Chapter 81: Little Ya's Contracted Beast_1

Mu You thinks this theory might be quite plausible. Once he logs into the game in the afternoon, maybe he should give it a search.

Just then, there was a knock on the door from upstairs.

Mu You opens the door, only to find that Little Ya was standing at the doorstep.

Little Ya was casually dressed, a bag swinging over her shoulder, and a half-eaten bun still in her hand.

With the door opened, she saw Mu You with his dark eye circles once again, and was instinctively prone to nag, but she immediately sniffed something strange, "Boss, have you been brewing Chinese herbs?" she inquired.

"Came up with a little something..."

Mu You was embarrassed, is the smell really that obvious?

"That said, didn't I tell you guys not to work today? Why are you still here," questioned Mu You, a befuddled look on his face.

"Oh, Sister Xue sent a car to take me home this morning, and when I got home I had nothing to do, so I thought I'd swing by," explained Little Ya.