Chapter 121 Guarding Yao, Waiting for the Wolf_1

Lu Yao thought she must have heard wrong and reacted after a moment of stunned silence: "You...You're not joking, are you?"

"Would I joke at a time like this?" Mu You asked.


Lu Yao couldn't respond for a moment and weirdly muttered: "At a time like this, isn't it usually themselves who suggest acting as bait..."

Setting aside gender, wasn't she the one with the higher level between them? That meant in combat she would be the main force against the werewolf.

Normally, shouldn't the auxiliary act as bait to cover the main force? But now, she, the main force, would be bait, while the auxiliary would lie in wait...

Did this team logic make sense?

"What use would I be as bait? The werewolf's primary target is you," Mu You confidently asserted.

The werewolf did resent him, but that was nothing compared to the animosity it had towards Lu Yao.

Because even if the werewolf couldn't kill him instantly, it wouldn't be in any danger and could slowly take revenge later.