders, he led the charge himself.

The dozens of team members around him hurriedly followed suit.

With so many people working together, even the potent Sanctuary Guards couldn't possibly stop them all.

Soon, a circle of soldiers was the first to approach the werewolf, ready to reach out and grab the cloth bag in the werewolf's arms.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, the space under the big tree distorted, and a black-robed figure materialized in front of the werewolf, holding a magic wand, swiftly chanting a spell, and immediately swung the wand in a circle.

A whirlwind blew from the tip of the magic wand, instantly knocking down all the surrounding people who were rushing towards it, creating a scene of flying sand and stones.