Chapter 86 Fool's Forum_1

"Hehe." Mu You continued to sneer.

The little girl pretended not to hear Mu You's sarcasm: "Anyway, don't investigate me when you have nothing to do, it's very dangerous, you know. If the organization notices our communication, we're both screwed!"

"Right, you just reminded me about the call, how did you get this phone number? And how did your registration information just disappear, can you manipulate other people's memories?" Mu You hurriedly asked.

"What's so odd about a phone number, I am a top hacker, isn't it easy to just set up a dedicated satellite line? As for memory erasure... well, considering that we will have to cooperate in the future, I can tell you, this is my Relic Ability. It can erase the presence of an object or event, including any footage, written records, even other people's memories. Of course, the erasure has its limitations, the more widely known the thing is, the harder it is to erase." The other party said.