Chapter 124: The True Identity of the Werewolf is..._3

The photo pasted below did bear some resemblance to the werewolf they were now facing, but it wasn't a complete match. This could be due to a face-altering procedure.

"Don't kill this man," Vivian's voice suddenly echoed in Mu You's mind. During the fight, Mu You had placed her atop a small tree in the park to avoid accidental harm and only retrieved her after the fight was over.

"Why not?"

"A Trace Mark has been placed within this man. If he were to die, the mark would transfer to his killer, allowing the caster to track them down at any time," Vivian explained.

Mu You paused, frowning, "What if he dies naturally?"

"If he dies naturally, the Trace Mark would stay at his place of death."

"I see..."

Mu You nodded, his face serious.